Hak Heeae is trapped in the nightmare.

   오늘은 뭘 해볼까? 
 name: Hak Heeae.

 birthdate: 07.27.1998
 birthplace: Daegu, South Korea.
 hometown: Busan, South Korea.
 ethnicity: Korean.

height & weight: 155 cm & 40 kg.
blood type: B-.
language(s): Korean, fluent
Japanese, conversational.
  발칙한 장난을 시작할 거야.. 
 faceclaim: Choerry.
back-up: Haseul.

 appearance: Heehae has waist length brown hair and creamy pale skin. She has a very dainty look about her
 style: Heehae has a lot more of a grunge look. She likes black and leather, there is a lot of corset type looks in her wardrobe. She loves chunky heels.
 본능을 난 따를 뿐인데. 
 personality: Hothead, attitude, sarcstic, smart, charming, loyal.
 background: From an early age Heehae's parents wanted her to be a soft, delicate flower. They had her in ballet classes and gave her etiquette lessions from the get go. When she was young she didnt mind it, she thought it was like playing princess. As she got older things changed. Her parents were absent, using the classes and lessions to raise her instead of raising her themselves.
Teenaged Heehae was a very rebelious Heehae. She started acting out against her parents, teacher, anyone. She was doing anything to try to get her parents to come home and actually spent time with her. It never worked so she just started doing more and more to anger them.
When she was fifteen Heehae she saw the underground rapping community for the first time and she liked it. She never had the guts to preform there but she started learning and practicing all she could.
In 2015 Heehae went against everything her parents stood for. She auditioned for Jellyfish Entertainment. She hoped she would be caught but they hardly noticed she even did it.

 trivia: she loves chess
she is a really good cook
she knows how to sew
she hates the dark
she is trying to grow her hair out long
she hates horror flicks
she doesnt like trains
black is her favorate colour
she thinks romance is over rated
she wants to become famous and shove it into her parents face
she likes spicy foods.
 아무도 멈출 수 없어 
 stage name: B Min.
 plotline: hallucination.
 backup: amnesia.

 vocal twin: Lisa.
 dance twin: Lisa.
 rap twin: Lisa.

trainee years: 3 years.
trainee life: At first it was all about pissing off her parents but she started finding that she liked it. She slowly felt her anger towards them subsiding but only when she wasnt thinking about them. They however ignored her. They didnt want to deal with what was going on with her so they didnt. It stung but it gave her something to push against and build on.
Heehae started rapping two years ago. She was slipping on where she stood as a trainee and she needed a boost. She wanted to show them that she was still useful and could be an idol so she started rapping for them. They liked her skill and she started training in rapping.
When there was an announcment about a new girl group Heehae knew she was going to be a member, she was absolutly convinced she would, why not? She had the talent and the skill, she just knew it would happen. Once it was announced that she would be a member she wanted to call someone, but she only had Kuamin to tell. 
 날 뒤쫓는 네 모습 가까워져 오는데... 
 name: Kim Kuamin (fc Kualin) OC.
 backup: enter here.
 age: 20.

love story: Juamin was one of the things that Heehae did to get under her parents skin. She started dating him and he knew why. He didnt really care though, he had arm candy and she wasnt too bad of a kisser.
When Heehae started training Kuamin was her biggest supporter. Every time she would doubt herself, he would be there, no matter what happened.
After the debut Kuamin started being Twilights biggest fan. He bought all kinds of merch and went to every event and show. He knew every song and dance. He loved Heehae and Twilight as one.
As the fam started to get to Heehae she started paying less and less attention to Kuamin. There was so many fanboys and other things to distrct her with. She started getting further and gurther from him and he didnt understand why she was constantly ignoring him.
trivia: They have been together for five years
they never tried to hide that they were dating
he cooks for her all the time
they go on coffee dates often
Kuamin is a lot more invested in the relationship than Heehae.
current relationship: Together.
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B Min
Blue. BlueTyphoon. 7/10, I read a lot more than I do stuff like apply.


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