Jung Somi is trapped in the nightmare.

   오늘은 뭘 해볼까? 
 name: Somi Jung.

 birthdate: 2.28.1998
 birthplace: Plainview, Ill, USA.
 hometown: enter here.
 ethnicity: Korean.

height & weight: 161 cm & 47 kg.
blood type: A-.
language(s): English fluent
Korean, conversational, she has been living in Korea for years, she is almost fluent.
  발칙한 장난을 시작할 거야.. 
 faceclaim: Nancy Mcdonie.
 back-up: Choerry.

 appearance: Somi is 154 cm tall and weighs just under 42 kg. She has very pale skin and long brown hair. She is small and thin. She needs glasses but gets contacts once she debuts. 
 style: Somi doesnt have a fashion. She has her work clothes but besides that she wears sweatpants and baggy shirts. 
 본능을 난 따를 뿐인데. 
 personality: (+) Driven, dedicated, soft, kind
(-) Quiet, jumpy, emotional, bottles things up.

Somi may be a sft quiet girl but she has a fire within her. Once she starts things its difficult for her to stop and she doesnt like people trying to stop her. She wants to get things done and she does. That doesnt mean she will take people down to get what she wants. She would rather be half way to her goal but be helping others than be at the top and be alone.
Somi was raised on the idea that your problems are ust that, yours. Your not supposed to make other people deal with them too so keep them to yourself. Because of that she has developed high anxiety and doesnt like to talk about her issues. She also is incredibly jumpy, like a book could fall off a shelf and she would yelp and jump. Its not hard for people to make her cry, but she doesnt like it. She wears her emotions on her sleeve for people to see

 background: When Somi was three she saw Barbie Swan Lake and she wanted to dance after that. She would pretend she was a ballerina while playing and that bothered her parents. They never told her why but they didnt want her to dance, there was other things she could do with her life.

Somi's dad had anger issues and often would take it out on her mom. The young girl just tried to stay out of his way and spend tim eon her own.
Without her parents knowing Somi started watching lessions on dance on YouTube to try to teach herself. She did manage to learn alot and found that she needed a way to get some form of excersise. When she was thirteen, first year of high school, she joined the cheerleading team. That gave her plenty of opportunites to work on her moves and her parents were fine with it.
As she got older things at home got worse, no her dad got worse. She would stay out until late at night and leave early in the morning to avoid him and find reasons to be gone on the weekends. She had a part time job babysitting and was trying to save all her money for something.
Her dad found out that she had been teaching herself to dance and got angry, like really angry. He threatened to kick her out if she didnt get her thoughts stright. She yelled back and he hit her. It was th first time but over the next three months it happened more often.
Just after Somi's 16th  birthday she auditioned for Jellyfish Entertainment. She had always known about Kpop and she liked Vixx. They had auditions in Chicago and Somi went there herself. When she was told she was accepted she didnt tell her parents. She had just enough money to get her passport and a plane ticket to Seoul. She left a letter to her mother, took a suitcase of things and left.

 relationships: Somi hasnt talked ot her parents in four years, not since she left
Friend, Noh Tori, Somi and Tori had multiple lessions together and she is one of the few people Somi would look forward to seeing and talking to when she was heading to training

 trivia: She wants a dog so bad but she knows she couldnt take care of one
She can cook and is good at it
She hates green food
She wants to travel
She is a really good swimmer
She is incredibly flexable
She wants to learn Spanish
She has been seen sleeping standing or sitting
She doesnt own a single dress
She isnt good at doing her own hair
She loves makeup but owns hardly any
She loves horror movies but always gets scared
She doesnt own a tv
She has a lot of books
She is smart but didnt finsih high school
Red is her favorate colour
She knows how to drive
She is right handed but eats with her left
Her shoe size is 23
She doesnt have an idea type cause she hasnt ever thought about being in a relationship
She gets embarrised when people point out that she is good at something
She was a cheerleader for three years.
 아무도 멈출 수 없어 
 stage name: Somi.
 plotline: hallucination.
 backup: amnesia.

 vocal twin: Lisa.
 dance twin: Lisa.
 rap twin: Lisa.
 other twin(s): flexibility, victoria f(x).

trainee years: 4 years.
trainee life: Whe she got there Somi was able to stay in the domrs for three months but after she had to start paying for it, however she found a tiny rooftop apartment to live in. It was very tiny, really it just had one room with the bathroom set in a sort of cubby and had a curtain for privacy. It was cheap and Somi could be alone.
In order to afford everything she had to get two jobs, one at a pet groomers and another at a sauna. She ended up with just enough to get by but had enough money for one meal a day. 
The only time Somi had to make friends was with the other dance trainees. She did make a few friends but that would be a long strech. She kept her head down most of the time. 
Two years ago Somi wanted to try something new. There was all kinds of vocalists so she wanted to learn to rap. The other rainees scoffed at her but she wasnt too bad. She started picking it up fast and often would practice at work too. She wanted to have any reason she could debut. She wanted to get famous and have her parents see it. 
trainee schedule:
5 am; wake and breakfast. 20 min walk to walk
6 am: groomers
9 am; break
9:30 am: off break
11 am: off work, 20 minute train ride to Jellyfish
4 pm: break
9 pm: leave for work, 30 minute bus ride
9:30 pm: sauna
12 am: off work, 10 minute walk home, shower
12:45 am: bed. 

 날 뒤쫓는 네 모습 가까워져 오는데... 

 다른 꿈에 몰래 숨어들 거야 
comments: I'm so sorry, I started this so long ago but kept getting distracted.
Listen to this cause it is amazing.
scene req: They are getting ready for something, a show or perfromance, but Somi falls asleep while they are doing her makeup but she doesnt fall over, she just sits there.
All of the members are going through a haunted house and the others are jumping and screaming, including Somi.
FlowerChild94. Cas. 8/10.


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