Upcoming Fanfictions from Cim :3


 During the 2 days without my computer, I have thought of new fanfiction ideas. Lol I can imagine some people, "She's starting new fanfictions when she can barely finish one?! Da F?!?!" 

"Marriage Contracts" is about to finish. XD 

"Sinful Bliss" is almost finished. 

So here are the new fanfiction(s) that might be written in the near future: 


1. "Hey Lee Taemin, 143"  (Five-ish chapters long)

Summary: Lee Taemin an exchange student from America comes back to Seoul, Korea for his last two years of high school. Everyone adores him except for a little someone named Choi Minho. But will he doubt that so called 'hatred' when he receives a text message saying;

Hey Lee Taemin, 143 ♡


2. "That Song Called Love" (Fifteen Chapter-ish long, maybe more) 

Summary: Choi Minho is popular without a doubt. And fangirls chasing him isn't a surprise to anyone. When he hides in a closet in an unused Music Room, he's surprise to hear the piano played by the most beautiful boy he's ever seen. Too bad he's taken. 


Vote on which one you like better :3 



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That song called love Mommy :))

Mommy! Whatever gets picked you write it then the other.

I would like to co-author :))

But i really prefer Lee Taemin 143
Then we will write The song called love together :))
Numberr 2 UNNIE!!!
But you should write both!! XDD
numbber twooo!!!
HappyMonster #4
Both sound awesome would really like to see them both up!!
Both sound so good!!! :)
Bridgette92 #6
I like both honestly!!
Um.....both sound great