End of the week update

Well I'm still grounded, but my dad has allowed me to use the computer on Friday nights to Saturday night. He also gave my iPod back so I can talk to you guys. :3 


Anyways, he apologized the next day after the incident. What surprised me the most was when I came home and he gave me clothes and new paint stuff (because I like to arts). He told me to get my grades up and just do my best because I wans't exerting enough effort. He needed the old Cim that put studying before hobbies. I was touched when he did that to gain my forgiveness. That's why he's still the best dad. I <3 You daddy. 


I'll be online on Saturdays, but no promises yet on updates. Please be patient. I'll come back to you guys soon. :)) 


Thanks for all the support that everyone gave me on my last blog entry. I <3 You guys. 


And to the people who commented and told me to keep fighting: 

xxcrazyskittlesxxKana_LeeShining_jime (Unnie :3), LEEmyLOVESHINee_Taemin2008catgirlHappyMonsterkeyloverlocket (this girl is one of my favorite people I <3 You Nickkie), and to my lovely daughter Venice who has supported me and comforted me. Venice, Mommy loves you! 


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I just saw this :">

Love you too mommy :))
You're really strong, you know that, and I really admire you for that :) Yay that your dad got over his anger! :) Hope your grades improve and that everything is all happy! xD Hwaiting! <3