Epik Academy :: Moon Sungmin is joining Vasiliàs

Moon Sungmin


BIRTHNAME : Moon Sungmin

•  Little   - due to his undeniable love for ing around with people and loves watching their reactions caused by his pranks, most of his "victims" have decided to call him this. 

"Tech Dude" - this nickname is based off his ability to hack and control any kind of technology. 

DATE OF BIRTH : 12.14.98
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
COURSE : majoring in information technology management

•  Korean - it's his native language

Japanese - considering he studied it for more than 3 years during high school, no doubt that he is at least decent in the language. he knows it well enough to speak and understand the language.


the student card

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Kang Daniel (W1)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 187 cm & 68 kg


• a tall lengthy man, standing at 187 cm and weighing 68 kg. he is probably one of the if not the tallest guy in Vasiliàs. for his hair style, it is usually combed down or slightly swepted to the side, exposing slightly of his forehead. he has a slim, but muscular body that keeps him from looking like a total twig. tanned skin, and a smile that is brighter than sun. when using his power, his viens would glow neon green under his skin, so i guess his arms would be good for a glow stick. 


• his style is pretty simple, he just wears whatever is cmfortable to him. color scheme wise, it is usually black or white, or white with a hint of gray. he somewhat cares about his apperance and makes sure he doesn't look like crap when exiting his house to go to uni. 


digging deeper

positive]:  cheerful, determined, funny, clever

negative]:  mischievous, reckless, childish, aggresive 

everyone loves to be around sungmin, one reason is due to his happy and optimistic peersonality. he's never seen sad nor mad, maybe once and that was 5 years ago, and all because someone called him a "dumb ". 

he never gives up, he's always determined to succeed his "mission". if his pranks go wrong, he'll always find a way to make it work. if he starts something, he finishes it. 

he is a very humorous boy, always making people laugh with his stupid and dumb pranks. he always knows when to and how to lighten up the atmosphere. his pranks always cause an uproar of laughter. 

he always finds his way out of things, and always gets away with everything. he is quick to learn and understand everything and can sometimes apply amazing ideas.

maybe his pranking side is really all that good for some people. he is always causing trouble (in a playful way) with the teachers. it's a pain in the for his teachers and sometimes for his classmates and they can't wait for the day sungmin gets expelled or suspended from the school.

he doesn't care about his actions, for example if a prank is causing damage to someone or something he just doesn't know when to stop or just doesn't realizes it. 

he surely doesn't act his age, he is always seen fooling around in class. he's always doing dumb that would get him in trouble and then later laughs it off not giving a damn.

it is fairly uncommon for sungmin to show his aggresive side, but when he does it's really scary. being 6'2, no doubt that he is physically strong. if you make him really angry which is rare, but when you do he'll probably crush you. 

BACKGROUND : moon sungmin born on december 14, 1998 in seoul, south korea. everyone thought he was a normal, bubbly innocent baby but boy were they wrong. his parents knew of his powers, well only because once he was born his little fingers were glowing neon green. i guess the genes got passed down towards sungmin as his parents also had powers but barely showed it. as a kid he was always a trouble maker, he never listened to the teachers and was always sent to the principles office, it happened many times that it wasn't even a surprise to the principle that sungmin would be standing outside of his office. keep in mind, although sungmin's parents knew about his power, they didn't tell him about it so sungmin didn't know, until one day. april 10, 2010, was the day he found out about his power. it all started in computer class, as his teacher didn't care about what the students did, sungmin being the trouble maker he is, he decided to mess around. somehow he closed down the wifi and shut down all the computers, sungmin didn't know how he did it, he described it as "his fingers were just magically clicking random things". 

he decided to tell his parents about his powers and came to a shock that they already knew. he wasn't mad that they didn't tell him but was rather happy he got to found out on his own. growing up he learnt to control his powers, but that meant causing more mess to the teachers and to his piers. no one knew about his power except for his own mother and father of course. as he grew older his parents decided to send him off to a school that helps mutants and would control their abilites even more. as he approached the school he was enrolled immediately as his parents helped him fill out the forms and etc. after his parents left the campus, a guy named leo approached him and showed him around the entire school. after finishing the "tour" he introduced a club named Vasili
àto him, and they were recruiting members. he explained that the club is just for joking purposes and that they only do "pranking". so of course he joined. what sungmin didn't know about Vasiliàs was the dark side of the club, he joined without knowing the full details of the club, it was like he was lured in. 


° techology
° greek mythology
° penguins
° the color black and green
° artist(s); sik-k, crush, & dean
° messing around with people

° crowded areas / tight spaces
° any forms of spicy food
° chocolate

° onions
° insects
° horror movies

° messing up, if he does he'll get tortured
° death
° breaking one of the rules without knowing

° fixing his hair every .4 seconds
° turns red when nervous
° taps his index finger when nervous
° cracks his knuckles when pissed
° slightly hitting someone close him when laughing

° hacking the school computers
° playing pranks on the teachers every day

° has a small puppy back at home named "luna"
° joined Vasili
às without knowing the "dark" side of it
° exercises every morning once he gets up
° it is very rare that he'll get mad
° loves sashimi
° his veins glow neon green when using his powers
° night owl
° he is pretty clumsy. blame his height
° always sleeps in class or never pays attention
° once he found out about the dark side of Vasili
às, he wants to escape.


want to be friends?

 : Han Sang-hyuk / member of Vasiliàs / mischievous, caring, sweet / 9/10]
since Hyuk was also kind of "lured' into Vasili
às, he had no idea what was going on behind the scene. they both met each other when Hakyeon introduced everyone to sungmin once he joined the club. they both hit if off easily and soon become close friends as they would plan the pranks on everyone and joke around.

• [friend : Woo Jiho / vice-president of Vasili
às  / humorous, kind, easy-going  / 8.5/10]
Jiho is the one usually trying to calm things down when Hakyeon gets out of hand, jiho is actually really nice to sungmin as he goes "easy" on him. they hit off pretty well once they first met and started to get closer throughout the months of Sungmin being in Vasili


the mutation

POWER : cyberkinesis                   

CLUB : Vasiliàs


• can control anything technology
• can hack anything/everything from websites to shutting down wifi


• doesn't know when to stop his powers 


• none. 




Joohyun is a person that never gives up, she's always determined to find a way out of things. she is very mature and doesn't take from other people. due to her glaze that could send shivers down your spine, most people would think shes "scary" but she's the total opposite. she's a happy and fun girl to be around. 


 since artemis and vasiliàs get along pretty well, no doubt that the two clubs would hang out with each other. the two clubs are actually close with each other considering they're both somewhat alike.  Joohyun and Sungmin met each other when Sungmin first joined Vasiliàs, the club members specifically Hakyeon introduced Sungmin to artemis, since Joohyun is the vice-leader of artemis she was the first to greet him. they hit it off pretty well and continued to start hanging out each other more often. To be honest Sungmin was actually scared of Joohyun when she first approached him, because her glaze literally sent shivers down his spines, but once he got to know her he realized she was the total opposite. Being the mature person Joohyun is she doesn't like the pranks Sungmin pull on others and rather thinks its childish. As they started hanging out more often, sungmin's feelings started to grow for joohyun but he hides it pretty well. maybe one day he'll confess. 


sungmin confesses and they end up together??


• thinks sungmin is childish because of his dumb pranks
• is sometimes clingy
• blushes very easiy
• loves doing laundry for no absolute reason
• looks like a midget when standing next to sungmin


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring here?: 

"I feel great since everyone was friendly especially my club members!" Sungmin showed a fake smile as he was telling a white lie about his club members. 

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

Sungmin stopped and thought for a second, "well basically I can control every technology, from hacking websites to being able to shut down anyones wifi."

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

"I'd probably  hack all of their explosive devices if they have any or run." he said while slightly smiling

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

Sungmin smiled, "Well I have no problems with any clubs in this school and I thought they were a great idea!" 

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

Sungmin paused for a second, "Well of course my favorite club has to be Vasiliàs, they're all friendly to me! The least favorite club I would choose Brando well just because I think they're aggresive." 


dorixs : mint  :  turn in

COMMENTS : hope you enjoy this tall nugu


• tba i'm bad at these uwu

PASSWORD : vasiliàs



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