I Can't Do It

Hey, so I just wanted to make this blog because I felt like I needed to tell you guys... I already made a blog about apologizing for not being able to actually help, because all I can do is PM and make small conversations.

This is not the way of helping, is it? No, it's not. I'm sorry, but I can't do much to help. And it hurts and makes me feel bad that I can't really help. So, I'm apologizing once more and also letting you all know that I'm taking a break from feeds. Well, I will read the feed-posts, but the ones that talk about your struggles... Sorry, I can't do it. I can't just leave you by asking if you're okay and then forgetting about it. I'm too young to understand depression and other problems, and it's more difficult for me to understand because I haven't experienced it before. Most of the times in life, whenever I feel down, I force myself to smile. Honestly, that was the biggest mistake ever. Life isn't easy, there are so many obstacles to overcome, and whenever I had to overcome one of them, I forced myself to do that. I always smiled and threw out negativity. I don't know what it feels like to be lonely, to be depressed, to be suicidal, to be irritated with life. So, I can't help others. I can't help if I don't know it myself. That's why, I won't be replying to most of the feed-posts anymore... I'm sorry, I'll just take a break. I'll read them, perhaps, but I might not reply. Because, I'll admit it, no one can know whether I read the post or not.

Yes, I'm being rude here, maybe. But, I don't care now. Seeing others depressed makes me feel bad. And I'm not prepared, I can't do it. I'm so sorry, I'm just complaining bull and I hate myself now. I feel like the only way to get out of this, is to stop myself from trying to do something I can't succeed. I can't help you, can I? No, no I can't. What's the point of trying if I can't help? If I feel like helping, if I feel like I'm ready to help, if I come with ways of actually helping you out, then I'll resume replying to feeds and blogs. For now, I'm just going to stay away. I'm not the type of person to help people with their problems, sorry I wasn't made that way....

My point is, I can't and I don't want to try to help, because I know I can't help you. So, I'm sorry. Please don't hate me for not replying to feeds and blogs, I'm doing this for my own good. I feel self-centred and introverted now, and I admit it. I mean, just reading people's health status and what life is like with their problems, it scares me, it makes me panic. It makes me wonder what I would do if I was in your position. I wouldn't be able to do anything, because I don't know how I would react and what pain feels like. I don't want to allow myself to fall into darkness because I'm young and I want to live happily, and I don't want to cry, I don't want my family to be concerned with me, they have more important things to be concerned with. I'm sorry once again, but I can't do this. If you want to unfriend me, go ahead. I don't mind because I know it's my fault. I'm sorry I'm this way, I'm sorry I'm not kind, I'm sorry I was born this way.


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Hey it's okay you know
We all know you try to help so much. We all know you want to. That's enough
ItsI totally okay. Take care of yourself^^
Don't hate yourself.
No I get it.
Take your time, love. <3