옹보희 GOT MARRIED! (collabing with @kimsuckjin! #cc9999)


NAME : ong bohee

• ms. yoon — whenever bohee first met seongwoo, he would frequently call her "ms. yoon" due to her maiden name being yoon bohee. he sometimes still calls her this even though she's officially ong bohee now.
baby mama — the unofficial nickname that seongwoo's friends gave bohee after finding out she was pregnant with seongwoo's child. they don't even call her by her name anymore, it's always just his "baby mama" whenever she's not around.
my boo — unfortunately for bohee, seongwoo once called her "boohee" one evening. as a result of bohee's unimpressed reaction to the slip-up, seongwoo has been affectionately calling her "my boo" ever since.
BIRTHDAY : december 28th, 1996 (21)
OCCUPATION : head barista @ starbucks & senior sculpture major @ ewha womans university
PROFANITY : bohee never really curses as she just isn't the type to do so; however, she does slip a curse word or two whenever she's stressed or hurts herself.

korean — fluent; it's her native language

FACECLAIM : pristin's roa
BACKUP : wjsn's bona

APPEARANCE : standing at 172 cm and weighing around 49 kg, bohee has always had a lanky figure. her hair is long, just like her stature, falling nearly to her upper abdomen area, with bangs coming straight across her forehead. bohee's black hair compliments her pale complexion and equally dark brown eyes as well. she has no scars or birthmarks but does have a couple of moles spread throughout her body. the last detail of bohee's appearance would be that her ears are both pierced once on each ear lobe.

thrifted, denim, sweaters, black, oversized,
pleated skirts, hoodies, & backpacks.
passionate, open-minded, creative
sensitive, selfless, private

PERSONALITY : whenever bohee puts her mind to something, she never gives it up due to her passionate personality. she always works hard with everything her hands touch, feeling very strongly about working until her work is complete. she doesn't know the meaning of "give up" as that's just something she refuses to do, no matter what. not one to be close-minded, bohee is rather open-minded. she considers all options whenever she's trying to come up with a solution to any obstacles she faces in life. as of result of her neutral self, bohee comes across as unbiased. she doesn't take sides in anything without at least looking at the point of view of those who are around her. never short of imagination, bohee is incredibly creative. she is the type of person who is able to build whole worlds inside her head without help from others. she's constantly flowing with inspiration, ready to improve herself at a moment's notice. at any given time, bohee is looking to create something new or do what she needs to in order to help herself become more successful.

when it comes to those who are close to her, bohee is quite known for being sensitive. most of the time, her friends tend to be careful with what they say around her. depending on the things they say with affect how bohee reacts as a whole. if someone says something to that bohee doesn't agree with or maybe it was just downright hurtful, then that person shouldn't expect to speak to bohee for a long time. just like how her friends look out for her, bohee is incredibly selfless. she's always looking out for those around her, putting others before herself. she holds a lot of compassion for those around her, willing to do anything as long as her loved ones are guaranteed happiness as a result. not being one to openly state how she feels, bohee is known for her private nature. she doesn't openly speak anyone she doesn't know to well. most people wouldn't see bohee just walking up and talking to strangers, it's just not in her character. considering her quiet and shy nature, it's no wonder that bohee tends to keep things to herself. she doesn't tell others whenever she's struggling, opting to bottle everything up inside as a result.
• has been working at starbucks ever since her freshman year of university; a total of nearly four years
• is really good at making different kinds of tea, coffee, and other cafe drinks because of how long she's worked at starbucks
• due to her not having a lot money, bohee typically gets her clothes second hand from thrift stores and flea markets
• has HUGE soft spot for any dog breed; she just can't help falling in love with any dog she meets
• wanted to become a sculpture after visiting her local art museum as a teenager
• sometimes thinks that she should've become a veterinarian instead of a sculpter because of how much she loves dogs
• but she knows it will never work because she absolutely HATES cats #theyareevil
• got her driver's license in her sophmore year of university
• wears light pink prescription glasses as well as contact because of being near-sighted
• doesn't listen to a lot of music, but bohee does enjoy music from seventeen, jeong sewoon, boa, and shinee
• isn't the best at cooking, but she is really good at making pastries and baked goods
• very neat and is good at cleaning
• once bohee reaches her nine month point in her pregnancy, hyerin already has her materinity leave planned out and ready
1996—2015 • yoon bohee was born on december 28th, 1996 in busan, south korea. she grew up as an only child by her parents, yoon jinhyuk and nakyung. growing up, bohee excelled in her studies and performed well almost through grade, middle, and high school. by the time 2015 hit, bohee was valedictorian of her graduating class, getting into her first choice college under her dream major; sculpture.

2015—2018 • in september of 2015, bohee started attending ewha womans university as a sculpture major. in early 2016, bohee began working at starbucks as a barista. in early 2018, bohee began receiving tutoring sessions from a nearby artist named park inhye. around this time, bohee met ong seongwoo at a party. the two "played around in the sheets" and bohee ended up becoming pregnant as a result. currently, bohee and seongwoo are married and living together in his apartment, both of them trying to make the best of their current situation.


INTERACTIONS : the actual older sister that bohee never had. hyerin has always been somewhat of a role model to bohee, the older woman always taking the extra mile to encourage bohee. their interactions were fairly in the simple "good friends" zone before bohee became pregnant. after learning of bohee's pregnancy, hyerin became almost a literal sister to her. she does her best to check up on bohee whenever she can, even going with her to her doctor's appointments if no one else is available to go with her.

hyerin has always been someone that bohee can go and talk to whenever she feels overwhelmed over her current circumstances. usually the two talk over a drink at their workplace, starbucks. while the two women aren't necessarily best friends, bohee still considers hyerin to be a sisterly role model as the older woman always does her best to be there for bohee. even if it's just little things like picking up bohee's shifts or even cooking dinner for her and seongwoo, it's just something that hyerin enjoys doing for bohee.

INTERACTIONS : bohee's partner in crime #1, the two first became friends in their first year of university as sculpture majors, both of them even having painting as a minor. the two didn't really speak much at first despite having so many classes together but soon became inseparable after being partners on a school project together. after learning of bohee's pregnancy, nayoung went into full "mother bear" mode. she wanted to know how it happened, who did it, and what was going to be done about it. she's 1000% prepared to help bohee at a moment's notice and still is, going to every doctor's appointment as long as her schedule permits.

ever since becoming friends with nayoung, life has been a lot easier for bohee. nayoung is a very wise, yet chill person; so bohee often goes to her for advice on lots of things. while bohee would typically ask hyerin for advice on life and relationships, she typically asks nayoung for advice on her future career and how to plan stuff for her incoming child. usually, nayoung doesn't have all of the answers, but she does still try her best to help bohee to the best of her ability. the two usually hang out everyday, whether if it's at university or even at bohee's workplace or home. nayoung is very protective of bohee so if the younger woman is having a hard time, nayoung is always there to help her out.


INTERACTIONS : bohee's partner in crime #2, these two also became friends in their freshman year of university. kyungwon ended up sharing a dorm with bohee, which is how they first initially met. the two didn't open up to each other until kyungwon decided to extend an oliver branch through a bottle of wine. the two drank and talked about life, with bohee learning that kyungwon was a social welfare major. after learning of bohee's pregnancy, the two became very close friends. despite bohee moving out and in with seongwoo, kyungwon still does her best to visit and help out where needed.

bohee's second best friend and ex-roommate. while the two don't get to hang out as much due to them both having different majors and part-time jobs, bohee and kyungwon still try their best to make time for one another. kyungwon is the more outspoken and hot-headed friend compared to the mellow and chill nayoung. if someone would even dare to say something rude to bohee or any of their friends, kyungwon would most likely fight them. she's the honesty that bohee desperately needs at times when those around her sugar-coat things just because of being pregnant. when both have free time, the two university students usually get some lunch or dinner together just to catch up.


INTERACTIONS : bohee's tutor for her painting class at school. as a sculpture major, bohee is required to take a painting class in order to graduate. however, due to bohee's lack of painting skill, her professor recommended her to get some lessons from a local artist known as "pk rose." when bohee decided to go over to visit the artist as ask for tutoring lessons, the woman accepted sternly. however, as time went on, the two began to become close and open up to one another. currently, the two are friends, with inhye being the older sister that bohee never had.

like with hyerin, inhye is an older sister figure that bohee never had before in her life. as inhye was married previously, with her now being divorced, bohee often asks her for marriage and newly-wed life advice. while inhye usually tells her what "not to do" not what she "should do," bohee still takes the advice seriously. the two women typically meet up every other day, starting on monday and ending on friday for the painting lessons they do together. bohee and inhye usually talk about either painting or just their lives whenever they meet up. it's nice to both women as they don't always have someone to just paint and chat with.

chapter one — one night stand
the first time ong seongwoo and yoon bohee met was at a mixer. the mixer consisted of bohee's classmates and friends and some of seongwoo's friends and co-workers. oddly enough, seongwoo and bohee clicked pretty easily. neither really saw each other in a romantic light, but rather as potential best friend material. bohee's shyness complimented seongwoo's confidence, making the two look like an odd yet perfect match. as the night went on, so did the mixer, and so did the drinks. at some point, both seongwoo and bohee became blackout drunk. the next morning, the two woke up in a hotel room bed; completely . connecting the dots, neither party said anything and quickly got dressed and left. neither seongwoo or bohee thought anything of it; both figured the could talk about in a week or two, when the awkward tension would most likely disappear. however, this ended up coming much sooner than expected.

chapter two — eating for two
two weeks after their drunken one night stand, bohee became very ill at her workplace. worried about her employee, bohee's manager ms. oh hyerin, let bohee leave early and had her be taken to a hospital. at the hospital, bohee was asked an unthinkable question: "could you be pregnant?" that just wasn't even plausable for bohee, so she told them no. regardless, the emergency room staff took some blood and tested it; with a positive result for pregnancy being reported back to the unsuspecting mother-to-be, bohee. shell-shocked, bohee left the emergency room with a pregnancy help goody bag and mixed emotions. what was she going to do? how would seongwoo react? would he deny her and his unborn child? sleeping on what she should do, bohee called seongwoo the next day to meet up. incredibly nervous, bohee met seongwoo at a nearby mcdonald's. almost immediately seongwoo could tell something was wrong. he took bohee's hands into his and looked her in the eyes, questioning if she was feeling healthy. shakily, bohee told him she was okay, but that she had a confession to make. listening intently, bohee told seongwoo the unexpected news. at first he was silent, then he looked up at bohee with a smile and asked, "i'm going to be a father?" confused by his reaction, bohee nodded before suddenly being engulfed in a tight embrace. frozen with shock, bohee inhaled seongwoo's scent; a mix of peppermint and eucalyptus. "don't worry, i will take care of you." that was all seongwoo said to bohee. instantly, she began to cry and hugged him tightly; despite barely knowing him, bohee felt peace and security in his arms.

chapter three — will you marry me?
initially, bohee wasn't sure of what seongwoo's plan was going to be for them and their unborn child. regardless of her fears, bohee knew deep down that seongwoo was going to have a plan of some sort; she just needed to have faith in him. a week after their mcdonald's meetup, seongwoo invited bohee out for a nice dinner at a three star seoul restaurant known as, "la lune." the two ate their meals, happily chatting about their lifes and just trying to get to know one another. after finishing their meals, the waiter took away their plates and placed a rose in front of bohee. confused, bohee watched in shock as seongwoo got down on one knee in front of her. "now, i know we haven't known each other for long, but i know this is what needs to happen. for the sake of our child, bohee, will you marry me?" at first bohee sat in silence, feeling the stares of other restaurant goers piercing through her skin. "yes!" tears streamed down bohee face as she hugged seongwoo tightly. he slid the ring on to her finger, promising that they got to a court house soon.

chapter four — mr. & mrs. ong
after their private court marriage, seongwoo had bohee move into his apartment. he was originally living alone in an upscale apartment complex; having completely remodeled the house space for him and his new wife. there was no time for a honeymoon as seongwoo works six days a week, while bohee also works around five days a week as well. currently, at this moment in time, the couple has only been married for a month. neither have met one another's parents, only introducing one another to their friends; all of which reacted in shock to the sudden marriage. while seongwoo is trying his best to get to know his new wife, his friends certainly aren't helping much. some of them find it weird that bohee began pregnant so quickly, misjudging her and giving her a bad reputation amongst themselves. while seongwoo isn't entirely aware of their feelings about bohee, he sort of has a feeling of what's going on. as for bohee's friends, they think highly of seongwoo. all of them like seongwoo and think he's doing the best he can as someone who's suddenly had an unexpected situation ed upon him. although they still may not know each other well enough, the couple sleep in the same bed together; sometimes waking up in a spooning position, much to both of their own personal embarrassment.

chapter five — meeting the in-laws
while both would have liked to have put it off, they knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later. starting with seongwoo's parents, the couple traveled to incheon and met the original mr. & mrs. ong. surprisingly, seongwoo's parents took the situation well, with his mother actually crying tears of joy. bohee was in shock when his mother actually hugged her and thanked her for being "the blessing the ong family needed" or whatever that means. seongwoo, obviously, was embarrassed and the two left after an hour or so. the next stop was bohee's parents, mr. & mrs. yoon, all the way in busan. the two took a train there and met up at bohee's parents home residence. sitting her parents down, bohee broke the news to them. initially, her parents were disappointed; mostly because bohee married someone she didn't know and because they didn't get to see their only daughter in a wedding dress. due to their reaction, bohee became visible saddened, resulting in seongwoo speaking up. he explained that he'd take care of bohee and that they would have a proper wedding ceremony after the birth of their child. proud of seongwoo's response, bohee's father shook his hand and entrusted seongwoo to care for bohee.

chapter six — and the show goes on
as time goes on, seongwoo and bohee overcome many obstacles. the plentiful doctor's appointments, bohee's strange cravings, and preparing a nursery for their unborn child. at the same time, bohee begins to fall for seongwoo, hard. she can physically feel her heart race in his presence, which her words sometimes getting caught in whenever he's around. as for seongwoo, well, bohee has been the only thing on his mind ever since their first meeting. he had wanted to date her from the moment they first met. he didn't expect that he would actually end up marrying her so soon; but, for seongwoo, he simply just doesn't regret a single moment of it. instead, he's happily embraced what's to come. in his own beliefs, seongwoo knows that everything that's happened so far has happened for a reason. bohee was literally the blessing he needed in his life. of course, at the end of this story, bohee eventually will go into labor and have their child; but the baby themselves are completely up to you!

table of contents — their interactions
as of right now, the interactions between seongwoo and bohee are kind of awkward. they still don't know each other that well but are still making an effort to get to know one another though. most of the time, it's seongwoo who does most of the talking due to bohee's private and quiet nature. he does a lot of stuff to get her to talk though, including making her flustered. seongwoo will often put his arm around bohee or even just hold her hand while talking with her. it flusters her enough that she usually talks back to make him stop (lol). the two spend a lot of time together, talking about how to prepare for their unborn child and what they want to do afterwards. it's stressful at times for both of them, so seongwoo tries his best to make bohee feel relaxed and happy by cooking for her a lot. it makes her happy and in return she typically does whatever he wants afterwards; this isn't anything ual, just rather watching a movie or playing a video game, that kind of stuff. the couple are trying their best to get to know each other, but it's just going to take some time.

• seongwoo and bohee got married on april 15th, 2018
bohee actually lost her ity to seongwoo
• bohee has been lowkey torturing seongwoo with her weird pregnancy cravings; like chocolate covered pickles and other weird
• seongwoo's apartment consists of one bedroom, a living/dining area, a kitchen, one bathroom, and spare room for any kind of use
• though they initially didn't know each other well, bohee and seongwoo still share a bed together
• bohee is luckily able to get her teeth cleaned for free because of seongwoo's job as a dental assistant
• when it comes to skinship and other touchy feely stuff, seongwoo is always the one to initiate that kind of stuff; like stealing kisses from bohee or hugging her from behind
• he kind of gets a kick out of making her all flustered, seongwoo really thinks it cute
• bohee and seongwoo have agreed on names for their unborn child; if it's a girl then she will be eunbyul, if it's a boy then he will be jungha
• the ong couple have decided that once they become more financially stable after the birth of their child, that they will be having a proper wedding ceremony that will include their friends and family
• bohee and seongwoo plan to have a gender reveal at their baby shower once bohee is around six or seven months pregnant; the gender reveal being simple with them just cutting a cake to see if the inside is blue or pink


BACKUP : hwang minhyun

• ong — seongwoo's most common nickname is none other than his last name. he's frequently called this by his friends and those who are close to him
handsome — the unofficial nickname that bohee's friends use whenever talking about seongwoo. he's incredibly handsome and they are shy about calling him this either.
my ong — as a way to get back at seongwoo for always calling her "my boo," bohee once called seongwoo "my ong." this however backfired and resulting in bohee getting a surprise smooch. now, as a result, bohee is constantly getting begged by seongwoo to be called this. there's just no winning against ong seongwoo it seems.
BIRTHDAY : august 25th, 1995 (22)
OCCUPATION : dental assistant @ hwang family dental
PROFANITY : seongwoo tends to casually curse. however, when he's angry, he tends to curse just about every other word.
charming, empathetic, passionate
independent, competitive, impulsive

PERSONALITY : attracting those around him with just words, seongwoo has been told that's he's very charming. there's this overlying aura that he has, making him appeal to those around. it could be because of seongwoo being dashingly handsome as well as insanely charismatic. overall, he's a very pleasant guy who is well liked by a majority of people he meets. something that people don't typically see from seongwoo is that he's very empathetic. he has the ability to understand how others are feeling around him just by talking with them. he isn't someone who judges others easily, always taking the chance to try and understand them first. seongwoo has a knack for making other people feel better with his considerate and gentle nature that only certain people see. like bohee, seongwoo is also very passionate. whenever he sets a goal for himself, he will do almost everything in his power to achieve it. giving up just isn't an option for seongwoo, mostly due to his heartfelt and fiery mindset.

something that's very easy for others to see is that seongwoo is an independent person. while this usually isn't a bad thing, in seongwoo's case it is. due to his natural independent nature, seongwoo tends to shoulder everything on his own. he doesn't typically ask others for help, choosing to handle most difficult situations and matters on his own. this at times is overwhelming, even for seongwoo, who doesn't fully realize that sometimes it's okay to ask others for help. another easy thing that people tend to spot is that seongwoo is very competitive. stemming from his passionate side, seongwoo's competitive side just comes natural for him. he tends to let himself become engulfed in an agression whenever his career feels threatened. there's a new employee at hwang family dental that's openly challenging the fate of his job? challenge ing accepted. seongwoo will become a ruthless dental assistant, taking care of more patients than the other employee ever could, eventually forcing the other to quit; because, wow, that guy is ing nuts. something that seongwoo can't help is that he's an impulsive person. he tends to act on emotion on more than one occasion, coming across as spontaneous and hard to understand. this has been best seen when he offered to marry bohee without even thinking twice.
1995—2014 • ong seongwoo was born on august 25th, 1995 in incheon, south korea. he was the second child of ong yongmin and kyunghee, his older sister being born just four years earlier. both seongwoo and his sister, seongmi, grew up a relatively comfortable life. their father was a cadiovascular surgeon and their mother was a piano instructor. like his older sister was, seongwoo was fairly popular all throughout high school. he graduated in 2014 with a 4.0 gpa, being in his school's honor society. however, seongwoo had no plans for college or university, shocking his parents. he planned on getting a certificate and joining one of his best friend's, hwang minhyun, by working at his family's dental clinic. needless to say, his parents weren't happy but allowed their son to do what he wanted to anyways.

2014—2018 • shortly after his graduation, seongwoo began taking a dental assisting program classes in order to earn an official certificate. he started his classes in the summer of 2014, finishing them in the winter of 2015; a total year and a half later. the following new year in 2016, seongwoo began working at hwang family dental alongside minhyun, who had also attended the program classes with him. around early to near mid 2018, seongwoo met bohee at a party. the two got drunk and ended up sleeping together, getting bohee pregnant as a result. currently, seongwoo and bohee are married and living together in his apartment, the both of them making the best of their current situation.
• seongwoo's best friends or friend group consist of kang daniel, hwang minhyun, and kim jaehwan
• seongwoo's friends don't particularly like bohee too much as they are worried that she's using her pregnancy as an excuse to use seongwoo
• was a frequent partier and overall player who often had one night stands; though those days are over after getting with bohee
• he hasn't told bohee but, seongwoo really wants a girl so he can spoil her
• makes 25,600,437 won a year with his dental assistant salary
• plans to get bohee a dog for her birthday, either a siberian husky or a corgi
• seongwoo decided to become a dental assistant after minhyun confided in him about his stress and pressure that he was getting from his father about joining the family company
• despite that, seongwoo is really happy being a dental assistant
• his friends also have jobs in the medical/health field; daniel is a physical therapist and jaehwan is an er nurse
• out of all of his friends, seongwoo along the best with daniel and minhyun; he just has a hard time understanding jaehwan (lol)
• really loves music from boa and shinee
• isn't the best at cleaning, but is a damn good cook (gordon ramsey who? lol)
• is really excited about his first child and the upcoming birth of the baby; he already has the nursery ready for the baby despite not knowing the gender yet
• very protective of bohee and her pregnancy, literally checks up on her every hour to make sure she hasn't miscarried or gone into early labor somehow
• bohee doesn't know it but, seongwoo really does love her a lot; he's not around to fight someone if it's for bohee
COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS : hi! so, i hope you have a lot of success with this applyfic :) i'm really excited to see where it goes and what you'll do with it; also, i really hope you liked bohee! :)
• all of the characters attending bohee's and seongwoo's baby shower
• bohee meeting the other characters through her job at starbucks
• one of seongwoo's friends says something slightly rude to bohee and he nearly fights them
• seongwoo and bohee become closer, with bohee actually initiating a kiss with seongwoo after he has a rough day at work


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