Wendy, racist joke and the aftermath

First of all, i'll say that things got out of hand (in my opinion) and it's not right to fight fire with more fire. 

There's in need more education for Idols, Korea and the World in general. But not attacking the people who made a mistake or "cancelling them" or even bashing them. What's wrong with them? the ones who bash. It's useless to insult a racist person because they wont change. The wrodl need education in the discrimination, racism, xenophobia against minorities, african descent community, persons with disabilities and etc. 

In my opinion, because the US is one of the nations with most persons of many race and origins, that specific nation may have a little more light over the matter, than countries of Asia, that are just opening their fronters towards foreigners, and even my own country, Mexico. 

We need to understand the fact that because of the story of those nations, including mine, and the unwilligness to change by part of the older generation, this attacks against the minorities will keep happening, and that the process of changing will be slow. They need to reform their education! And it's no easy! 

I am not saying to comform when Idols make this kind of jokes and just Awkwarly laugh! They need to understand that it's wrong, but bashing them is not the answer! _Bashing them will not change a thing, educating them will!

In my own experience, i had made racist jokes in the past, and no one corrected me, because in Mexico there's a lot of discrimitation against African descent community, even if it's hidden. My boss educated me in the terms of discrimination and i am grateful to them. But is not easy!


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Here in my country, If you are black, ppl making fun of you, even tho they knew that its bad, they will still making fun of you, they didn't know that one can also called racism but even tho they will know, I think they still nothing change bcoz of the mentality of the ppl here is just too hopeless, yes ppl here are open minded but it comes to racism, they're also lack of knowledge abt that. so its just sad bcoz even tho kids here will making fun of u if u are black, even tho they're just little bit whiter than u. They think making fun of black ppl is really funny.
Race as a concept has been really foreign for many countries in the past.
I’m not saying discrimination hasn’t happened all around the world, of course it has. It has happened with plenty of different reasons and definitely also race but the past with slavery and segregation is nearly unique to the US.
Many Europeans in this day and age would care more about your nationality than your skin color (and trust me, discrimination happens and has happened based on nationality). I believe it’s the same for many Asian countries where other reasons are the grounds for discrimination rather than race.
That just means we have to remember that the entire world doesn’t have the same history as the US and that the entire world can’t be expected to know what is and what isn’t offensive to an American. Thus why it’s important we educate (I don’t like this, I take offense to, remember not to do/say) and not hate. Hate breeds hatred. Education does not.