#1f0d45                     #9c91ea                      #d185d8                     #7454cc                      #7a408d


NAME : nova chan  

✤ wifey, love, babe, sweetie, honey, my one and only - called by sehun, esp when he's feeling extra love dovey. or when he needs something.
✤ lil , meanie, brat - when sehun's in an ugh i can't stand you *heart eyes* mood
BIRTHDAY : february 09, 1996 (22)
OCCUPATION : hr generalist @ 'x' company
PROFANITY : "i say so often, i once introduced myself as ."

✤ cantonese // conversational
✤ mandarin // conversational
✤ english // fluent
✤ korean // conversational

FACECLAIM : wjsn xuanyi
BACKUP : pristin kyulkyung


✤ height:153cm
✤ dimples
✤ black medium-long hair
✤ panda tattoo on her arm
STYLE : can be pics, paragraph description, bullet pt, etc. you do you. 
gf generous + friendly + carefree
wife boyish | prideful | willful
ex vulgar - aloof - reckless - lazy
girl aquarius sun, libra moon, aries venus, aquarius rising / enfp-a / gryffindor / bloodtype : ab / sanguine / chaotic neutral
gf the type of friend you'd want to bring to a musical festival, if not for her surprising hatred for crowds. nova is a people person and gets her energy by initiating social interactions with most of the people around her. the definition of a social creature, nova is the type of girl who's mind goes a bit wonky and her soul deteriorates with every passing day when she's not in contact with people. she loves the life she's had and has been spoiled by both family and friends alike so she's readily offering help and generosity for those who need it; it's something her family and friends have offered her so she knows nothing outside of that. she'll have ten dollars in her wallet and still give it to someone if they really need it. not exactly someone to dwell in the bad, nova's memories usually consists of the compliments, the funny, the good, the great, the awesome, and maybe even the not so great times but she'll never retain the bad ones. it's just something her brain hasn't been made to do. she'll forget that time she lost $100 but remember the litte puppy who pounced on her as if she was family.

wife an individual who lives life according to her own established principles and views of the world, she's a dogmatically irritating person that can't handle advice. especially those she didn't ask for she doesn't care if ties can be severed, or fights can occur, if she has her own opinion about a certain thing, she'll need to be reincarnated 209234 times before maybe, just maybe, she'll change her mind. her stubbron streak also has to do with her pride that is sensitive af. you tell her to do ing anything, and what she'll do is throw a garbage can in your damn face. nova doesn't do well when it comes to following orders and defiinitely hates when someone tells her what to do. probably the easiest way to get nova to kick you out of her amazing life bc you're really, not ing needed. bc of this, nova is actually pretty awks around authority figures - bosses, elderly, cops, etc. she'd much rather not have to interact with them because she knows her temper is a problem that she cant control. nova has a pretty masculine personality, she acts and thinks like a stereotypical dude. doesn't like to express her true feelings, finds romance cringingly disgusting, doesn't understand the pink , and definitely doesn't catch the wave of makeup and fashion. she'll go out in sweats and pullover 24/7 if her job allowed bc to her, it's the inside is what matters. and body odor. just don't have body odor, and you can have the world on your head and nova wouldn't bat an eye.

ex maybe it's from hailing from ny. or not giving a about what anyone else. or just simply, the satisfaction of saying others don't dare to say and allowing herself be free. nova is a vulgar with urbandictionary as her bible. she doesn't watch , and only up until recently did she understand why it was so ing bad for children to hear the word . since she's mostly been friends with dudes who also gives no s about what they say to her, that they wanna have their balls waxed, they wanna take a , etc, it influenced nova to be equally as open and nearly babarbric in comparison. she doesn't watch and doesn't plan to stop herself even if she knows her crude words can make some ppl uncomfy. likewise, nova doesn't watch her actions. she's an in the moment type of person who spontaenously goes on ice cream runs one night and a 3am jog another night. she's someone who likes to satisfy her spontaneous desires by doing whatever the hell she wants without thinking about others. nova is also a lazy asshat who wants to live like a damn princess bc she's been spoiled af by her fam and doesn't understand what no means. say no once, you'll have to deal with her constant bugging. say no again, and you have some good luck trying to ignore the puppy eyes. and you deal with her temper and her tears if you say no even then. although nova loves social interaction and looks to make a new friend everyday, she' finds it hard to emotionally connect to a lot of people. not many can handle her at her weirdest, much less her temper. she finds it easy to drop anyone without strings attached if the times call for it and sometimes she hates herself for being such a robot.
✤ hella negative when she's drunk
✤ she really loves fruits, just that she's too lazy to cut em
✤ can't sleep w/o a night light if she's alone
✤ can cook but is too lazy. she cooks like 4 times a year
✤ likes hugging plushies to sleep but sehun is now the replacement
✤ her entire being despises coriander/parsley/cilantro
✤ needs something sweet everyday - ice cream, fruits, pastries, dessert ✤ she can't swim
✤ only has the attention span to watch action movies and cartoons
✤ cries easily for cartoons bc of the emphasis on family and friendship, basically loyalty values
✤ doesn't with anything concerning clowns and snakes
✤ can be bribed to do nearly anything with food
✤ obsessed with pandas and stars
✤ always playing music to drown out silence
✤ currently obssessed with edm songs
✤ her playlist has a bit of everything in many different languages (korean, eng, thai, mando, canto, spanish, etc)
✤ an angel when she sleeps : doesn't snore, kick around, sleep talk
✤ generally doesn't dream but when she does, it's usually violent
✤ light sleeper, she wakes up when she hears the door knob turning
✤ when she's deadbeat tired, she'll snore and not hear anything tho
✤ has no respect for locks, she breaks into everything
✤ has baby tase buds - doesn't like coffee, energy drinks, or alcohol
✤ doesn't eat anything not fully cooked - steak, eggs, sushi
✤ a grandma when it comes to social media, she barely uses it
✤ generally good at sports besides swimming and soccer
✤ she knows korean, english, cantonese, and mandarin
✤ only cries when she's feeling frustrated
✤ doesn't realize when she's sad (attributes it to anger, frustration, or annoyance)
✤ shopping is the biggest chore for her
BACKGROUND : born and raised in ny until 2008 where she moved to south korea after her divorced mother remarried to a korean man. in college, she meets the love of her life and dives headfirst into everything she tried so hard to run away from. relationships, dating, even marriage. got into a company in her last semester of college, graduated with an HR BBA and life has been flowing along just like always, carrying her gently on the waves, bringing her straight back to the one man who made her believe in relationships again.
"i might have accidentally poked holes in the condoms. and i swear it was by accident!" 

INTERACTIONS : hyemi absolutely adores nova, maybe even moreso than her own son sometimes (read, when nova is actually excitedly listening to her life "lessons" while sehun fails to pull his wife away from his mother) and is probably the captain of this ship. she loves her son so anyone he loves is automatically just as important to her. and since nova's family isn't around to take care of her, hyemi will put the extra effort to shower nova with love. she urged the two kids to get married a year into them dating so imagine how ecstatic she is that they have (finally). and with her son now married, she's eagerly looking forward to a grandchild. frequently drops by their house to make sure the youngsters have enough proteins and nutrients for a more successful chance. also asks the two all about their life, positions, kinks, hiding talismans under the bedsheets, and everything in between to improve the chances. she intrudes on the two alot, offering tips and advices to make sure their marriage life is blossoming beautifully and will lock the two into their bedroom if they were in a fight. hyemi is also the first to coo at the couples' lovely interactions before reminiscing in depth about the love story between her and sehun's father. most often than not being unncessarily detailed.
✤ "i'm telling sehun you checked out that guy's !" 

INTERACTIONS : areum is a friend who was referred to sehun when his company needed a new assistant. areum didn't start off thinking she wanted to steal nova's man but seeing how easily the couple breezed through life without much obstacles while she had to work hard for everything in her life pissed her off. it also doesn't help that sehun is a gentleman and treats his staff very well. currently looking for opportunities to drive the couple apart whether it's creating misunderstandings or posting pics of sehun on her social media as her dream man (without showing his face), relaying false info etc. she ends up finding a man for her and deserts the couple rather quckly as they are embroiled in another fight. "you guys should thank me for strengthening your relationship. stay happy together until i visit."

PROLOGUE : From being one of the most boring guys in Nova's life to making her blush simply from hearing his voice, the two were friends of mutuals and even had to do a group project together for a marketing class. Despite Nova's enthusiasm in tryng to become friends with the whole group, Sehun's curt comments kept the conversations dry. They were distant until the summer when the crew decided to go on a trip to Europe for a month. They got close since, close enough for Nova to consider him her best friend and with a slip of her tongue, she confessed. She tried to play it off as a joke to Sehun the next time they saw each other, and for Sehun who didn't realize his feelings for Nova at the time, didn't press into the matter since he cherished their friendship. It's not until they start to get a bit distant and their friends start joking about Nova and another guy friend she has been with way too often, does Sehun realize his feelings and confess. 

EPILOGUE : After a short two years of dating, they decided they were each other's the one. Nova proposed to Sehun in her dreams (she has no recollection of this obv) and Sehun who heard it decided he'd propose for real. Nova took a leap of faith when she said yes to Sehun's proposal but her reckless decision is starting to bite her in the ing as she tries not to think Sehun is probably falling deeply in love with some gorgeous girl of his caliber at the given moment while she binges on ice cream and schitts creek. 

INTERACTIONS : From close friends to lovers, you can say these two are pretty comfortable around each other, as long as they don't catch the other staring at them for too long or they'll both become a blushing mess. Nova is the one who 'wears the pants' in the relationship with Sehun loving his girl too much to do anything besides spoiling the out of her. He likes to give so he's constantly babying her and as the more calm one of the two, he keeps the relationship grounded. The biggest thing you should probabaly know about their relationship though, is that nova has no self control. and she's a ing erted and crude thing that can't get enough of her husband. constantly smacking his fine , trying to get him in the mood, sometimes just teasing him bc all he has to do is stand there and it'll still turn her on, which more than often results in a frustrated wifey looking to let her babe understand what frustration means. basically, she's inappropriately touchy, sometimes tries to tone it down in public bc she knows it makes sehun uncomfy, but usually, she just allows her hands to roam wildly and freely without restrain.

Falling in love for the first time brought about a new side of Nova that she never knew she had the capability to be. She was shy as , clingy af, and above all, it made her self esteem hit an all time low. Only because she always has this mindset that she doesn't deserve someone as good as Sehun. she's always in self doubt, wondering if sehun was drunk their whole relationship or maybe he was blackmailed into proposing to her bc who in their right ing mind would wanna marry me kind of mindset. not to mention, she's not exactly wifey material and hasn't found enough motivation to turn herself into the ideal housewife noona that fit sehun's ideal type. on the other hand, sehun has doubts about their relationship when he's sick n tired of nova being a erted vixen who seems to only want him for his body. and bc nova, with her rather boyish antics, tends to attract the opposite gender when it comes to her social circle, it really drives the poor guy over the edge. she shares food, lifts her shirt after a round of baseball, help them apply lotion on their face as if she isn't a woman who recently just got married. she doesn't seem to understand the lines she can't cross bc she sets no boundaries, and that's the biggest probelm of their relationship. there's a lot of communication in this r/s though which is why their marriage is looked up upon. they don't hide anything from each other and anytime they're lying in bed, nova will always spark conversations whether it's about if anything funny happened for the day and then wanderng to other random topics. they can talk for three ing hours andthen wake up complaining that the other didn't shut up for the whole night.

LIFESTYLE : they both work office jobs so they work from 8-6. sehun usually drives and picks nova up from her work place and then the two will go out for dinner. cooking isn't really a thing for them since nova's lazy only wants to cook like once a year, when she suddenly wants to, and sehun isn't much less lazy than her. besides, there are so many good restaurants to try that the youngsters have yet to really mind it. they tend to split the chores bc nova won't do if sehun don't help and they enjoy the company of each other as they frolick around the living room cleaning and doing laundry. on weekends, the two will maybe try their hand at cooking, if one manages to convince the other although you'll most likely catch them trying something new instead from bungee jumping to going to a shooting range. at the moment, they spend every breathing moment of theirs together. their lives have come together so much that it's hard for them to differentiate their individiual lives, which is another issue for another time. it definitely doesn't make it any better that they're part of the same friend circle. on other days, the two can just netflix and chill for a weekend, picking up the remants of their souls after a week of work. 

✤ got married august 04, 2017
✤ nova gave up on snapchat after two months but sehun's despicable uses nova's phone to snap himself and screenshots their streaks 
"when you're the only one she gives a about 😍😍"
✤ nova's the one who plumbs the toilets, assembles/builds furniture, and kills the bugs in the r/s
✤ the couple doesn't really snore so on the off chance that either is snoring and their s/o hears it, they'll record it and show it off. they have snoring collections of each other and nova nearly used sehun's snoring as his ringtone if he didn't treat her like a goddess for a week lmao
✤ the couple has zero ing respect for locks so they usually don't even bother locking the bathroom/bedroom while using it anymore
sehun is in charge of cutting fruits
whenever they eat fish, sehun has to debone everything bc nova is a baby who doesn't know how to eat fish without killing herself
✤ tends to wear matching outfits thanks to sehun while he stubbornly exclaims nova copied him or it was a coincidence. matching in the sense that they wear similar tones, nova cringes at the very couple-y outfits
✤ has matching everything from bath towels to mugs and even toothbrushes l
✤ they watch cartoons and action movies mostly. horrors are a big no no bc they'll both cry and not sleep for the night
✤ sehun has 2 ig profiles - one is his public acc where he uses to post derp pics of nova and of his baby vivi, and a second one (nova's abandoned ig acc that he knows the pw for) where he posts the actual ig quality pics of her
if i can put up with nova repeating and singing the same song as if she's the next beyonce 30 ing times, y'all can survive each other.' - sehun's most useful advice to a fighting couple, probably
✤ the type of couple who will either cling onto each other like they're the last source of oxygen or shove the other into a serial murderer
✤ nova has been trying to convince sehun to get couple tats with her but he has refused everytime bc he knows she's a fickle lil
✤ constantly fighting over her refering to him as bruh/bro/dude "
that's not how you pronounce babe. and you're making us sound like we're in an uous relationship"
✤ has a full storage of sweets, esp chocolate and ice cream
✤ sehun got sick of nova's 'teenage wardrobe' so he's usually the one who picks her outfit for the day. has also gotten her more colorful clothing instead of all the white/black she originally had.
✤ they haven't had their honeymooon yet
✤ fight to be the big spoon
✤ works out together every weekend. nova can't be persuaded to work out during the week
✤ there's a wedding picture hanging in every room "
who tf decided it would be nice to have one in the bathroom?"

✤ always blowdries nova's hair
✤ their pin # is always 4129 - combination of their birthdays. they use this for nearly everything
✤ uses her wide knowledge of languages to talk about sehun but he has learned all the curse words in those languages thanks to her
✤ they have a 1ft / 12 in / 30cm height different and reminding nova of her height, even moreso in comparison to his, is one of sehun's all time favorite hobby
✤ ends the night with something they love about each other
✤ more


BACKUP : n/a
✤ babe - the most 'affectionate' way nova will refer her lover without cringing in disgust
BIRTHDAY : april 12, 1994 (24)
OCCUPATION : accountant @ 'x' company
PROFANITY : yes, not nearly as much as nova though ofc
kind + considerate + honest + innocent
hubby stubborn | sensitive | introvert
ex jealous - self conscious - materialistic
boy aries sun, taurus moon, taurus venus, pisces mars / infp-t / hufflepuff / phlegmatic / bloodtype : o / neutral good
bf actions speak as loud as words to sehun so he consistently shows everyone he comes across, his polite manners and good will. worries easily for others and tend to think in their perspective as well, he's all about giving back to the world the love he has received growing up. very loving, very caring, he doesn't shy away from voicing his love even if others might find him too cringy or cheesy. he loves what he loves, loves who he loves. being able to love is such a blessing afterall so why hide it? his good nature leads him to believe his love will always be returned, never taken advantage of or at least his sincerity will change someone to become kind back to him. he doesn't waver in his feelings for his friends and family, he'll be there for them until the end of time. loyalty is his biggest trait and the word he's constantly shouting to the point some people assumed his name was loyalty. he believes his neverending loyalty for those he believes deserves it, is his biggest good point and he'll remain loyal even if all else goes to . quite playful and mischievious, sehun just wants to have a good time and make sure others have fun once in a while too. can be like a cheeky lil kid who just keeps bothering others for some entertainment.

hubby although generally very lax about everything, once he does have hiw own opinions, he will never listen to what someone has to say. so while he's not really the type to fight back when provoked, he will attack if it deals with things that are very important to him. like if anyone disrespected his friends and family, he'll swing his fist faster than you can say ho. because his self esteem isn't as high as he would like though, he can be pretty sensitive and hurt over others criticizing him. because he doesn't like to feel hurt, he's also sensitive of others' feelings. if he realizes he has hurt someone's feelings, would do everything to cheer the person back up. because he has had a blessed life, he's kind of innocent when it comes to how evil the world can be. he has ofc read about murderers in news and other criminal activities, but a part of him still has trust in humanity and that everyone is born good. he shows how comfortable he is with someone depending on how much sass he displays. the more teasing and snark he showcases, the more comfortable he is around that person.

ex being optimistic is cute, but he's now a grown man who has seen some and finally put reality into perspective. doesn't bother feeding himself and others false hope, he'll pull anyone's head outta the clouds when need be. of course, that's only to those he feels most comfortable with because sehun is actually pretty timid and dislikes making a scene or causing conflict with strangers. not really the type to fight back either, he's more likely to be the bigger person and walk away from a brewing fight. despite how sehun carries himself in public, or how others perceive him because of his pokerface, his feelings get hurt easily. his self esteem isn't as high as one would assume, he's shy about anything that can make him seem like a loser in public, he wants to keep up a good image. follows fashion trends and likes the finer things in life, sehun definitely builds up his self confidence through the price tags of his luxury items. as loving as sehun is though, he doesn't really like when those he adores, showers other people besides him in affection. he can be pretty selfish about this, easily getting jealous when he feels he's not being treated as well as he treated the other or that the other isn't showing him as much love as they are to others. doesn't like sharing what he really loves unless it's with someone he loves more than the item. so if he doesn't like you more than he likes his chocolate bubbletea, good luck. stemming from his jealousy, the boy can be very clingy, refusing to give the other person some personal space because he just really loves being with those he adores every moment of the day.
BACKGROUND : Born and raised in a nuclear family with an older brother of 3 years, Sehun lived an average life being the baby of his family. Nothing spectaular happened, he didn't have a fate turning moment where he found his passion. He just breezed through classes, school, life, enjoying what he has rather than putting his all into reaching for the moon and potentially breaking the neck during the fall. He went to college, interviewed for an office job and has been working for the company since. He lived a mundane life and there wasn't a thing he would change about it.
✤ hobbies : reading, playing videogames,
✤ has a motorcycle and car license
✤ christian
✤ scared of bugs
✤ knows mandarin and korean
✤ sensitive af when it comes to scents
✤ very particular about his cologne, he's been using 2 of the same cologne all these yrs
✤  at math
✤ emotional wreck when watcihing romance dramas and movies
✤ scared of bugs, among other things 
✤ favorite type of movies are action and chickflicks
✤ writes poems once in a while, whenever inspo hits 
✤ not a big eater, he has several little meals instead of three actual meals.
enjoys trying new things from skateboarding to scuba diving with sharks
✤ can't do huanted houses for
✤ his obsession with bubbletea has toned down, he now enjoys drinking "white girl" drinks from starbucks (as nova likes to call em)
✤ fave food is sushi and meat
✤ fave colors are pink, black, white
✤ fave ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip

NICKNAME : spontaneity
COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS : thanks for applying! lemme know if u wanna know anything.
✤ "
not sure if she married me or my "
✤ "
stop putting my contact lens on the top cupboard!!!!" "i'll get it for you if you smother me in kisses. compliments work as payment too."
is that my shirt?" "yeah because you're always stealing my to wear."


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omf— this, this is making me soft i—