
Okay, so this is the ing deal!

I'm going to get a tattoo, and I thought I was going to do it May 18th.... Turns out it's tomorrow... the 9th.... And my stomach is turning insindeout! I haven't gotten the skiss of what my tattoo will look like yet and my mom was supposed to come with me since I'm a little that is super scared, and she had said to her boss that it's the 18th, not tomorrow.... and now I'm freaking out so hard because I don't know if it's really tomorrow or not! 

I've texted the tattoo artist that's going to tattoo me, but I haven't gotten an answer yet.... and that makes me freak out more!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so in on getting my tattoo the 18th since it's my birthday that day and I was allowed to play hookey on that day to get the tattoo... But now I have to be in school that day, the worst day to be in school is on a birthday, and tomorrow I will get the tattoo....gdhjsoadsihbjsn. I'm so ing nervous! AND LIKE IF MOM CAN'T GET OFF WORK THEN HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THE TATTOO, IT'S MOM WHO HAS THE MONEY SINCE I'M BROKE AS !!!!!!!!



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YuzuruH #1
Oh no :( I hope you can re-schedule it somehow