epik academy :: lukas von krause is joining vasiliàs


lukas von krause


BIRTHNAME : lukas von krause

⇒ lukas, luka, luke, von, klaus :: general nicknames that people, friends & family use in referring to him.

"VIRUS" :: when he was younger, children of his age avoided him like a disease or a virus because of his power. they called him a geek and a freak but the name that stuck the most is "virus". now, he uses this name as his alias whenever he hacks into government facilities and other institutions.

acer :: this nickname was given to him by the members of vasiliàs when he joined their group.  because of his abilities with technology, his group's prankings and hidden agendas became easier to complete. he is like their hidden ace and, the nickname also came from one of the computer brands.

DATE OF BIRTH : 03. 19. 1999
BIRTHPLACE : munich, germany
ETHNICITY : 50% korean, 50% german
COURSE : third year of epik high, 3C —computer technology

german :: fluent, native tongue :: being born and growing up in munich, germany so naturally he speaks their language fluent. it is also one of the first languages he has learned and accustomed himself with.

english :: advance :: germans, at a young age, are taught the english language. so, going through elementary and the first two years of high schol being taught english, lukas has been proficient enough with the language.

⇒  korean :: conversational :: though lukas is half korean, he hasn't truly familiarize himself with his mother's native tongue since, he doesn't have a good relationship with his mom. he only learned speaking the language a few months before he started studying in epik high. 

computer or programming language :: fluent :: well, how couldn't lukas be fluent in this language? computer codes and programming language comes naturally eith lukas and it may have been the first language he learned and not german. to him, whenever he hacks or uses technological devices, it speaks to him in a language only some, like him, may understand.



the student card

FACE CLAIM : the boyz hyunjae
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM :  the boyz kevin
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 180cm & 58kg


lukas likes to keep his hair up in a messy curly style in the front(like the picture above). he has a smooth yet strong jawline and beautifully curved eyebrows. on the back of his nape, he has a bar code tattoo which he got before he entered high school. he also has two cartilage piercings on his left ear and one on each of his earlobe. he has skinny built but also has toned abs and, strong arms and legs since he trained his body to be fit enough to escape the policemen with the help of runnign every night and doing parkour exhibitions.


⇒ lukas has a comfortable sense of style. he dislikes wearing anything flashy or shirts with bright colors that can attract much attention. he prefers clothing himself with simple shirts with only one color. he often wears anything darker but sometimes, he also wear lighter colored ones. he also has ha huge collection of white shoes and caps that he often use whenever he goes out. he also likes clothing himself with sweaters, hoodies and jackets to hide his green vein if he accidentally uses his powers in public.





digging deeper


positive :: sanguine, easy-going, diligent, determined
neutral :: observant, confident
negative :: schemer, mishievous, liar, selfish

"If you frown too much, you're going to have wrinkles!"
people might think that lukas doesn't take anything seriously since, he tends to be easy-going around people and is known for being a sanguine.for him, a good laugh can make anyone live longer. also, he pranks people a lot and makes trouble most of the time which is maybe one of the many reasons people think that he's not serious about anything at all. but most of all, he tries to make people around him feel comfortable and happy since, it puts him at ease? why do you ask? it's because, when people are laughing around him, it just means that they're letting their guard down and are beginning to trust and be comfortable around him.

"Who said I'm giving up?" Lukas shouted, offended by the claim. "There is no way in ing hell am I going to give up!"
quitting is not in lukas's vocabulary. even when he was a child when people kept excluding him, he never gave up. he finds way to overcome huge obstacles with diligence and perseverance. and even if people tries to push him down, he will stand right back up. how do these people think he survive years of running away from the police after pulling pranks after pranks? how do you think he learned to hack well-guarded facilities at such a young age? it definitely took him hours of sleepless nights and numerous failed attempts to perfectly do it. when he wants to something to happen, he will determinedly do it even if he gets hurt and, he will not give up no matter what!

"To me, the world is merely just a game. Others lose but I... always win." confident and selfish
on hidden behind his cheerful attitude and easy-going self, one can find the confident and selfish lukas. lukas has always been confident in the things he does, especially if it involves pranking and making trouble since, he has never been caught. his confidence comes from the fact that everything he does is planned thoroughly and also it came from being one of the well-known untraceable genius hacker the world has ever seen. and because of that, sometimes for him, enough is never enough. he hacks for more information until there is nothing left for him to hack in that certain institution.

"I'm innocent!" Lukas shouts but, a mischievous glint is present in his eyes. "Well,  until they can prove I'm guilty; which I doubt they can."
lukas was never a troublesome child when he was still a baby however, everything change when people, children of his age and parents started to ostracize him from their society because of his mutation. he made a one-eighty degree turn and he became this mischievous little liar. though the children and the parents in his school saw him as such, he hid this persona from his father. and once he grew tired of being excluded by the people who treated him differently, he pulled pranks and made trouble to those that hated him just because he was different than the rest. although the pranks does not lead to him, people still thinks that it was all his doing but, even though they say it was him, they couldn't prove it. if he was asked if he was the one who made the prank, he would simply say, "it was not me." and they can't do anything about it. unfortunately, he continued to be the mischievous liar as he grew up.

"I know how to play my cards right." He smirks, his eyes shining with glee and confidence. "But most of all, I know when's the right time to play them."
when someone says that people have many mask to wear, lukas is a good example of that. most of the time, lukas has this easy-going personality to show the people around him however, little do they know, there is an observant schemer behind this facade of his. being exposed to computer codes at such a young age made lukas really observant because if he get one wrong letter or symbol wrong during his coding then, everything will lead into haywire. he notices things that other people may simply ignore. and being a prankster is definitely not an easy feat. one prank make take weeks to plan and him being a veteran prankster also makes him a very good schemer.


THE TECHNO CHILD. lukas von krause was born in munich, germany on the 19th of march 1999. his father, johannes krause, is a full-blooded german while his mother came from the republic of south korea; making him half-german, half-korean. at a very young age, his parents witnessed an uncanny attraction between lukas and many technological devices that surrounds him. it was like the gadgets within lukas's perimeter kept attracting him to be used like it were merely talking to him in a friendly manner.


DADDY'S BOY.  a few years later, at the young age of seven, many things started to change around lukas. first, he began knowing things about technology that even adults didn't know. he also began tinkering and making his own little gadgets; at that time, his parents only thought that he was one of those gifted geniuses out there and they were so proud of him. however, another year has passed when accidentally, lukas hacked and overrided a system to launch a missile, thinking it was only a game. when he realized it was not, he tried everything he can do to stop it. in that exact moment, his veins began glowing green like computer wires. in the end, he was able to stop the launching but it caused him to have a very high fever that almost cost him his life. however, the fever wasn't really the worst part that happened to lukas, it waas when his parents discovered his power. his mother couldn't accept the fact that her son was an abomination -a freak of a being. his parents started fighting for months until one day, his mom left both of them.


THE BEAUTY AND THE FREAK. having discovered his powers didn't made it easy for him -well, having powers didn't really made it easy at all. on the contrary, lukas became an outcast in his community. he was looked down upon by children his age; he was called names like "freak", "geek", and "virus". he hated his power for a very long time and he was very thankful to his father for loving, caring and protecting him even though he has this unbelievable power. fortunately for lukas, his father wasn't the only one who saw the good in him, his classmate and neighbor, jana wolff didn't care about his abilities and stood by him. she was truly an amazing friend to have.


TROUBLE IS A FRIEND. even though lukas hated his powers at the beginning, he learned to love it anyway. and only having his father to sustain for the two of them, lukas found a way to also support his father and himself. he would hack computer and video games and find loopholes in their system like cheats and then, later on sell it to friends and other gamers. however, the bullying never stop and lukas was sick of being outcasted by other children so he tried pranking them to get back at them. he caused so much trouble to other children and parents yet, they couldn't truly punish him because they do not have proof that he was the one concocting the pranks. and sadly, at a very young age, he learned how to lie in front of many people as they continue to accuse him of the troubles they experienced.


"VIRUS" DETECTED. realizing that he has a knock for pulling pranks, making trouble and escaping the said trouble unscathed, he began exploring the skills that came with his mutation. he began creating robots and other gadgets, tinkering on different technologies and hacking in more well-guarded facilities. when he was in middle school, he hacked facilities and institutions so often that he got the name "VIRUS". he was then known as a genius and untraceable hacker that keep on gathering information about anything and everything. he also loves playing pranks on the cops that tries to hunt him down; which is very entertaining yet he feels guilt trip at the same time because he was attacking his father's job. and because of all the running and escaping he does, he learned parkour to easily lose the cops. with all the time he has (because he doesn't really have many friends to spend it with), he just continues to improve his abilities and play pranks as well as continue spreading the name "VIRUS". and fortunately for him, he never got caught -well, except by his father.


WELCOME TO EPIK ACADEMY. one time, at the end of his second year in high school, lukas realized that he was definitely getting bored. his life kept occurring with mandane things. he hacks, he pranks the cops, he run away from the cops and then, the cops wouldn't still find him after all the clues he left behind. and then everything would just simply repeat itself -and lukas is getting tired of it. so one day, he pulled a prank on the cops and let himself be caught. his father immediaely run to his rescue but by then, the cops realized that he has some sort of ability like no other and they decided that they couldn't simply let him go after finally catching that one guy who kept making trouble for the police of munich, germany (they still don't know he was "VIRUS"). in the end, it has been decided that lukas will be transferring school into another country with people that has the same -or nearly the same -mutation as he has, epik academy.



        cool weather, winter season

        ⇒ coffee; it keeps him awake at night whenever he plots his next prank or hack for more information.

        ⇒ game of thrones; he knows everything in it like the back of his hands.

        ⇒ computer and video games like league of leagends, assassin's creed and rules of survival

        ⇒ sweaters, jackets, hoodies and caps

        ⇒ prankings and troubles

        ⇒ successfully hacking government facilities and institutions; it gives him great pleasure.

        ⇒ winning; who doesn't like it?

        ⇒ parkour; it helps him escape police officers who hunt him down.

        ⇒ technological devices

        ⇒ mathematics; to him, math is merely like doing computer codes. he is very good with numbers.



        ⇒ hot weather and climate, summer season or anything that includes the heat

        ⇒ korean foods; he's going to have a hard time adjusting to their food.

        ⇒ losing; he hates it to his guts.

        ⇒ his lack of stamina; he can run, sure but, he easily gets tired.

        ⇒ cheats and cheaters in games; for someone who values his skills in games, for him, it is punishable to cheat

        ⇒ his mother who abandoned him and his father

        ⇒ the very color green; any shade of green really, he hates them all

        ⇒ vegetables; he was never a fan.

        ⇒ liars like him; pot meet keetle

        ⇒ someone who can hack faster than him or anything in the internet that is unhackable


        ⇒ going overdrive too many times

        ⇒ disappointing his father

        ⇒ encountering something he couldn't solve with his power

        ⇒ his mom returning to their family



        lying; he's very good at it

        ⇒ playing with his phone when he is bored and nothing to do

        ⇒ making jokes at dire times -or in any situation really

        ⇒ falling asleep in his classes

        ⇒ snacking whenever he hacks and codes



        ⇒ coding and hacking

        ⇒ assemblying parts to create new devices or enhancing them

        ⇒ plotting pranks and doing them

        ⇒ playing computer and video games and sodoku

        ⇒ running in the afternoon before the sun sets

        ⇒ collecting white shoes, caps and hoodies



      lukas is the well-known genius hacker called "VIRUS". he can hack into government facilities and other well-guarded instituitions to get certain information he wants.

        ⇒ he always has his phone with him or any technological devices like his laptop.

      ⇒ when he was younger, lukas played video games all the time and he finds cheats and codes to defeat the game. then, he sells the codes and cheats for certain games to other players to earn money.

        ⇒ he loathes his mother for abandoning him and his father after discovering that her only child has powers.

      ⇒ he owns five cellphones, two laptops, and one computer with three monitors (and counting); all made by himself.

       ⇒ lukas is a night owl meaning, he functions more efficiently during the night than the day.

       ⇒ he pranks randomly the munich police department and he never got caught. well, only until he purposely let himself get caught.

       ⇒ the first time he discovered his power, lukas almost launch a rocket missile from another country toward an opposing country, thinking it was only a game. he later on realized that it wasn't merely a game and he has to use all of his power to override his codes and stop the actual launch. in the end, he was bedridden with a fever so bad that it took him a week to get better.

        ⇒ he rarely listens in class and most of the time, he only sleeps.

        ⇒ he once hacked into his former school and changed the grades in his subjects.

        ⇒ he wants to take computer engineering once he steps into college.

       ⇒ lukas purposely let himself get cauaght by the police for pranking his old school so he can be send to epik academy to see what powers the other people like him have.



want to be friends?




"Luka, you have to stop doing that -or else one day you'll get caught."


 johannes krause :: lukas's father is one of the most respected police officers in munich, germany. he is a strict and diligent man when it comes to his work and ethics. though he is a very busy man because of his job, johannes has never forgotten to educate, discipline and care for his son. he was quite surprised when he saw his son's unique ability yet it didn't make him love lukas any less. he also knew about his son's illegal hobby and usually he would reprimand him; saying he should stop hacking and praking the police headquarters. he was really devastated when lukas was caught (for the first time) and was required to attend epik academy in south korea.



"You're my best friend. So, what if you're a little different than the rest of us?"

jana wolff  :: jana has known lukas since they were young. although many people avoided lukas like a plague when he was younger because of his power, jana didn't really care about his uniqueness. she continued to treat him like her own brother -well, more like her own soulmate even with the knowledge of his powers. though she was shocked to her bones, after discovering her best friend's ability, she never treated him differently. she keeps him grounded and is his voice of reason through all the troubles he made for the two of them. she is a true friend, through and through.



"Let's go make some pranks!"

vasiliàs :: vasiliàs is a brotherhood Lukas never thought he would like to join -well, until he joined. At first, he didn't really like the thought of working with other people since, he always worked alone before he came to epik academy but, pulling pranks with other people and collaborating pranking schemes seem so much more enjoyable when he became a part of vasiliàs. Though, on the other hand, the moment he enter the club, he realized something was definitely eerie going around the club. but to be honest, he didn't really care because, he has been involve in so much trouble before he came to the school. he can absolutely handle anything his brothers throw at him!



"You belong with Vasiliàs and Artemis."

artemis :: since they are the sister club of vasiliàs, lukas tend to befriend them with his usual friendly demeanor; thinking that someone can never have too many allies in a school full of unique beings. amongst the members of artemis, lukas befriend kang seulgi (who was in the same class as him) and son seungwan the most since, they are all in the same year. though he always keep them at arms length, lukas thought that artemis can be of more of use to him than any other girl club out there since, it has the longest activity amongst the rest. 



the mutation

POWER : cyberkinesis

CLUB : vasiliàs


  hacking :: hacking is one of the things lukas is most proficient and known for. if anyone needs an information that can only be found in government websites or systems, they only need to find lukas. and with his special ability of cyberkinesis, no doubt, it will only take him a few seconds -atmost minutes -to locate a certain information within in the worldwide web. he can hack information from the most guarded facilities and institutions the world has ever seen -well, mostly done for his entertainment.

incognito :: anybody caught hacking multiple well-guarded sites and insitutions will surely be punish. however, because of one of the many skills that comes with his ability, lukas can go untraceable whenever he hacks into computer main frames. the incognito skill prevents policemen and other people from finding his IP address. he uses this ability to his full potential not only in hacking but also from running away from his enemies.

magnetism :: lukas has not yet discover this part of his ability since, it will only show itself once he has full control over his power. magnetism is the ability of having control and attraction over magnetic metals. it gives him the strength of molding metals into shapes he prefers and to moving them as he pleases. though, this is a powerful ability, the usage of magnetism drains his strength faster than when he uses cyberkinesis. thus, he needs to first, master cyberkinesis before he can fully develop and use magnetism.

tinkering :: when it comes to creating new devices from scraps and junks, lukas is the go-to. he can create a new and improved cellular phone or laptop with just the parts he can get in any local stores. he also tinkers with his laptop, computers and cellular phones. that's why his gadgets have features other mobile devices doesn't have. 


data overload :: just like any other computer, well, in lukas's case, a human supercomputer, he has a limited data storage capacity -though a very large one. once he reaches his maximum capacity, he has to "delete" some of the information he has gathered throughout the years to make way for the new incoming information. however, there is a way to continuously increase his storage and that's by gaining more experience and mastering his power.

overheating :: lukas hate the summer season or anything that involves the heat since, just like any technological devices, overheating is possible. overheating is just like having a really, really high fever which prohibits lukas from functioning as efficiently as possible, or functioning at all. he has to lock himself in his room with the aircondition in full blast just to lower his temperature and get back his health.

overdrive :: when lukas uses his powers too muach, it will send him into overdrive and he will simply "shutdown". however, as he masters to control his abilities, the strength will also increase as well as the amount of time spend in using them. so, when he was still a child, he can only use it for a short while but when he grows older, the time spent increases as well as his strength in manipulating any technology. thus, he will have a longer time before he goes to overdrive. nonetheless, it will be fatal to his health if he goes overdrive too often.

 green lantern :: don't get lukas wrong, he loves his power to the moon and back and, he thinks it's the coolest power there is however, glowing green like a green lantern everytime he uses his power proves to be a huge hindrance. because of his neon green computer-like veins, he attracts attention and being the prankster he is, this may cause him to get caught. thus, he has to move within the shadows and limit his movements in public places whenever he uses his powers, or he has to wear hoodies and jackets even under the blazing sun during the summer season.

 stamina :: as someone who plots a lot and sits in front of a computer hacking, playing or tinkering, lukas doesn't have a huge stamina when running away from policemen who are after him whenever he plays a prank on them. though he escapes them with the usage of parkour, his stamina won't last long for a full-time chase.


he is not resistant or immune to anything. other than his ability and his neon green veins, he is a normal being.


LOVE INTEREST : cho haseul (loona)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : jung jinsol (loona)


cho haseul is a patient yet strict leader. she is also an ambitious person as well as a perfectionist. she always has the interest of loona as her main priority and she will never let anything destroy the perfect reputation loona has made for themselves. she always keeps track of the academics and grades of the members of loona and she enjoys seeing them succeed. though she has loona at the top of her list, she also holds her personal interest next to it. she has a curious and intellectual mind that made her question the actions of people around her, especially their principal, mr. kim. her curious mind leads her to numerous silent exploration that later may cost her and the rest of loona.


being the leader of a rising club among the others means that haseul needs to put the interest of loona as her top priority however, she knows something is happening that the principal is not telling his students so, when she heard that a new transfer student has the ability to control technology, she seek out for that certain student -not knowing that he was on the same year as her, just in a different class. so when she found him, she asked if he can help her hack into the principal's computer system and gather useful information. and since, lukas was all about the hacking and gathering certain information that will keep him entertained then, he went for it -not yet knowing that cho haseul was the leader of loona, the mortal enemy of his club's sister group, artemis.


really up to you -though i hope it's a happy one.


haseul and lukas secretly meet each other at lukas's room when they started working together in their quest.
haseul's name in lukas's phone is "lady boss"
lukas's name in haseul's phone is "v"
when they started teaming up, lukas gave haseul one of his own made phones so that nobody can track their conversation and location -if anybody actually can.
even before cho haseul found lukas, lukas already know who she is because he hacked into the epik academy's system and gather all the student information as well as the information on the clubs.


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring here?: 

 "hey!" lukas greeted with a bright smile on his face. "honestly, i'm not overly excited nor am i sad of leaving germany. well, i am a little sad because i'm leaving my father on his own and i'm quite irritated and angry because i have to come to this country but, i'm more curious as to what i will find within the school and what powers do other students have."

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

⇒ lukas smiles, calculating in his head how to answer the question with only minimal of his power to expose. "honestly, my power gives me the ability to control technology." there was a sudden silence in the room as the other occupants waited for further clarification. "oh... you want me to elaborate? nope. sorry. can't do... i still haven't really explored it yet."

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

 "attack the school?" lukas asked incredulously. "who would want to attack the school?" he paused, a little surprised with the question. "well, shouldn't the teachers and other school administrators and staff take care of that? but you know what... that would be so cool if they let us (students) fight!"

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

"school clubs?" he asked unsurely. "like normal school clubs like a basketball club or the tennis club or by school clubs you mean like harry potter's hogwarts houses?" he asked for clarification. "well, if it's anything like the hogwarts houses and the principal is trying to encourage unity and camaraderie among his students then i would say that he's doing a ty job at that because we all know that that really didn't work out for the four houses of hogwarts but if it's not its purpose, well, i think it's a good way to make the students find their own cliques and groups?"

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

"you're already making me choose my favorite and least favorite club?" he was once again caught in a surprise. "but, i just got here!" he exclaimed. "oh well, any club that is fun loving, i guess, would really suit me. and a club who only knows how to be serious and uptight would kill me before i can even make a run for it."


njeuel : jeuel  :  turn in

COMMENTS : okay so maybe i've strayed away a little bit from the plotline but come on, whoever wants to be a part of vasiliàs needs to be a little bad and headstrong, right? okay, i'm just making excuses right now. anyway, i hope you like him? ohh, and if you're having a hard time reading because of the font, i'll change it. and sorry for the inconvenience? huhu. sorry if it's too wordy...


pranks. pranks. pranks!
lukas and haseul hacking into the principal's computer
uhmm... i really can't think anymore.

PASSWORD : vasiliàs



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Im going to break my own rules but im going to say this ahead of everything: me and my friends personally think both aron and jackson can't pass for a senior high schooler, so I'll have to ask you to either make him older or change his faceclaims. I'm terribly sorry, Aron is really nice as faceclaim but this is just a bit too young for him... My apologies D: