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lee daeho
            The Escape Artist.


beginning of an end.
      The escape artist.

i stood up on the roof of building under the protection of my abilities and watched the red rain fall. i remembered the talk i had with hanuel about joining the group and sighed, "as i thought, i don't want to do this." as i looked at the view in front of me, i tried to imagine what it would be like if people didn't have to live in fear of the queen and her darkiarchs or the red rain. I sighed again and looked at the navy blue braclet given to me by Hanuel. i smiled softly and kissed the bracelet. "well, what can i do at this point? I already promised him that i'd try and change the world in his place. i can't break go back on my word now."

name: — "lee daeho at your service."

nicknames: — 

Fish boy — COurtesy of Megaera, he is now called fish boy due to his ability and age. daeho hates this nickname very much.
Daeho Ramsay — Daeho seems to be one of the few members of the team who actually knows to cook a healthy meal since his dad left him countless cookbooks.
daeho jackson — a play on the name, Percy jackson, due to his ability to control water.
SOn of Gaea — Gaea is the mother of all the god and titans in greek mythology. She is also the primal mother earth goddess. Daeho's abilities make it seem as if he was blessed by the goddess herself.
My Bae Dae — used to be used by his deceased dad, now used by the rest of the team as a way to since he is one of the youngest on the team
Tinkerbell —  since daeho is constantly tinkering, the other members of the team thought it was appropriate

age: — "17, but don't underestimate my abilities! I'm still alive and kicking in this red war."
date of birth: — "December 25, 2028, but is my birthday actually important?"
place of birth: — "born and raised in the one and only Seoul, SOuth korea."
ethnicity: — "100% Made in Korea, yo!" laughs awkwardly when no one else laughs at his attempted humor.
language(s) spoken: — "I speak korean obviously, but I also speak English pretty fluently. my japanese and chinese are still pretty iffy, but I can hold a basic conversation in them. Pretty impressive for a 17-year-old, huh?"

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faceclaim — nct dream's jaemin
gallery here

appearance — (this is essentially what daeho looks like) Daeho, standing at 5'9", is fairly tall for his age. he also weighs about 66 kg. He is fit and athletic since he is always on the run from darkiarchs. His hair is short and a light brown color. his eyes are a striking blue color that is the result of a mutation due to all the chemicals his mother was exposed to while she was pregnant with him. his skin is slightly tan but still fairly light-skinned. daeho wears thin glasses that he made himself since his vision is 20/30 for both eyes. if you want a good image of daeho, let's just say that if he was going to school  before the red war, the girls would be drooling all over him.

style — like most teenage boys, daeho isn't one to care about fashion. All he knows and loves are hoodies and beanies, both of which are the only things in his closet along with jeans. daeho isn't one to be picky about colors but he absolutely refuses to wear the color red. His preferred colors to wear are neutral colors such as black, white, and grey. His doesn't like wearing colors that stand out since it makes it harder to cover up with his illusions. he also always wears a braclet given to him by hanuel. (that bracelet but instead of pink, it's a navy blue)

ex. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

superhero look — in all honesty, daeho doesn't care about being a superhero, so he doesn't feel the need to look the part. However, he doesn't want to look out of place with everyone else on the team wearing cool, specialized gear, so he puts in a little effort to look good. His usual hoodie is replaced with a fitted, navy blue jacket that daeho considers to be fashionable. the jacket itself is touched up with black here and there and is made up of a little bit of vibranium fiber thanks to megaera, who insisted on the idea of engraining vibranium fibers unless he wanted to die. Hidden inside the jacket are multiple throwing knives that daeho carries just in case. With the jacket, daeho wears jeans that are also made with vibranium. He wears his usual glasses with a navy blue beanie and matching face mask. his whole outfit is paired with a simple pair of black combat boots.

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teal, navy blue

healing, calm, friendly, faith
loyalty, trust, intellect, stability



It originated from South Korea.
it Means "A great personality." 


tell me more about yourself, daeho.
 A simple HIgh-schooler just trying to live long enough to drink alcohol. 
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positive + playful, earnest, good-natured, resourceful, adaptable, intelligent
neutral = creative, unorthodox, crafty
negative - hesitant, fearful, self-conscious, passive, mischievous, FLamboyant
"Wait, let me get this straight. I'm supposed to describe my personality?" Daeho asked in disbelief.
James raised a brow at him. "Is that a problem?"
"O-Of course not! There is no problem here whatsoever. no problem here sir!" daeho quickly stammered.
"Then please proceed, we still have a lot more of this interview to go through and i don't have all day."
"m-my apologies! uh, well then, I guess i would say that i'm playful. During a time like this, i had to entertain myself somehow. Plus, I strongly believe that making jokes by myself helped me avoid depression. Depression is a scary thing. It makes you unproductive in a time where so much must be done just to live on a day-to-day basis. You have to liven it up a bit, you know? Mess around, be goofy, do things that make you happy. my dad would always say that he liked my earnest attitude towards almost everything i did," daeho laughed, as he began to relax. "No one likes everything they do, But yeah, I'm a pretty earnest guy. I don't give my anyone close to me any bs, THOUGH I GUESS THAT'S NOT SAYING MUCH. ANYWAYS, my dad also used to say that I was good-natured, and good looking.  i'm a pretty friendly guy. I guess i just find it easy to talk to people. I like to think of myself as a pretty open person. i don't know really knowing i'm saying at this point, but everyone deserves to be given a chance, don't you think? Everyone and everthing deserve a chance at something new. I don't really like to waste anything so I try to be as resourceful as possible. everything has a purpose, even if it seems useless. One just has to be smart enough to find its use. it doesn't have to be conventional. YOu just have to be adaptable and go with the flow. You do realize that's the only reason why evolution was possible. Animals couldn't have evolved if they weren't trying so hard to survive. They strived to survive and they got they're adaptations. I mean just look at a giraffe! do you think giraffes always had those ridulously long necks? no! They gradually changed in order to survive. The world is survival of the fittest. being adaptable is what allowed me to appear before you. Well, that and being intelligent. Contrary to what a lot of the team may think, i actually did teach myself everything I could with the materials my dad left behind. I may have not seemed like it, but I actually liked science. I studied an incredible amount about science just to educate myself. I also may or may not have read the entire text book for fun, but don't tell anyone. I don't anyone thinking I'm a nerd. Promise?"
"uh, sure. why not?"
"Thanks, anyways, as i was saying, in order to survive the world as it is now, you have to get a little creative. since we can't do things as easily as we used to, we have to come up with new idea and new inventions. we can't stay the same if we want to be able to live through this red war. WE have to be a little unothodox, even if it seems pointless or scary. Because being normal will get you killed and I'd rather live to see tomorrow. I don't always do things that are conventional and am I proud of it? hell yeah i am! I'm alive because of it. it doesn't have to look normal, it just has to work. My friends always said I was weird and that I didn't fit normal standards, but look where it got me. WEll, to be fair they said I was crafty not that i wasn't normal. I can't say that I'm proud of some of my achievements since some of them had to do with let's just say, not the most honest of methods. But nevertheless, I was able to accomplish my goals using various procedures."
"mhmm, okay mr. perfect," teased james expressionlessly, "do you have any downfalls or are you a sweet baby angel?"
"ha ha, very funny, sir," Daeho deadpanned. "But unfortunately i am no angel. I will admit that I am very hesistant when it comes to anything. Especially when my dad failed to come home on day, I suddenly became alone with no one else to talk to or bounce ideas off of. imagine it! a 7-year-old left alone in this red, cruel world. Can you blame me for hesistating over every little thing? Honestly, when my dad didn't return home, i knew what had happened to him and I instantly became fearful. I thought to myself, 'how am i going to survive now?' but i learned to get over that thought. Who am i kidding though? I'm still scared. I'm so ing terrified if i'm being completely honest. I couldn't rely on anyone else other than myself to survive for 10 ing years," daeho whispered loudly as his body began to shake. "I had just found out that i had powers, but i didn't know how to control them. I was afraid of going outside into that red rain, i was afraid of the darkiarchs lurking outside my home, and i was afraid of myself. As i grew older, I because self-conscious of myself. I was younger than most people i've seen around, which in all honesty is not a whole lot of people. I had been living alone for several years. I'm an orphan. It's a miracle that i've lived this long by myself, but with no one to really converse with all these years, I feared that i'd become disconnected. And then I saw others with abilities, but they were all older than me by a few years. I didn't want to be treated like a child simply because of my age. Personally, living ten years by myself in this red war is good enough for me. Others may call me passive, but I'm just trying to live long enough to be able to drink alcohol. I'm not really the kind to go out of my way to project my ideas and opinions onto other people or try to persuade them into seeing the world through my eyes. I guess you could say that i'm more of a herbivore rather than a carnivore. I can't say that i'm the most aggresive of people. However, I do like stirring up a little trouble every now and then. My dad would always get made at me for being mischievous. Dad was so stiff that it made living with him a little tense. I created a little trouble by pulling pranks here and there just to see him smile, get angry, etc. Anything really. I just wanted to pull some emotioni out of him. sometimes, i did get carried away and was a became a bit too flamboyant. But can you blame me? The world is so dreary and depressing. You have to brighten it up with a little pizazz, you feel me? If i accomplished something I set out to do, I would celebrate. How else would living here be tolerable?"

background — 
"This may be a sensitive topic, but it is very much necessary. Please tell me about your background."

(2028-2035) The dad, the Child, and the mom that the child would never meet
     "I don't think my past is too tragic compared to the rest of the team, but I was born into the midst of the red war. I don't know a world besides this one. I can't say that I miss the 'good ol' days' because as far as I can remember is living in fear of the acidic rain that dyes the earth red. My mom died giving birth to me, so i never met her. It was my dad who took care of me. He did his best to educate me about the ways of the world as it is. He was a pretty good dad, but he one day he didn't come home. I knew enough to guess what had happened to him, he had made sure of that. my last living family member became a darkiarch as you call them."
     "I'm sorry to hear that daeho," apologized james, "I'm sure it must've been very difficult for you."
(2036-2039) The child left behind in the midst of a War
     "Don't worry about it. I expect that to be common, but yeah," Daeho sighed heavily, "It was incredibly hard. I was so young and still very much inexperienced about the world. i knew the basics, but that was it. I quickly realized that if I wanted to survive, I would have to first study my off. I had limited supplies and supplies are difficult to aquire in this world. Thankfully, I had my ability to help me along the way. To be honest, my ability was my saving grace. I didn't have to worry about fresh water, and I was able to grow my own crops within my shelter. But it was still difficult. I was an only 7-year-old child who barely knew about my abilities. My dad had left a journal detailing everything he did and thought on a day-to-day basis in case he would fall victim to the darkiarchs. that Journal explained everything from how to do farm to his observations concerning my ability in simple terms. My dad left me alone in this world, but he did not leave me feeling abandoned which is something I'll forever be grateful for. Still, Those first three years after my dad's disappearance were full of studying and practicing my ability. using my ability was so draining and I didn't know how to control it. I lived in fear of the Darkiarchs breaking down my door and coming for me, and I lived in fear of my powers. I could've easily blown up my shelter with a single mistake. Could you imagine what it was like to be a 7-year-old who was afraid of himself? I had no one to talk to to get a second opinion on things. I never knew if I was doing things right or if I was leading myself to death. I was haunted by the idea of my dad coming back for me as a darkiarch. I couldn't sleep, and on the rare occasion that I did fall asleep, I would wake up in a cold sweat and screaming."
     "How did you overcome all that?"
(2040) The child who faced death AND WANTED TO DO IT AGAIN
     "Simple, I had to face my fears. After those three years, I was finally able to use my ability numerous times without feeling completely drained. I had also experimented with my ability to see what I could and couldn't do with it. After that, I finally took my first steps into the red rain as I manipulated the red to a safe distance around me. I also moved The rain that puddled on the ground to protect my feet. I felt like a god. around me the rain poured, but it never touched me. Doing all of this required a significant amount of concentration at the time, given the amount of time i had practiced, but it was incredible progress. Now that I knew what I was capable of, I adventured outside of my shelter for the the very time. I went around gathering whatever I could from what was left in the stores. I was able to gather more supplies, but I got careless, and some darkiarchs spotted me. They began chasing me so I started running as fast as I could. Left, right, right again, i never let my feet stop moving. It was terrifying. Can you picture that?" Daeho laughed, "12-year-old me running for his life because he got careless. I was going to end up like my dad if not for my ability. I opened up a hole in the earth and let them drop inside it before closing it back up. Then I ran back into my shelter. as soon as I closed the door, I fell to my knees. my knees were shaking that bad, but I had this huge smile on my face. WHy? Because I had faced death and escaped it. I felt incredibile. That one escape boosted my confidence and opened up so many opportunities for me. You can imagine that i went out often after that incident, killing the countless darkiarchs that chased me."
     "That sounds quite bold for a 12-year-old. what happened to being hesistant and fearful?" inquired James.
(2041-PRESENT day) The child who became an escape artist
     "Oh it was terrifying for sure. I would always hesitate right before I left the shelter, but when I remembered the exhilarating feeling of running for my life, my fear would leave me. After the first few trips, I began tinkering. I started making tools that would assist me in my escapes. I also began using my abilitites to create smoke screens, illusions, etc. I didn't realize how easy it was to bend light in order to create illusions. Once you know how to do it, it's honestly so funny to watch the results. I was able to walk out of my house without having to worry about being seen or getting hit by the red rain. I felt like I could finally live a 'normal' life, the kind of life that people enjoyed before the red war. and it was . . . peaceful and pleasant. I continued living life easier than most people. I grew my own crops, created fresh water, and studied the mountain of books my dad left behind. But as you may have guessed, I spent most of my time walking around what's left of the city. On rare occasions, I found others not yet affected by the Darkiarch virus, as you guys call it. I would usually produce some water from them, grow a potato or something, and or guide them to a safe location away from most darkiarchs. it was very rare, but it was something that reminded me that I wasn't alone yet. In exchange for my services, I had them tell me what they had seen, experienced, and what they did to survive through the war. some of them would tell me stories of life before the war, which never ceased to amaze me. However, I would usually encounter darkiarchs. They would always chase after me, but I always fought from a safe distance to protect myself against the virus. My favorite place to hang out was on rooftops, which is when you guys decided to approach me. now, I'm here."

likes — min. 10 
— playing around with his ability
— listening/reading about life before the red war
— science
— reading
— running across rooftops
— white chocolate is Dae's Bae
— tinkering with mechanics and electronics
— hoodies
— blankets, pillows, his bed, etc.
— the sound of laughter
— sweets
— ballads (like Ed sheeran)
— cooking
— cuddling with hanuel
dislikes — min. 5
— spicy food
— dark chocolate
— coffee (I am not a kid! I just don't like bitter things!)
— screams
— being sad and the idea of it
— the color red
— being called a kid or underestimated due to his age
— heavy metal
— anything bitter
— hot weather
— playing with fire (literally, daeho is capable of springing fire out of his hand)
hobbies — min. 5
— running across rooftops
— Escaping from Darkiarchs
— studying science
— cooking
— inventing things that can aid in his escapes
— tinkering
— walking around the city
habits — min. 5 
— Stuttering
— cracking his knuckles
— biting his lip whenever he's thinking
— celebrating over every little accomplishment (ex. not burning his toast, opening a bag of chips without ripping the whole bag,etc.)
— speaking quickly
trivia — min. 10 
— doesn't really care about the avengers
— doesn't really care about saving the world
— is one of the few members who actually knows how to cook
— his blue eyes are all natural and the result of a mutation 
— is actually very clumsy 
— is more of a runner rather than a fighter
— simply wants to live long enough to drink alcohol
— his dad left him a bottle of vodka for his 19th birthday
— really wants to own a dog like megaera's (but a normal dog)
— has never even held a gun
— despite complaining about others underestimating himself, daeho is actually the one who belittles himself the most (it's just all in his head)
— his favorite color is blue

blood is thicker than water.
 the lee family. 
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Image result for Song Joong-kiImage result for Song Joong-kiImage result for Song Joong-ki
Lee Daehyun | deceased | father | hard-working, protective, intelligent
The father of Daeho was actually a teacher before the red war. He was the only family daeho would ever remember and died when daeho was 7. He did his best to prepare and educate Daeho about the Red war. he was always worried about how he was doing as a single parent and how daeho would grow up during such a devastating time. He knew that he didn't have a high chance of survival so he kept a diary detailing everything he thought and knew. daeho misses him very much.

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Lee Hoyeon | deceased | mother | ???
The mother of daeho who died giving birth to him. Daeho never knew his mom and his dad never talked about her as it pained him too much. 

friends — "Shut up! I'm not a loner, it's just that there is nobody around who is my age!"

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relation/subtitle | name | age | traits
blahblahblahblah, the images are 90 pixels in height. don't forget to shift+enter!

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teammate/idol | Megaera croft | 35-46 | cunning, intelligent, dominating
daeho really idolizes megaera due to her half/quarter-cyborg self and her tsundere-like nature. megaera sees daeho as a persistent puppy who stays are her heels. 

Image result for nct dream jenoImage result for nct dream jeno x jaeminRelated image
Boyfriend | park hanuel | 18 | Hard-working, determined, charismatic, kind 
the boyfriend of daeho despite how he acts. hanuel and his mom were saved by daeho, and for daeho, it was love at first sight. after daeho's frequent visits and persistence, the two began dating. hanuel genuinely cares for daeho and worries for him despite his actions. the two are very reliant on each other for support. hanuel is the one who asked daeho to join the new avengers since he himself wanted to join but was unable to since he has to take care of his mom who became sick and weak. he is a bit of a tsundere, but daeho loves him with all his heart.

 Calm like rolling waves or fierce like a storm. you choose. 
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superhero alias — "uh, I didn't realize we were supposed to have an alias. I guess I'll go with Neptune? does that sound lame?"
powers — "i love this weird part of me."

Control over the Elements
   [ 1 ] the Elements - water, earth, fire, lightning, light, and wind
   [ 2 ] creation - is able to produce the elements out of thin air
   [ 3 ] manipulation - is able to move and manipulate the elements as he wishes

   [ 4 ] Strengthening - is able to strength the elements 
         (ex. walking on air - is able to manipulate and strengthen the wind to make it seem             as daeho is stepping walking on nothing)
   [ 5 ] smell control - Daeho isn't able to remove scents, but he can keep it confined to            a very small space by compressing the air around the person or object

skills/abilities — "I'm going to sound so lame."
[ 1 ] master escape artist
[ 2 ] Master of illusions
[ 3 ] expert on mechanics

[ 4 ] professional prankster
[ 5 ] plant whisperer/manipulator
[ 6 ] master of redirection
[ 7 ] unorthodox way of thinking
[ 8 ] master of disguise
[ 9 ] master of engineering

weapons — "can I skip this question?"
[ 1 ] a trident // daeho doesn't remember exactly how he ended up with this navy blue trident of his, but he is very grateful that he has it. it's his only weapon, which he uses as if it's an extention of his own arm. He may look ridiculous with it at first glance, but he weilds it expertly.

weaknesses — "oh boy. well then, you better grab a chair because we're going to be her for a while." daeho is similar to a demigod if you have ever read percy jackson books in that he is very much human. anything that hurts or kills humans will have the same effect on daeho.
questions, answers.
 questions prepared by: james miller 
what do you think about your team?
"honestly? I'm actually a bit uncomfortable with them. Everyone is at least a few years older than me, and I feel like every one of them sees me a little kid. don't get me wrong, they all seem incredibly capable and stuff, but i'm here for a reason you know? I don't want them to underestimate me just because of my age. Oh, but megaera is super cool! I mean she's half cyborg, how cool is that?"

what can you contribute to the group?
Daeho smirks, "I can cook for starters. BUt I can also  provide an unlimited supply of fresh water and crops, and any necessary illusions if the team wants to sneak into the queen's ship."

can you give me a scenario that you can solve? or finish?
"easy. Say there is a horde of darkiarchs with guns and they're bombarding the team with shots, by manipulating the wind, I can redirect all the bullets right back at them. Either that, or i can just open up the ground right underneath them, and then close it back up."

do you have intel about the queen or anything important about her and her army?
"i don't really know much about the queen other than the fact that she really likes the color purple."

have you met the queen in person?
"I'm not sure if you could say that i met her, but i have gotten really close to her. One time, i went to the mall to get some more hoodies when i heard a loud crash. I froze and created the illusion that I wasn't there by manipulating the light. I also kept my scent close to my body just in case. I kept myself afloat by strengthening the air right underneath me. When i went to go and see what created the noise, i saw the queen. she was collecting anything and everything that was purple. She suddenly met my eyes and gave me a creepy smile before waving at me. As soon as she waved, I bolted. I ran as fast as i could back to my shelter. can you imagine how terrifying that is?" daeho shivered.

why are you joining the new avengers initiative?
Daeho paused and waited a moment before responding. "That—I don't really know. in all honesty, i' m more of a runner than a fighter, but someone special to me said that i had the chance to change the world, so why wouldn't i? besides, that person deserves the world, so before giving it to them, i have to save it."

Are you willing to sacrifice your life for the safety of the rest of team?

"That was a quick reply," noted james. "Any reason for that?"

daeho shrugged, "Everyone else on the team seems to know exactly what to do with their lives. it seems like a waste if one of died in the place of someone like me, who doesn't strive for anything and lives a meaningless life." then his eyes widen, "on second thought, I have someone waiting for me. so yeah, i'd be willing to take the bullet for the team, but there is no way i'm dying. if i did, that person would rush to my side and heal me only to kill me themselves." He laughed and smiled fondly.

If you succeed with mission, what would you do afterward?
Daeho looks down at his hands which have plants sprouting in one and water floating and circulating in the other. "I guess i would be leading the charge for agriculture. Just providing the necessary materials and stuff that everyone needs to start over again. If i didn't, i feel like i would be being selfish with this power of mine. I want to set people up for success like my dad did for me," he finishes with a small smile that doesn't seem to reach his eyes.

You seem to enjoy listening to stories about life before the war. what is the one thing you want to do the most if you could go back to that time?
Daeho smiles shyly and rubs the back of his neck, "I kinda want to experience going to school. You know, walking to class with friends, socializing, studying with other kids my age, and going on small dates on campus."

James laughs and shakes his head. "Trust me, school isn't all that exciting."
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park hanuel
            his piece of heaven in the middle of hell.


mi amore. 
      "i hate you, but make sure you come back." 

     I looked at the manila folders that laid on the table. in big red letters, it read "confidential". we both recieved a folder, but unlike daeho, i didn't have a choice.
     "daeho, are you sure it's okay to ignore it?"
     "hanuel, you know me better than anyone. i'm not a fighter."
     "says the one with the trident and hidden knives in his jacket."
     "you know i keep those for protection."
     "daeho, stop running. you have a gift! you said that i knew you better than anyone else, well the same goes for you! you know that if i my mom wasn't sick, i would've gone in a instant! even if i'd only used as a medic, i would've gone."
     daeho sighed, so i went up and hugged him from behind. "please daeho, do it for me, for my mom, for all the people you've already saved. I'd go with you if i could, but i need to look after my mom. i'm the only reason she's made it this far."
     "hanuel, i don't want to leave you."
     "i don't want you to go alone, but you have a chance to change the world, why don't you take it?"
     "fine, but i'm only doing this for you because i don't want to see you unhappy."

     "thanks, but i won't forgive you if die out there. I'll go after you myself and heal you, only to kill you myself."
     daeho laughed softly, oh how i would miss the sound of his voice and laugh.

name: — park hanuel
facelaim: — nct dream's jeno
backup love int: — any applicant
ethnicity: — korean
d.o.b/age: —february 14, 2028 // 18
power/abilty: —healing
personality —
positive + Hard-working, determined, charismatic, kind
neutral = ambitious, stubborn, independent
negative - assertive, proud, guilty, weak

first meeting — (from hanuel's pov)
     we had to run. we had to, but mom can't go on anymore. I glanced behind me, but it was a mistake. the zombie-like creatures were right on our trail. we had to speed up, but i mom can't continue.
     "damn it. is this how we die?"
     "hanuel, just leave me. let me go and run as far as you can," she whispered.

     I shook my head. "i refuse. i'm not letting you die here."
     "don't be stupid. those things are going to catch up any second. it's better if at least one of us survives."
     tears became to cloud my vision. "Shut up! we're going to make it. i refuse to die here."

     then, i tripped over a rock and we both fell. my heart sank as i looked back. the zombies were right there. i shut my eyes and braced myself for the pain, but it never came. i opened my eyes, and in the place of the zombies stood a boy around my age. he turned his face in our direction and extended out his arm. 
     "are you guys okay?" he asked.

interaction — (this are just little snippets of what the two are like together)

    "hanuel~ why can't you come with me?" daeho whined.
     Hanuel rolled his eyes. "I have things to do."

     "like what?"
     "i have to plant and water the crops that you gave us. Those are our life source after all."
     daeho beamed and sat up with a devilish grin on his face. "WHat about if i do this?" Daeho twirled his finger around and outside, mini rain cloud hovered each plant while the fully grown crops flew into a basket and arranged themselves into a nice, neat pile. "chores done. now can we go on our date?" daeho asked cheekily.
     hanuel's jaw dropped. "you are honestly so unbelievable," he said as he walked up to daeho. Then he pecked him on the lips and grabbed his jacket. "Aren't we going?" he teased before walking out the door.
     daeho stood there stunned, before running after him yelling, "That's all i get for doing all that work?"

     daeho wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "I love you, hanuel~" he sang.
     hanuel blushed fiercely before pushing daeho away. "Daeho, not in public! oh my god, you're so embarrassing!"

     daeho laughed and ran up to him only to toss him over his shoulder and begin running around the place yelling, "i love park hanuel!"
     at least until hanuel managed to kick daeho in his most precious area. then daeho knelt down in pain, which is whne hanuel let himself down.
     "hanuel! that hurts! why did you have to kick me down there? what if you damaged my goods?" daeho whimpered.
    "it's whatever. i'll just heal yo
u later," hanuel replied casually before kneeling down and giving daeho a peck on the cheek.

     "hey hanuel."
     "wanna know something?"

     "loving you was the second best thing i've ever done."
     hanuel pulls out a knife. "you're walking on thin ice daeho, think about you're next words carefully."
     daeho smiles and gently lowers the knife. "finding you was the first," he says before kissing hanuel slowly.

(before they started dating)
     hanuel turned around frustrated at the fact that daeho kept following him around. "for crying out loud, what do you want?" he asked exasperated.
     daeho blushed, suddenly unable to think straight now that his crush was speaking to him. "you," he blurted out.
     now it was hanuel's turn to blush. "that's why you keep following me?"
      Daeho shyly rubbed the back of his neck, "well, my dad always told me to follow my dreams."
     hanuel's face just kept heating up and becoming red with each passing moment. "Y-you're really cheesy, you know that?"

status — dating

Image result for blue tumblr aesthetic  Related image  Image result for blue tumblr aesthetic


username — moozie
nickname — dave
active rate — 10/10
comments — i'm not going to lie, everytime i saw the faucet with running water, i would be like, "Stop wasting so much water! Who left the faucet on?"
suggestions — none
scene requests? —
+ daeho cooking like a pro for the rest of the team
+ daeho fanboying about megaera and her half-cyborg self when they first meet
+ hanuel going over to visit daeho and the team teasing daeho after he leaves
+ hanuel acting possessive over daeho

password — Theme Song


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