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NAME : Hinata Ayumu ( 陽向歩夢 )
ALIAS : Jester
` Ayumu becomes a different person when he uses his power. He becomes mischievous and little sadistic. He loves to mess around with his opponents and pull pranks/jokes on them. His childhood friend, Ryuunosuke or Ryuu-chan, suggested the alias.
` Hi-chan // an affectionate, but teasing nickname given to him by his classmates for his androgynous appearance and petite frame
` Ayu-Nii // another affectionate nickname given to him by his younger siblings since he is the oldest
` Yu-chan, Ayu, Yu Yu // a few nicknames that Ryuunosuke, or Ryuu-chan, uses on a daily basis as a sort of endearment for his childhood/best friend.
` Sadist // Ryuu-chan often calls him this whenever Ayumu finishes a fight since Ayumu likes to mess around with his opponent
` Dragon Tamer // Ryuu-chan is much more on the anti-social side and acts cold to those who approach him, yet when it comes to Ayumu, he often has a small smile on his face. He and Ayumu are also quite comfortable with each other, leaning on each other shoulders or putting their heads down on each other's lap. Ryuunosuke's quirk is being able to transform into a dragon.
DOB ( AGE ) : 4/1  ( 15 )
BIRTHPLACE : Tokyo, Japan
HOMETOWN : Tokyo, Japan

` Japanese // Fluent // Native tongue
` English // Basic // Whatever he learned in class
FACECLAIM : Shiota Nagisa  ( Assassination Classroon )
BACK-UP : Hinata Shoyo         ( Haikyuu!! )
HEIGHT : 159 cm
WEIGHT : 48 kg

STYLE : Ayumu doesn't care much about how he wears his uniform, so it is typically worn as it should be. However, on occasion, his jacket will be ed or his tie will be loose. With his uniform, he'd wear regular, beat up sneakers.
For casual wear, many would consider Ayumu's outfits to be a "bad boy's". To match and go along with his hair, Ayumu typically wears navy, black, and grey with an occasional splash of other colors. He likes to wear dark clothes, black jackets, and black combat boots. His clothes are either fairly fitted to his body or lazily hanging his shoulders because they are a few sizes too large. He also wears small chains clipped onto his pants and a few, thin necklaces. To make him seem not as feminine, Ayumu usually likes to wear beanies or hats to cover the majority of his head. If he doesn't have either, he'd usually be wearing a hoodie so that he can also cover his head. (ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
When it comes to dressing formally, Ayumu dresses up surprisingly well. He wears a dress shirt underneath his vest, jacket, and pants. To add the final touches, Ayumu puts on an appropriate, matching tie, black gloves, and dress shoes. Instead of his blue hair being in it's usual, cute updo, he ties it back into a ponytail. Similar to his casual clothes, he chooses to wear dark colors, typically navy and black paired with grey to go with his blue hair. (ex. 1, 2)
HERO COSTUME :  Ayumu wears his hero costume like this.  The white 'coat' is actually white paper that Ayumu to appear as a simple coat when in reality is it backup paper he keeps on him just in case there isn't any paper nearby. Similarly, he uses his quirk to manipulate  and wrap paper to look like bandages around his eyes to make mask like this (but you can actually see his eyes) to both hide his identity and serve as a paper storage. The black lining of his 'coat' and black top hat are also paper reserves he keeps  for emergency situations. However, Ayumu's blue button-up, black pants, and brown boots are not made out of paper. There are regular pieces of clothing made out of special material from the hero department for extra protection. Ayumu decided to manipulate his paper 'clothing' items into a coat and hat to match the Jester theme of his alias. He also used this theme to design his button-up, pants, and boots. The small brown bag on waist thanks to a brown belt contains small pieces of various colored paper that Ayumu would use to create any of his weapons or any other creations he makes.
❝ Oh isn't it scary what a smile can hide... ❞
the soul.
POSITIVE : charming, creative, loyal, adaptable
NEUTRAL : observant, whimsical, mellow, calculating
NEGATIVE : mischievous, deceitful, sadistic, prideful
"He acted with a charm you couldn't help but notice." People can't help but notice Ayumu, not just because of his androgynous appearance, but because of other various things about him. Like how comfortable it is to talk to him, how his jokes can light up a room, and how his antics can lift your spirits. No one can deny that Ayumu is the kind of person that people can't talk their eyes off of. "His creativity was not a hobby but a lifestyle." With such a seeming weak substance to manipulate, other kids bullied Ayumu for having a useless quirk. Let's be real, paper manipulation, big whoop. He was forced to be creative with his quirk if he wanted to stop being bullied. This eventually lead to Ayumu being creative with his general way of thinking due to his constant out-of-the-box thinking.  "He believes that blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family." Sure, Ayumu can be a mischievous little piece of , but you can bet your that he would never betray you. If he gives you his word, do not take it lightly. When Ayumu says that he'll be by your side through thick and thin, he undoubtedly will. However, his loyalty is not simply recieved. Ayumu believes that loyalty is returned and is only loyal to those who've shown him this fact. However, if you do manage to earn his loyalty, Ayumu would never think of betraying you. Even if all the odds are against you, Ayumu will be that one person who will be by your side. "He stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow his way, he adjusted his sails." There was a reason why Ayumu was able to go from being a victim of bullying to one of the most popular kids in his class. He was able to adapt to his situation. He changed himself to fit the circumstances. He is flexible with change and is always open-minded about it. Ayumu will never hesitate to do whatever he needs to to survive.
"He was a genius at figuring out people simply by  taking the time to notice the things other overlook." Ayumu is the kind of guy who will quietly sit in the backgroud while taking countless mental notes about everyone around him until someone approaches him. He notices everything around him as an old habit of when he was on the lookout for his bullies. He needed to be observant if he wanted to avoid being captured by his bullies. He is quick to pick up the smallest of changes in his environment and adjusts his plans accordingly. "He was like a leaf in the breeze, going wherever the wind took him." Ayumu does whatever he pleases and acts as if he doesn't have a care in the world. If you've ever seen anyone become a little loopy and full of giggles, that's what Ayumu acts like sober. He always has a peaceful smile on his face in school and walks with a little hop in his step. "He knew being mellow doesn't always make for a good story, but it makes for a great life." Ayumu is a really chill kind of guy. He seems intimidating at first, but once you start talking to him, he is really easy to talk to. He typically never stresses about anything. He's a down-to-earth kind of guy who never really gets upset. He's quite tolerant and patient with others and is really just relaxed most of the time. "He's a jokester who has calculated his every move." Ayumu often comes off as spontaneous and carefree when in reality, he's planned out everything. He knows how his actions appear to some people and figures out how he comes off to others. He uses all this information to his advantage. He'll play ignorant, dumb, and naive just to land a blow against those who have underestimated him.
"He always thought life needed a little bit of spice."  While he may be more of the calm type, that doesn't mean that he spends his life reading books under a tree. You'd be sorely mistaken to think that Ayumu is anything like his school appearance implies. Ayumu is known to be the class clown, pulling pranks and cracking jokes that never fail to elicit laughter from his classmates. His timing with his jokes and innuendos are spot on and their context can't be matched by comedians."His friends now know the terrors a smile can hide." Based off his androgynous appearance, small size, and michievous personality, many think of Ayumu as harmless, jokester, especially with his paper quirk. Like seriously, paper? What a joke! But oh how scary it is to know what a smile can hide. Ayumu knows how to decieve his opponents into letting down their guards, making them easier to beat. Deception is one of his specialties. "Apologize? For being heartless? Did anybody apologize for making him this way?" Ayumu is a sadistic little devil, that is a fact. He does enjoy seeing others in pain. However, he only messes with those who mess with him first. You mess with him or anyone close to him, and he'll pay you can tenfold. Trust me, if you underestimate him because of his height and make fun of him for it thinking that he's the weakest of Class 1-A, he will literally toy with you. Making cut and after cut, dodging each and every one of your attacks, letting you bleed out slowly in a slow and painful defeat.  "He never compared himself to any because he knew they were all below him anyways." It's actually amazing how prideful Ayumu is. He likes to hold himself in a high regard, though he doesn't brag about himself. Ayuma hates being seen as inferior so he's worked his and mind off to get where he is. He takes great pride in his smarts, creative thinking, athleticism, and control over his quirk. If they argue against them, he easily proves himself. 
the history.
Ayumu was firstborn of what was later going to grow into a family with 6 other siblings. His earliest memories consist of helping take care of his younger siblings. He never felt burdened with the responsiblity and actually found great pride in making his younger siblings smile. The Hinata household was always lively and bright. Ayumu was always happy until he started going to daycare.
Ayumu was immediately bullied for his androgynous appearance, something he had never even thought about. The girls complained that it was weird for a guy to dress up like a girl despite Ayumu not dressing up like a girl at all (he just has naturally feminine features). The guys argued that he was too girly and that no one wanted to be associated with a boy who looked like a girl. Ayumu would cry his eyes out before going back home and taking care of his siblings like nothing happened. He didn't want to trouble his parents who had so many kids to worry about.
Ayumu eventually got used to it, but then everyone began developing their quirks. A few of his bullies developed strong quirks that they would test out and practice on Ayumu. Ayumu prayed for a quirk that would change his appearance so that he would no longer be bullied, but instead of something flashy and strong, all he got was the ability to move paper around. The combination of having girly looks and a weak quirk only made Ayumu an easier target for more bullying. Ayumu began to hate his looks and his quirk. He hated his bullies and their strong quirks, but he could do nothing to stop them. He could only give up and let the bullies have their way with him.
Everything changed when a new boy joined their class a few years later. His name was Ryuunosuke, and he was and had everything Ayumu ever wanted. Ryuunosuke was tall, handsome, and he even had a strong, flashy quirk. Ayumu instantly assumed that he would also become one of his bullies, but to his great surprise, the new kid protected him from his bullies. Ryuunosuke and Ayumu quickly became friends, and Ryuu (Ryuunosuke is just such a long name) lectured Ayumu. He asked why Ayumu let them have their way with him, and Ayumu replied saying that he was much smaller than all of them and that he even had a weak quirk. Ryuu gently hit him in the head and told him that his bullies were stupid so all he had to do was outsmart them. He added, "Paper cuts really hurt, too! If you can cut them by grazing them with fast-moving paper, then you can easily beat them." Ayumu took Ryuu's advice and finally beat his bullies. He felt powerful and extremely satisfied. He had finally paid them back for all the pain they had caused him. This was the beginning of Ayumu's sadistic side. From that point on, the two became best friends and never left one another's side. Ryuu helped Ayumu train his quirk, and soon Ayumu could handle anyone without Ryuu's help. Ayumu focusef pouring his time into improving his smarts and control over his quirk. He figured out new aspects to his quirk and grew accustomed to thinking out of the box. 
One day, Ayumu said that he wanted to become a hero, which surprised Ryuu who couldn't imagine Ayumu wanting to become a hero. When Ryuu asked Ayumu why, Ayumu's eyes gleamed as he explained how he could get paid for dishing out pain to others legally and with society's full consent. Ryuu burst out laughing, knowing of Ayumu's sadistic side after spending years together. The two decided to take the UA entrance exam together even though Ryuu recieved a recommendation since the two did everything together, and as they expected, they crushed the competition. Ryuu turned into a dragon while Ayumu rode on his back (because he was too lazy to manipulate his paper into wings). Ryuu clawed and breathed fire against the machines, while Ayumu would manipulated his paper to harden and slip inside the machines, destroying them from the inside before sending hundreds of pieces to make it explode.
the quirk.
                                 1          2           3          4          5

Power :                                                                                   ( 3 / 5 )

Speed :                                                                                   ( 4 / 5 )

Technique :                                                                             ( 5 / 5 )

Intelligence :                                                                           ( 2 / 5 )

Cooperativeness :                                                                  ( 4 / 5 )
QUIRK : Paper Jester  ( Quirk Type : Emmitter )
` Ayumu's quirk can also be called "paper manipulation". He can manipulate any piece of paper to be anything or harden enough to be as strong as steel, but the mass cannot be changed. Ayumu cannot create paper and can only manipulate paper he knows the exact location of.
` doesn't feel any damage done to the paper
` can harden paper to be as strong as steel 
` has complete control over his quirk
` appears to be weak so many lower their guard
` paper is very common so he has an abundant supply
` immune to paper cuts
` can manipluate the paper to be extremely quick
` thicker paper is harder to control (like if printer paper uses 1 energy, card stock uses 2)
` paper has to be dry for Ayumu to be able to manipulate it
` paper is still paper so fire can easily it and water can make it tear (Ayumu often sprays some paper with waterproof spray, though)
` overuse can lead to finger cramping and loss of feeling in his hands (has to be able to move his fingers around)
` Ayumu's body is that of a regular person's and he hasn't really trained it so his body is quite weak
` his control is based off his emotions, so if he's happy/calm, he has perfect control, but if he's angry, his control becomes more off

` uses his appearance and weak-looking quirk to lower his opponents' guard
` provokes his opponents with jokes and insults to anger then and throw them off
` if possible, he does thorough reseach on his opponent
` utilizes his great control and technique when attacking
` uses out-of-the-box thinking to surprise and catch his opponents off guard
` disappears before attacking and pops out at random moments to provoke his opponent
` tries to fight from a distance by flying into the air with paper wings but can manipluate his paper into weapons that are as strong as the real thing if the fight becomes close-combat 
` fights as if he's a jester, putting on a show for the crowds around
` carries a bag full of paper to manipulate
` for close-combat, Ayumu usually dual-wields two daggers he makes from paper
` carries smoke bombs hidden throughout his entire costume
the facts.
` children // while he may be a sadist, Ayumu has a real soft spot for children; he will often volunteer at daycares and entertain kids as if he was a magician; he likes to bring his origami creations to life by using his quirk which never fails to amaze the kids
` taiyaki // one of the few things slightly consistent with his appearance, Ayumu likes subtly sweet things (red bean paste and matcha are great, but cupcakes and frosting are big no's)
` autumn // his favorite season because of its cool but not freezing weather and various colored leaves falling from trees
` onesies // god forbid someone other than his family or Ryuunosuke finds out this fact, one of his guilty pleasures
` ramen // he will eat it anywhere at anytime no matter what, his favorite food
` origami // Ayumu will actually do origami with his hands even though he could just manipulate paper with his quirk, he finds the activity calming and gives the finished products to his siblings or other kids
` excersing // though he does do it daily with Ryuu to keep in shape, he still hates it because he doesn't like sweat, and unlike Ryuu, his body doesn't really build up muscle
` sugar // overly sweet things make Ayumu want to throw up
` being treated like a girl // if you make this mistake, you better be praying because this action is taboo for Ayumu
` bullies // it doesn't matter if they aren't bullying him, if Ayumu sees someone being a bully, he won't hesistate to step in
` being interrupted // some people will just cut Ayumu off mid-sentence and it's a major pet peeve of his
` waking up // Ayumu is definitely not a morning person, Ryuu has to go over to his house and drag him out out
` preparing paper // due to his quirk's nature, Ayumu needs to carry around quite a bit of paper, and if he doesn't want water to render his quirk useless, he has to spray the paper with waterproof spray and let it dry, the whole process is necessary but extremely tedious
` flying // whether it's because of his paper wings or he's just riding Ryuu as Ryuu flies around in his dragon form, Ayumu enjoys the feeling of it
` cooking // despite how he acts, Ayumu is actually an amazing cook; he often had to cook breakfast for all of his siblings because his parents were too busy
` sleeping // if he could, Ayumu would just sleep all day
`  hanging out with Ryuu // being with Ryuu just makes Ayumu feel complete, the two have always been by each others' side so when they are apart, something feels off
` singing // though he only does it when he's alone with Ryuu, Ayumu really enjoys quietly singing to Ryuu who first asked him to sing
` taking care of his siblings // Ayumu loves his family and it shows in his actions and words towards them, his younger siblings also adore their eldest brother
` Ayumu tends to dress in dark colors and look like a "bad boy" so that he isn't confused to be a girl, it makes him feel manlier
` Much to Ryuu's dismay, Ayumu likes to go right back to sleep after waking up to his alarm
` Ayumu is always so sleepy when he wakes up, so his younger sisters like to take the opportunity to put his hair up in his usual updo
` Despite hating being treated like a girl, Ayumu lets Ryuu baby him by carrying him around princess-style and holding his bags for him
` Ayumu always mumbles curse words about the people who annoy him right after they annoy him (only he can hear his mumbles)
` best subject is math (he is one of the best in the entire school since origami is really just math)
` has dirt on everyone in the school
` has and will crossdress if the situation calls for it but only after taking away everyone's (the class') phones
` keeps his hair long so that his younger sisters can play and practice with it, but will say that it helps with decieving others (which isn't a complete lie)
` can solve a rubix cube in 6 seconds flat
` likes to mess around with the "genius" puzzles
` can play the violin (learned because Ryuu was learning)
` would've become an daycare teacher or elementary school teacher if he didn't get into UA
` stills wishes he had a cool quirk like Ryuu but is happy with his quirk now
` still insecure about his appearance, Ryuu defends him every time
        Related image
` Ayumu's room is almost identical to the picture above with a couple of differences. The poster of the Native American is replaced by a blown up picture of him and his family together. The cars in the back are instead countless origami creatures neatly arranged while the books are instead various kinds of paper: printer paper, orgami paper, colored paper, card stock, etc. On top of his bed frame are several branches filled with origami cranes of various colors (instead of rainbow, picture them to be white, grey, navy, dark blue, and pale blue). His entire ceiling is actually filled with origami creatures of all kinds (still in the white, grey, navy, dark blue, and pale blue theme).
the connections.

EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Asuka (40) // Mother
She works as a nurse during the night and returns home in the morning, by which she is completely exhausted and terribly sleepy. She takes quick naps before taking care of her kids. Ayumu and Ayaka, who feared their mother would overwork herself, stepped up to help take care of their younger siblings. She is incredibly grateful to her two eldest kids and makes sure to not burden them too much. She is a very loving and doting mother who can't help but always worry about her kids. Her cooking is second to none, and she always makes large portions for their big family. She's always tired from work and taking care of her kids, but she wouldn't have it any other way. 

Quirk: Calming Touch // As the name implies, she's able to calm down anyone/anthing she touches  


EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Yuuma (40) // Father
He is a hardoworking father who loves all of his kids. However, to ensure that their large family has enough food on the table, he work works long hours as an office worker. He is a little awkward with his kids, but it's just in his personality to be a little timid. He's a reserved man who is a little ashamed that his two eldest kids have to help take care of their siblings. He does spoil his kids and does his best to provide them everything they need and want. Ayumu greatly respects and appreciates his father who helped him train his quirk since their quirks are somewhat similar. When his father found out that his son was being bullied, he made sure that his son would be able to fight back even with his seemingly weak quirk. Ayumu's father was grateful to Ryuunosuke who protected his son and treats him as his own son.

Quirk: Extended Reach // He can control light-weight objects with one finger after touching them. (ex. If he taps 10 pens, he can use all of them simutaneously.)


EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Ayaka (14) // Younger Sister
Ever since they were kids, Ayaka and Ayumu were close. Ayumu would always protect Ayaka from boys who would bully her because they liked her. However, the bullies would end up bullying Ayumu who had an androgynous appearance. This lead to Ayumu dressing up like a 'bad boy' to seem more intimidating which became very effective after he became skilled with his quirk. Seeing as she's getting to that age where boys are interested in girls, Ayumu is very protective of his younger sister and used to pick her up from school (he now makes sure Yuuto or Kazuya picks her up, usually Yuuto since he's older and manlier). Ayaka is the closest to Ayumu in terms of age (she's 14, while Ayumu is 15). The two work together closely when it comes to taking care of their siblings. Ayumu cooks breakfast while Ayaka cooks dinner. Ayumu is extremely grateful to Ayaka who shares his responsiblities without complaint. Ayaka is gentle and motherly in terms of personality, but with Ayumu, she's playful and more straightforward. 

Quirk: Calming Ink // Her sweat glands also produce blue ink which calms anyone/anything that comes into contact with it. Ayaka can't manipulate this ink, she can only control its production.

EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Yuuto (12) // Younger Brother
Yuuto is the only one with dark blue hair and glasses amongst his siblings, but he likes being different. He takes after Ayumu in the sense that Yuuto is very playful and mischievous, though many mistake Yuuto to be the eldest son of the Hinata family. He has more of a carefree personality since he doesn't have the same responsiblities as Ayumu and Ayaka. He holds great respect and admiration for his two older siblings, especially his older brother who looks weak and seems to have a weak quirk but uses both facts to his advantage and is actually very strong. He's even considering becoming a hero like his older brother. While Ayumu takes care of all this siblings, he only really dotes on the youngest four. Ayumu has high expectations for Yuuto, since he knows that if he gets into UA, Yuuto will the the eldest son left at home. Ayumu expects Yuuto to carry out his old responsiblities while he's gone. Though, Ayumu' says that Yuuto's biggest responsiblity will be to protect their female siblings, especially Ayaka who is quite popular at her school, from boys.

Quirk: Electronic Manipulation // Branching off his father's quirk, Yuuto is able to manipulate anything electronic, from charging cords to electric towers. (He can't manipulate actual electricity, and the more electricity the object holds, the more energy it takes to manipulate it.)


EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Kazuya (11) // Younger Brother

Kazuya probably admires Ayumu the most out of all their siblings, though he'd never admit it. Kazuya is a tsundere who's shy to admit his admiration for his eldest brother, though Ayumu already knows about it. Ayumu is Kazuya's idol and hero. Kazuya even puts his hair up to appear similar to Ayumu but not similar enough to the point where it's identical to Ayumu's hair. Similar to Yuuto, Kazuya looks a little older than Ayumu, but the way Ayumu carries himself lets everyone know who's the real eldest son of the Hinata family. Kazuya finds it amazing that Ayumu's quirk can be strong while appearing weak and can be magically amazing while being strong. He also wants to follow Ayumu's footsteps in becoming a hero. Ayumu likes to dote on Kazuya in a different way compared to his younger siblings. Ayumu will spend time with Kazuya one-on-one and let him watch him train his quirk. Kazuya's constant admiration makes Ayumu feel like a cool older brother.

Quirk: Emotion Tranmitter // Kazuya can influence others' emotions with his own by coming into physical contact with them. (ex. If Kazuya was feeling happy because Ayumu praised him and he brushed shoulder's with someone who was angry, that person would feel incredibly happier.) 

EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Haruko & Harumi (7) // Younger Twin Siblings
Haruko and Harumi are practically inseperable. Where you can find one, you can find the other not too far off if they aren't already together. Haruko is rambunctious and wild-spirited, while Harumi is his polar opposite, shy and reserved. Haruko leads Harumi in their adventures together, but Harumi calms Haruko down when he becomes too much. The two greatly value each others' opinions over anyone else's, except Ayumu. Similar to Kazuya, the twins see Ayumu as their hero. He always plays with them. His mischievous personality matches well with Haruko's while his origami and magic tricks appeal well to Harumi. The twins only listen to each other and Ayumu, but with Ayumu moving into dorms, he advised them to listen to Yuuto who has a similar personality to his own.

Quirk: Emotion Creator // Haruko and Harumi can make other's feel a certain emotion by touching them. Haruko can cause others to feel any negative feeling like anger, stress, or depression, while Harumi can make others feel any positive emotion like happiness, calmness, generousity.


EXMZ6az.jpgHinata Miyu (5) // Youngest Sister
Miyu is the cute baby of the family. Everyone dotes on her, but her favorite, like everyone else, is Ayumu. Unlike Kazuya, Miyu openly displays her love for her oldest brother. Miyu is the one who always does Ayumu's hair and has Ayumu do the same hairstyle on her. Ayumu dotes on Miyu the most, so much so that he doesn't cut his long hair that makes him look more like a girl because he knows that if he goes back home with short hair, she'd cry. Miyu cried when Ayumu told her that he's moving into the UA dorms. However, she made him promise that he'd make frequent visits.

Quirk: Calming Touch // Miyu, unlike all her other siblings, simply inherited their mother's quirk. She can calm anything or anyone she touches.

the partner-in-crime.
NAME : Narita Ryuunosuke
BACK-UP : another applicant
AGE : 15
QUIRK : Dragon (Transformer)
` Ryuunosuke has the ability to transform himself into a dragon that walks on four. He can produce horns, wings, and a tail. His appearance as a dragon is blood red with bright blue eyes. His size is determined by his age. With every passing year, Ryuunosuke's dragon form becomes bigger. (He is currently the size of a school bus.)
PERSONALITY : Ryuunosuke was never an adventurous child; he preferred to stay home, reading books and practicing his violin. He grew up to be a gentlemen, being kind to all and hard to those who do others wrong. Ryuunosuke is really the chivalrous sort of guy, kind and considerate to all yet harsh on those who do others wrong. With those he's close to, he has a dry sense of humor. He cares for his loved ones and treats them with the utmost importance.
Many would consider Ryuunosuke to be a very laid-back guy. Very few have seen him angry. However, he is also an introvert who prefers to keep to himself and is reserved in his actions. He hates bring in large crowds as he finds them to be noisy and irritating.
While many see Ryuunosuke as a very chill person, he is also overprotective. For those he deems close, Ryuunosuke would protect them with his life. He would lose it if even a hair of their head was injured. He is also incredibly stubborn. If he says he'll do something, he will see to it that it is carried out. Not even Ayumu, his childhood friend, can change his mind once Ryuunosuke's set his mind on something. In addition, Ryuunosuke is surprisingly selfish. He onlys only about himself and his objectives.
HISTORY : Ryuunosuke grew up in a fairly wealthy family, so he grew up being taught that he has to be a gentleman. Of course, he also grew up with the stereotypical rich kid lessons. He learned about etiquette and took violin lessons. However, his parents didn't want him to grow up as a spoiled rich brat, so they had him attend a public school. This is where he met Ayumu and saved him from his bullies. He gave Ayumu advice about how to use his quirk and it worked. From then on, the two were inseperable. They began to do everything together. Ryuunosuke's parents, who were ecstatic that their introverted son had made his first friend, spoiled Ayumu. They gave the blue-haired boy his own violin and let him take lessons with Ryuunosuke. Similarly, Ayumu's parents treated Ryuunosuke as their own son and let him come over anytime. The two boys grew close over time, and wherever one went, the other never failed to follow. When it became time for the two to graduate onto middle school, Ryuunosuke's parents let him go wherever Ayumu went since they had grown fond of the smaller boy. Ryuunosuke had no problems with this as he wanted to stay close to his best friend and protect him from anyone who dared mock him. The entire time, the two trained their quirks together and grew stronger. Ayumu no longer needed any protection nor backup from Ryuunosuke, but they both enjoyed each others' presence. When Ayumu decided he wanted to become a hero and take UA's entrance exam, Ryuunosuke decided to follow him.
FIRST MEETING : Ayumu and Ryuunosuke first met when they were 7, just after Ryuunosuke transferred to theiry school. Their meeting occurred while Ayumu was being bullied by their schoolmates. At first, Ryuunosuke thought Ayumu was a girl and decided to protect him from the bullies as a gentleman should, but he was shocked when Ayumu yelled back that he was a boy. Feeling bad for mistaking his gender, Ryuunosuke offered him some advice about what to do about his situation. Ayumu took his advice to heart and managed to injure his bullies. However, the bullies got angry and fought back, but Ryuunosuke transformed into a small dragon and threatened to claw at them. This caused the bullies to run away crying. Ayumu thanked Ryuunosuke and asked if they could be friends. Feeling the need to protect the smaller boy, Ryuunosuke agreed.
DEVELOPMENT : Not long after agreeing to be friends, Ayumu invited Ryuunosuke over to which the latter happily agreed. Needless to say, Ryuunosuke was very surprised by Ayumu's three younger siblings (at the time). Ayumu immediately went into Mommy-Mode and began cleaning the house while carrying around baby Kazuya. Meanwhile, Ayaka was cooking dinner while conversing with Ayumu about the chores that needed to be done and setting the table. Ryuunosuke felt quite lost and out of place, but then Ayumu pushed Yuuto onto him and told him to keep him occupied. Ryuunosuke did his best to play with Yuuto but Ayumu saw him struggling and laughed. Ayumu's mom woke up and took care of the kids, and the dad came back home, too. They were surprised to see Ryuunosuke but quickly took a liking to him and treated him as if he was part of the family. He had dinner with them before calling his chauffeur to take him home. Despite, not like large crowds, Ryuunosuke felt rather comfortable and cozy in the Hinata househole. 
Similarly, Ryuunosuke invited Ayumu over, and after a long phone call home, Ayumu agreed. Ayumu was surprised to find out that his best friend was actually a rich kid, but he didn't treat Ryuunosuke any differently which Ryuunosuke greatly appreciated. Ryuunosuke's parents immediately fell in love with Ayumu who was like a cute girl (Ryuu's mom really wanted a girl to dress up). Much to Ayumu's dismay and Ryuu's amusement, Ryuu's mom dressed Ayumu like a doll. As an apology, Ryuu's dad gave Ayumu a violin and let him take lessons with Ryuu. Ayumu really liked being able to do somethine with Ryuu, so he put a lot of effort into the violin to catch up with Ryuu.
Over time, the two began training their quirks together and never left each others' side. They did everything together and found great comfort in each others' presence. Their long friendship together made it hard for  others to try and befriend them. While Ayumu was the class clown and got along with everyone, he held everyone at a distance. Ryuunosuke was intimidating and antisocial without Ayumu, so not many approached him. When the two were together, it was like they were in their own world. If anyone made fun of Ayumu, either Ayumu would have fun taking care of them on his own or he would let Ryuunosuke wreck havoc on them. If anyone insulted, Ayumu would murder them before Ryuunosuke would even hear of the insult. They protected each other fiercely and would never let anyone insult each other. In any battle, they had each others' backs and would support each other perfectly. They trusted each other with their lives and would follow each other blindly and confidently. 
LOVE STORY : To begin with, their long friendship naturally made the two closer than most. The two also never cared much for girls who tried to get between them. However, they never considered each other as love interests until they started attending UA. For the first time in their lives, they were in different classes. The seperation, no matter how small, made both very uncomfortable. Having the other by their side was as natural as breathing to the both of them, so the lack of there of felt awkward and unnatural. The two have practiced together, trained together, and fought together for as long as they could remember. To be seperated and not just not be able to fight together. but to compete with one another, it was a completely new feeling. 
The seperation between the two was actually intentional. The staff and teachers noticed the abnormal between the two and decided that the seperation between them would be beneficial for both of them. And it was. It forced Ayumu to be independent and forced Ryuunosuke to be more social. However, the two were actually fine as they were. Ryuunosuke's wealth, quirk, and appearance intimidated any pest that dare try and mess with Ayumu, but at the same time, it brought upon many girls who were just interest in his money, strength, and looks. The boy was the whole package, and who could pass him up, especially when he was single? That's where Ayumu came in. While he greatly dislikes the fact, it is true that Ayumu could easily pass as a girl, a very cute one at that. With Ayumu's cute, feminine looks and natural closeness that he had with Ryuunosuke due to their long friendship, it discouraged almost all of his pursuer. Now that they were seperate, the two were both susceptible to the things that irritated them. After they were seperated, the two made an effort to visit each other as much as possible. Their lack of time together only brought them closer when they did have the chance to be together. They would catch each other up on their lives and talk about anything under the sun. However, girls would still throw themselves on Ryuunosuke while guys would flirt with Ayumu saying they would mind being gay for him. Both things made the other jealous and the built up irritation and frustration made both of them very posessive of one another. Ayumu began to grow more bold in his interactions with Ryuunosuke. He began sitting on Ryuunosuke's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck, and whispering things in his ear in positions that made it look like he was kissing him. Similarly, Ryuunosuke became more posessive and protecive of Ayumu. He began wrapping his arm around Ayumu's waist, carrying him princess-style, and outright glaring at all of Ayumu's classmates while they talked with Ayumu. Everyone in the school thought of them as a couple, and unofficially, they were.
Their jealousy was the first sign of their feelings as both thought of each other as really close friends. The final push was when Class 1-A had an encounter with villians. When Ryuunosuke heard of this, he instantly tried to rush to the scene but was heald back by teachers and other professional heroes. He couldn't hold back his anxiety and worry. He couldn't sit still or stop worrying about Ayumu. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Ayumu's abilities. In fact, he knew better than anyone how strong Ayumu was, but he couldn't help but be concerned for his well-being. Eventually, Ryuunosuke mangaed to flew to the scene after outsmarting the heroes on duty. While Ayumu fought the villians, he became scared. Unlike the others, Ayumu was alone. Due to his small, light build, the blast sent him further than the rest of his group. There were no other students nearby, so he only had himself to rely on. What if he died here? How would Ryuunosuke feel? Would Ryuunosuke be outraged at his reckless actions or would he mourn his death? Such thoughts ran through his mind as he fought. It had been a long time since Ayumu fought without Ryuunosuke by his side. He refused to let it be the last time he saw Ryuunosuke. He fought hard and used as many tricks he could. However, there were too many and Ayumu's quirk wasn't suited for multiple opponents. The villians got the upper hand and had Ayumu by his neck. That's when Ryuunosuke smelled Ayumu's sent and nosedived into the battlefield. He saw Ayumu being held up by the villian ran at him. Surprised by a big red dragon joining the battle, the villian dropped Ayumu. Ryuunosuke managed to catch the tired Ayumu on his back. Seeing his best friend right after he had given up hope brought tears to the tough Ayumu's eyes. It made both of them silently realize how much they loved each other and not just in a friendly way. Realizing this, Ryuunosuke was ready to breathe fire on the villian that held Ayumu by his neck, but Ayumu stopped him. Ryuunosuke relectantly agreed and settled for knocking the guy unconscious with his tail. Reuniting with his best friend, re-energized the formerly tired Ayumu. The two then finished off the nearby villians by fighting together like they had practiced, trained, and done so many times before. 
Once the entire Class 1-A  had been rescued, Ayumu was treated for his injuries while Ryuunosuke got a lengthy lecture. After the treatment and lecture, Ayumu and Ryuunosuke reunited once again. Ayumu sat in Ryuunosuke's lap while both were wrapped in one blanket. They sat together in silence, until Ayumu surprised Ryuunosuke by kissing him on the cheek. Ryuunosuke changed their positions around so that he could see Ayumu's blushing face. Smiling proudly, Ryuunosuke whispered, "I think were past the first phase, so I'll just go ahead and tell you, I love you," before kissing Ayumu on the lips. Ayumu blushed even more and muttered, "You better not cheat on me." Just to play with him, Ryuunosuke teased, "Or what?" To which Ayumu could only hide his face in embarrassment and reply, "I'll tell your mom." 
ENDING : Dating (and happily married)
STATUS : Best Friends
only Ryuunosuke gets to treat Ayumu like a girl
` Ryuunosuke gets very jealous whenever Ayumu has to crossdress
both of their families were ecstatic when they found out the two were dating (Ayumu's siblings were honestly just waiting for them to get together. Yuuto had a bet with Ayaka, Kazuya, and Haruko on this. Yuuto thought they would date before entering UA. Ayaka thought it would be in their second year of UA. Kazuya thought they would continue being really close best friends. Haruko won saying they would date within the first year at UA. Ayumu beat them all up when he found out. Ryuunosuke thought it was hilarious.)
Ryuu likes to know where Ayumu is at all times
` Ayumu often cooks for the both of them
Ryuu likes PDA (public displays of affection) to show others who Ayumu belongs to
Whenever Ryuu visits the 1-A  classroom, the 1-A students usually yell, "Hi-chan, your husband is here to pick you up!"
Whenever Ayumu vists the 1-B classroom, the 1-B students usually yell, "Narita-kun, your wife is here!"
 Both boys are practically already family in each others' households.
`  Ryuunosuke helps Ayumu take care of Ayumu's siblings 
 Miyu doesn't like Ryuu because she feels like Ryuu took away her oldest brother, her prince
He wasn't sure why he was called alone -- only to find out that he's the only one in the 1-A classroom.
However, he's not entirely alone. What he saw infront of him is the Symbol of Peace standing by the windows, his eyes focused on the forest surrounding the building.
Ayumu could've sworn he had seen that face before. That's when he remembered, the man in front of him was the #01 hero, the Symbol of Peace, Deku. Immediately, he tried to figure out why both of them were here. He tried to think of the last prank he pulled on the teacher. Sure, the teacher was mad, but he had taken care to make sure the prank wasn't too harsh. Caught up in his panicked thinking, he accidentally pushed the desk, causing a loud creaking sound.
Deku turned around, a smile gracing his lips when he saw the student and waved.
"Hello! You must be Ayumu-kun! I'm happy that you agreed to come here even if All Might didn't told you why you need to."
"Well, when All Might is the one asking, how can I refuse? Though, I must admit, I did have my suspicions. My best friend also tagged along with me had I not adamantly stopped him," Ayumu joked lightly.
"Please sit," he courtiously pointed at the familiar chair where he and his classmates sat on.
Ayumu eyed the chair warily before quietly pulling it out and sitting. The situation before him was strange, so he didn't know what to expect.
Deku leaned on the table, crossing his arms across his chest before staring at him, the seriousness in his face is enough to make him nervous already. Deku is the Symbol of Peace and number one hero in Japan, after all.
"To explain why I called you here, and same goes to the others previously, I'm going straight to the point," he stared at him. "Japan is in danger, more or less."
More or less? What kind of explanation is that? Ayumu looked at the number one hero in Japan confused, "With all due respect Sir, why are you telling me this? I'm only a first-year, a kid who barely got into high school. There's not much I can do if you're asking to save the world?"
"Tell me, why did you chose UA instead of other schools who also offer hero coarses? You do know their reputation--especially during my generation back then."
Ayumu considered this for a moment. "Well, ignoring the school's reputation, UA is still one of the best schools for upcoming heroes, and seeing as you, Sir, a graduate of this school, are the number one hero in Japan, then this school must be doing something right."
"Do you want to become a hero?" he tilted his head, loud and clear emerald eyes piercing right through him. It's almost intimidating despite the kind and innocent expression he's wearing.
"Of course," he answered without skipping a beat.
"Then I'm asking you this; if me and the Pro-Heroes needed back-up, would you come? Would you help us?"
Ayumu raised his brow, as if the answer were obvious, "Sir, if the Pro-Heroes need backup, who else would come? I may be a student, but I am confident in my abilities. I may not be able to contribute much, but I have a family to protect and younger siblings who look up to me." The boy laughs uncharacteristcally shakily as he thinks of his family and younger siblings. "I can't let down those who look up to me, now can I?"
The hero smiled, nodding slowly and pushed himself away from the table. The sound of his heavy iron black soles clashing with the cemented floor echoed throughout the empy classroom and Deku just chuckled.
"Work hard, Young Ayumu. Thank you for your time," he gave him a thumbs up. "Make all of us proud, including yourself."
Dave SAYS !!
COMMENTS : Dear lord, I really just sped run through this for an entire day. I hope you like him though.
PASSWORD : Midoriya
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` School Festival Arc // if you've read the manga, you know what I'm talking about, but if you haven't, esssentially, UA hosts a school festival and the (now former) 1-A class puts on a band performance with dancers and lights. (it's just like any other school festival but with quirks)


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