replace with faceclaim



replace with faceclaim

character name. Lee Kiyoung

other names.

Canary. His prince name as a reference to his beautiful melodies and his magic that he uses for his hobby of flying around

#02. His former ranking in the Assassination Guild that doubled as his code name and the way he was usually referred to as.



Bow. Used by the captain and eventually the rest of the crew as a reference to the bow of a violin (the long, flexible wooden stick that has horse hairs stretched from one end to the other). He quite likes this nickname since he thinks it sounds cool

Cheeky Brat. Used by the older crew members sinc he likes to act cheeky and be a smart- in front of them

Two-Faced Violinist. Used by Klahan initally as an insult but eventually grew to be an term he would use in amusement whenever Kiyoung switches personalities

KiKi. A feminine version of his name that the guys use to since he hates this nickname

Ki/Younggie. Abbreviations of his name used only by Lucas

birthday. February 14

age. 19

species. elf

ethnicity. Korean

former occupation. assassin

ual orientation. homoual



Elvish (100%). His first language that he kept using with #01, or Wang Lucas

Common (100%). Had to learn it if he wanted to survive after being kidnapped from his village

Faerie (85%). Together with the fact that Elvish and Faerie were similar, his village had good relations with faeries, and they would often rest in his village. Also, amongst the other kidnapped children, quite a few of them were faeries.

Dwarvish (75%). In the Assassination Guild, there were many dwarves since they were forced to make all the weapons used by the guild. His Dwarvish isn't completely fluent, but he can hold an advanced conversation which is more than what most people can do

Region-Specific (50%). As an assassin, Kiyoung was forced to learn at least the very basics of many regions in order to be able to carry out his missions.

Race-Specific (40%). The Assassins' Guild was full of various species, so after being in there for a couple years, he picked up a little on all of them (these include orcish, draconic, etc.)

faceclaim. NCT's Jungwoo

backup. ASTRO's Cha Eunwoo 


appearance. Kiyoung has a deceptive appearance. If you didn't know any better, you would say that he looks quite gentle and soft. Fluffy, short, dark brown hair that parts slightly in the middle rests upon his light-complexioned head. His plush cheeks shine with his small smile that makes him look shy and reserved. His plump lips are the a shade darker than his cheeks that are tinted with a rosy shade of pink. His dark brown eyes that match his hair appear innocent and sweet. His small stature goes together with his whole appearance and makes him look cute.


What many don't see is Kiyoung's elf form (similar to this). In his elf form, his dark brown hair turns white and grows to be a little longer. His cheeks slim down, and his skin becomes a little sun-kissed. His eyes become pale green and his ears elongate a little to become pointed. He also becomes much taller and his trained muscles appear toned. He usually transforms into his elf form for battle or assassination missions, but he never shows anyone this form. He always keeps his elf form covered up


However, neither form can make the countless scars in Kiyoung's chest, back, or arms disappear. Both forms have the numerous scars, burns, and whip marks Kiyoung recieved during his time as an assassin. They also both have the alchemy symbol for death that was branded right underneath his left collar bone. 



height. 168 cms (human form) & 180 cms (elf form)

weight. 54 kgs (human form) & 57 kgs (elf form)


fashion. Kiyoung wears very plain clothing compared to his crew member counterparts. He wears loose, simple black, white, and grey cottons. He wears black leather boots on a regular basis. He only ever wears long sleeves and pants/long trousers, even if it is a burning summer's day. He covers up a lot of his skin to hide his scars and other body markings that would otherwise intimitade others. He doesn't like to wear anything shiny or anything that will reflect light with the only exception being his head piece (same as the one in the elf pic) which is his only piece of home he still has. During battles, he'll put on shin guards but will otherwise keep his usual appearance. In 

     However, if Johnny will give Kiyoung an assassination mission, Kiyoung will wear fitted black cottons together with softly padded, black cotton boots and a slightly thick leather vest. He also wears a black cotton mask that covers his entire heard with the only exception being his eyes. Tied to his back is his black quiver and on his side is his black sword scabbard.

The Gemini.


personality traits.

[  +  ] charming, comforting, loyal, comical

[  =  ] easy-going, mischievous, observant, detailed

[ ― ] insecure, calculating, cruel, ruthless



"He acts with a charm you can't help but notice." People can't help but notice Kiyoung, not just because of how he will be wearing long sleeves despite it being blasing hot but because of other various things about him. Like how comfortable it is to talk to him, how his small smile can make you relac, and how his soft laugh can lift your spirits. No one can deny that Kiyoung is the kind of person that people can't talk their eyes off of. "He's always there for you, and there is no thought more comforting." Kiyoung is that one friend you can go to when you need to let something out. Be it you need to cry, or you have something that you just need to let out, Kiyoung would be the first person you go to. Something about how Kiyoung gives you his full undivided attention when you talk to his is really comforting, and how he doesn't make any comments when he knows you just need to let everything out as soon as possible. he sees it from your point of view, gets sad with you, angry along with you, and laughs with you. he makes it feel as though you have a comrade when you feel like no one else will be there for you. "He believes that blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family." Kiyoung is one the most loyal of Johnny's princes as well as one of the most experienced with combat.  The other boys know that they can trust Kiyoung to watch their backs in fights. He is willing to do anything and everything for his fellow princes and would never hesistate to walk through fire for them. He is the kind of person who cross heaven and earth for any of the crew members if they asked without even asking why. "They said laughter was the best medicine so he became a clown." Kiyoung was never a jokster until the village's doctor told him and his friends that laughter was the best medicine. He figured out how to make everyone and anyone laugh. He did his best to keep his entire village happy, and soon, it became second-nature to him.


"He had had enough action for his life, so he decided to take things easy." Kiyoung is a really chill kind of guy. He seems timid and reserved at first, but once you start talking to him, he is really easy to talk to. He typically never stresses about anything. He's a down-to-earth kind of guy who never really gets upset. He's quite tolerant and patient with others and is really just relaxed most of the time. "He always thought life deserved a bit of spice." He was never the kind of kid who could sit still. He was always thinking of ways to stir up trouble. He likes to act cheeky in front of the other crew members and play pranks on all of them, except the chef since he wants to be able to eat good food. "He was a genius at figuring out people simply by  taking the time to notice the things other overlook." Kiyoung is the kind of guy who quietly blends into the backgroud while taking countless mental notes about everyone around him. He notices everything around him as an old habit of when he was an assassin. He needed to be observant if he wanted to live. He is quick to pick up the smallest of changes in his environment and adjusts his plans accordingly. "He never missed the details, and that made him all the more endearing." Whenever the guys said that they liked how something was, Kiyoung would immediately try to fix it up for them. If any of them said that they liked the melody of one musical piece, Kiyoung would do his best to create a similar piece with the same kind of meoldy. He never missed those little things which  helped in slightly opening up the hearts of a lot of the crew members to him.


"He put on a mask of confidence to hide his insecurities." Kiyoung's insecurities are a hidden side of himself that not even Johnny knows about. They silently consume his thoughts a lot of the time and are the reason he never exposes any skin or transforms into his natural form (his elf form). The memory of not being able to save those that were kidnapped with him or protect them from being abused right in front of his eyes weighs him down with immesurable shame. Becoming a merciless assassin who has killed more than he can remember makes him feel as though he can never return to being the son of the village chief or even go back home. It's also the reason why he tries so hard to make everyone happy be it with his music or jokes. A lot of the time he puts on airs of being confident and strong but his insecurities constantly make him feel ashamed and guilty. It makes him think that he can never truly be on the same as the rest of the princes. It's also why he feels he never has the right to judge anyone about what they've done in the past. "He may appear cheeky, but everything he does is not with calculations." To those who don't know any betterKiyoung often comes off as soft and gentle when in reality, he's planned out everything. He knows how his actions appear to some people and figures out how he comes off to others. He uses all this information to his advantage. He'll play ignorant, dumb, and naive just to land an blow with his target after getting close. "He was cruel because he chose to be and no one tried to stop him." Kiyoung is truly a cruel person. He is one of the few people in the crew who  can torture others for information. The other guys struggle being that level of cruel, so Kiyoung does it for them. He endured cruel treatment himself so he has no problems reenacting his past treatment. He has no problems inflicting incredible amounts of pain on others. To him, it is as normal as breathing. "He was just a shell, something hollow and empty on the inside." Kiyoung is calm, cold, and cruel, but maybe that was because he was simply empty on the inside. He doesn't particularly like fighting and killing others, it was just something he was good at. When he fights, he looks at his opponents as if they are bugs underneath his feet. He doesn't celebrate his wins or look pleased when he is done beating the living crap out of someone. His facial expressions are constantly blank which an occasional, lifeless smirk. He feels nothing which is why he is capable of continuing even if it looks like he's beat



The Village's Heir (0-9)

      Kiyoung was the first-born son of the elf village's chief and his elven wife. He was born in an elf village that was secluded and hidden deep inside a lush mountain. His village was self-sufficient, but they were friendly with faeries. The two species traded goods with each other and held celebration together. Kiyoung was a troublemaker and very active kid. Him and his friends would run around the village playing games and pulling childish pranks on the adults. 

     Similar to his father, the chief of the village, his peers never hesistated to follow his lead. He eventually had a younger brother and two younger sisters. His siblings, just like his friends, all looked up to and idolized Kiyoung. He was talented, even for an elf. He picked up on all his lessons quickly and never struggled academically. In fact, he would help his troubled classmates by tutoring them. Physically, Kiyoung was also gifted. He was lean and used any weapon with ease. He especially had the knack for archery and swordsmanship, both of which were his favorite to practice. He was even able to use magic, something uncommon for even elves.

     If there were one thing that would be his shortcoming, it would definitely be that he was musically challenged. Most elves had no problem playing instruments. In fact, most could play multiple instruments. The girls in his class chose to play the harp, lyre, or flute, while almost all of the guys chose to play the lute. However, Kiyoung was too proud to play the usual intruments. He wanted to show off musically too, so he chose the violin. God knows how awful he first sounded with it. His classmates laughed at him and his pathetic attempts. Even his teacher suggested trying to play something else. It was the first time Kiyoung had felt such embarrassment. He refused to be affect his defeat with the violin and stubbornly continued to practice his heart out with it. 

     In Kiyoung's village, everyday was relatively peaceful with the occasional run-in with savage orcs. The men would patrol around the village to discourage foreigners from entering. The men in his village were strong, but not all were gifted with magic, a fatal weakness when they were suddenly attacked during a celebration being held with faeries. The intruders were all strong, hired mercenaries capable of using magic. The barged into the village, and chaos immediately errupted. The women and children were attempting to hide, while the men, including Kiyoung's father and Kiyoung, tried to defend them. However, the two were in separate locations. Kiyoung's father fought in the front lines of the battle, while Kiyoung's male peers followed his lead in doing their best to hold off the intruders. Kiyoung fought using a sword and his magic, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by the mercenaries. Despite their best efforts, there were too many mercenaries and a few of them sneaked off and started their kidnapping of the women and children while all the males were distracted. In the corner of his eye, Kiyoung saw his younger sisters being kidnapped. He followed their captors to their containers full of elven and faery women and children. Kiyoung sprung forward and attacked the man holding his sisters. He managed to knock him unconscious and used his wind magic to propel his younger sisters back towards the village. Afterwards, he ran towards the cage and tried his best to open it up, but in his haste, he didn't notice the man sneak up behind him until he was knocked unconscious.

Training Begins (10-15)

     When Kiyoung woke up, he and the others captured with him were no longer in the mountains. They were in a cage on a carriage with chains around their wrists and ankles. All of the other kids around him looked hopeless and lost. Kiyoung's heart sank at the sight, so he did his best to make them laugh and smile. He did little tricks with his wind magic to keep them amused and amazed. His jokes kept their faces bright and hearts happy. The men who captured them would give them small rations, so Kiyoung always gave his to the younger kids. He would get into a lot of trouble for this, but instead of punishing him, the men would whip the kids he gave his rations to right in front of him. They would cry and scream from the pain, but the men would threaten to do more if Kiyoung dared to use his magic on them. Eventually, the kids would weaken greatly from the malnutrition and infection from their wounds. The youngest and weakest ones died, and there was nothing Kiyoung could do about it. 

     Soon enough, they reached a market where all of the kidnapped kids were put on display. Nobles would pass by and a few would by a kid or two. Kiyoung would go on a rampage each and every time to try and prevent them from taking the kids away, but he, too, was weak both mentally and physically. He was malnourished and was always using magic to keep the spirits of the other up, but every time one of the kids was taken away, he broke into tears and his heart never failed to sink. One by one, all the kids were being bought and taken away. No one wanted to buy him since the men had put an absurb amount of money for him since he was an elf capable of magic and because of the fact that he always acted aggressively. But one day, an elegant looking man showed up. The men kissed up to him and showed him to the man. They told the man that Kiyoung was capable of magic. The men barked at him to show his magic unless he wanted them to whip the rest of the kids. Reluctantly, Kiyoung stood up and used his magic to compress the wind and make a cut on the elegant man's cheek. Kiyoung attempted to scare the man off, but instead, the man smiled and said that he'd take him.

     The man dragged Kiyoung to a different location with a bag over his head so that he couldn't figure out his way back. When the bag was taken off, he realiezed that he was tied up in a room full of children in his same situation. One by one, a man in black would drag a kid through the only door in the room. He eventually got to Kiyoung and dragged him into another room where another adult brought out a hot iron and branded Kiyoung with the alchemy symbol for death. He passed out from the burning pain. He was later forcefully woken up in a room full of the same children as before, but this time, there were much more of them and everyone, including himself, was now wearing rags. Those that whined and made a fuss about wanting to go back home were hypnotized to forget everything. Afterwards, the adults from before came back and whipped everyone into shape. They never referred to any of them as names, they were called using numbers according to their rankings. The kids were treated like slaves and soldiers. They were given training for their bodies and forced to learn lessons so that they could work like normal people if they ever needed to work undercover. The training and work was absolutely brutal and the amount was insane. He forced himself to think of it as the same  kind of training back in his village but much more intense. Unfortunately, even if Kiyoung understood his situation, he was too kind to others. He would give his rations to others and would try to help out his peers during their exercises. Even if Kiyoung exceled at his own assignments and drills, the guild did not appreciate the kindness in him. The constantly punished him. He would always be the one whipped or burned to show an example to the others of what kindness would get you in the guild. For the next five years, Kiyoung was forced to shut off any and all emotions like the kids around him, if they wanted to survive. In the end, out of the hundred of kids that started out with him, only around 20 or so survived. They were were killed or died from the exhaustion. Kiyoung was not only a part of the survivng group, but he was one of the best. He grew to be exactly the kind of cruel, mindless killer the organization wanted, and they never hesistated to use him and they pleased. He killed the rich that had insulted the organization, the poor that annoyed the organization, the aristocrats that looked down on the organization, and anyone else the orgnization wanted dead. He even earned the #02 ranking and became the one of the organization's pride. Slicing through the flesh was as easy as cutting through tofu for him. He grew accustomed to it quickly and never paid attention to the blood.

     Along the way, he had gotten help from an older elf who was capable of using transformation magic. His name was Wang Lucas, and he held the #01 ranking in the guild.  Lucas was one of the most talented assassins and was one of the most used assassins in the guild. He was swift in this blows and smooth with his moves. The guild valued him and llet him do as he pleased, a privlege not given to many. Lucas taught Kiyoung how to transform into a human form to hide is striking white hair, green eyes, and pointed ears. He helped Kiyoung through the training and taught him how to survive in the guild. He felt close to Kiyoung, and it pained him to see Kiyoung being punished for being kind, even if he did not let it show. To keep him safe, Lucas guided Kiyoung and advised him to no longer be kind to the others. Soon enough, Kiyoung was groomed to be #02, right beside Lucas. The two would move on to go on countless missions, some together, but usually they went solo. 

     Similar to Lucas, he never showed any internal confllict or pain on his face, but Kiyoung hated every moment in the guild. He felt sick every time he sliced the neck of someone who simply annoyed the guild. He was ashamed of what he had become and wanted out. He missed home, he missed his family, he missed his old self and how kind he used to be. But he was conflicted. He didn't feel that he had the right to go home after letting the kids in the cage with him die or be sold off. He wondered to himself how he could ever want to embrace his family with his blood-stained hands. During the times he wanted to scream and cry, he would pull out the violin Lucas had bought him after asking, so that he could pretend to be a musician whenever he went out on a mission. He would transform into his elf form and play that violin like his life depended on it. He played that violin often as a way to vent, and he became not just good at it but unbelievably breaktaking. He took that violin everywhere with him until it became a part of himself. 

The Heartbroken Farewell (15)

     After Johnny asked Kiyoung to join his crew, Kiyoung asked him if he could give him his reply in three days. Johnny agreed to meet him again in the bar in three days expecting an answer. Kiyoung rushed back to the guild and ran into the room he shared with Lucas. Sure enough, Lucas was there and gave him a confused look. 


"Lucas! I figured out how to get out of here!"

"So what are you still doing here?"

"I couldn't leave you without so much as a goodbye."

"You should've just gone. Don't worry about me. Anyways, what's your plan?"

"Some guy asked me to join his crew. The guild can't come after me on the sea."

"This is your chance. Only take your weapons and go."

"What about you? Come with me. This is our chance, Lucas!"

"If that's what makes you happy. When do we leave?"


     Kiyoung and Lucas took their preferred weapons and went to the bar where Johnny was waiting. Kiyoung said that if Johnny took him, he would have to take Lucas too. He argued that Lucas was more skilled than him and that if he didn't come along, Lucas would tell the guild and that the guild would come chasing after the whole crew. Johnny begrudgingly agreed, and so the three headed off to board the ship. Once all of them got on and the boat started moving, Johnny went to grab the two a change of clothes. Lucas suddenly asked Kiyoung to change into his elf form which he did without much question. That's when Lucas suddenly knocked Kiyoung unconscious and cut off Kiyoung's long white hair. Then he jumped back onto the harbor and went back to town. He found some miserable drunkard, pulled him into a dark alley and ran his daggers into him. He put some of the drunkard's blood onto Kiyoung's hair that he cut off and went back to the guild. A moment later, Johnny came out and woke Kiyoung up. Kiyoung immediately transformed into his human form and asked Johnny where Lucas was. Johnny said that he didn't know but he pointed out that small strands of Kiyoung's white elf hair was on the floor. Kiyoung broke into tears when he realized what Lucas had done.


"What happened, kid?" 

"He *sob* He cut off my hair and is *sob* going back to the *sob* the guild."

"That son of a !" 

*sob* "No! He's going back to lie for me!" *sob*

"About what?"

"He's going to kill someone, put their blood on my hair, and tell the guild that I was going to run away. He'll tell them that he killed me and got rid of my body for commiting such treason." *sob*

"Why would he do that?"

"The only way out of the guild is through death. If they found out that I ran away, they would never stop chasing after me. The guild has connections everywhere. I would never be safe wherever we went, but if he, their #01 assassin told them that he killed me, they'd believe him and wouldn't bother looking for me."


After the Fateful Meeting (16-Current)

     After becoming a part of Johnny's crew, Kiyoung felt a little lost. Previously, he had always had some kind of responsiblity, some kind of mission, but Johnny didn't usually have anything for Kiyoung to do. It made him anxious. He felt the need to always be doing something, but there was nothing to do. Trying to get used to such a carefree lifestyle was difficult, and Kiyoung struggled a lot. To vent his frustrations and attempt to rid himself of unsettling feelings, he frequently went up on deck to play his violin that he took with him. It was then that Johnny finally had Kiyoung sit down with him and told him that he needs to relax. It suggested that playing the violin and providing the crew with entertainment could be his new objective. He assured him that the Assassin's Guild could not follow them out to sea. That's when Klahan walked in and bluntly told Kiyoung that he was being too uptight and paranoid. It hit Kiyoung that he was finally free. The stress of always having to perform every task cleaning and perfectly was finally lifted off of him. He was able to breathe for the first time in many years. That day, Kiyoung stayed in his cabin and cried his heart out. All his frustrations, concerns, and worries washed over him, and he was finally allowed to act upon them. The next day, he experimented with his wind magic and flew around the ship. He acted the village chief's first-born son who was mischievous and fun-loving. He played the violin like he did when he first tried it out, without a heavy heart. He played it because he loved it and learned out to compose his own music sheets to play.

     Over the years, Kiyoung has mellowed out. He is no longer as stiff and takes great pleasure in playing his violin. He has become quite good at composing his own songs and knowing the kind of melody that each crew member likes. He occasionally misses his village and family, but he is content with his life. However, his body has not forgotten how to fight or kill. Though, he doesn't have anything to do with fights unless his captain wishes for it.

how did character meet johnny? Kiyoung was playing his violin in an almost completely bar. Inside, there was only three men; the bartender, Johnny, and some other guy that was drunk out of his mind. The bartender would leave but he was associated with the guild, so Kiyoung didn't pay much attention to him. However, the drunk asked him how much for one night (a reference to ion) to which Kiyoung responded by crushing the man under immense air pressure. Kiyoung glared at Johnny as if daring him to make a comment like the drunkard. Instead of being intimidated like Kiyoung thought he would be, Johnny cooly looked back and forth between Kiyoung and the drunkard one time before simply saying, "Assassin's Guild, huh? Was that your magic?" Kiyoung, slightly rattled, nodded. The captain smirked and put his glass down. "How about you join my crew instead?"


what made him join the crew? He was tired of all the pointless killing, of all the pain that the guild mercilessly dishes out, of just everything the guild was about. Kiyoung was sick with what he had become and desperately wanted out. He just didn't know how he could leave the guild alive. Johnny's offer was the opportunity Kiyoung had been waiting for.


how would he describe his relationship with the other princes? 

The First Mate - Kiyoung isn't ignorant. As soon as he got on board, he knew of the captain's bias towards Klahan. However, it does not faze him, neither do Klahan's threats or thorny personality. Intially, Klahan hated Kiyoung. It was very obvious and blatant. This was most likely due to Kiyoung hiding his past which was not appreciated in the slightest by Klahan. However, an incident occured in that Klahan accidentally walked in on Kiyoung changing and so he saw the countless scars on the younger's body. Both froze in place until Kiyoung yelled at him to get out, which Klahan quickly did. That was the one and only time that Kiyoung had yelled so aggressively and out of anger at another crew member. It was after this incident that Klahan understood why Kiyoung hid his past and pretended to be a sweet, gentle guy who faked his smiles, the very thing that formerly pissed him off. After the incident, the two grew to be on 'understanding terms'. Klahan is the only one who dares to openly call out/tease Kiyoung about being two-faced, or having two very different personalities.


The Weaponmaster - As soon as Kiyoung saw the scars, he knew that the two were the same. Kiyoung has a special spot for the Weaponmaster and does his best to make him feel comfortable. After hearing about the curse, Kiyoung also began to talk in rhymes whenever he was with the rhyming prince to help him not feel alone. He dials back his jokes and humor with the Weaponmaster and takes extra care to not casually touch him. In return, the Weaponmaster never questions why a violinist needs to have their own personal bow and arrow and sword. If Kiyoung ever wanted to open up about his past, the first person he would tell might be the Weaponmaster since he could understand.


The Navigator - The person that Kiyoung feels the most awkward around since he was a former assassin and the Navigator's father was a naval officer. He is the prince that Kiyoung worries the most about when it comes to his past. He doesn't want the navigator to hate him for all the people he's killed.


The Saw-Bones - The Saw-Bones is always annoyed with Kiyoung since the musician refuses to let him treat his wounds. It's not that Kiyoung doesn't want his wounds to get treated, it's just that he doesn't want anyone to see his scars. But Kiyoung does let him treat the wounds on his arms and legs but never the chest of back.


The Tactician - Kiyoung occasionally gives advice to the Tactician about 'underground information'. Though he always asks how Kiyoung knows this, the elf simply replies that a wandering musician hears a lot on the street. Kiyoung is one of the few crew members who can keep up in the Tactician's thinking. He'll sometimes play classical music for the Tactician to help boost his thinking.


The Cook - Kiyoung loves this prince. The food he makes is always delicious and is unique, nothing like he's ever had before. However, the Cook only ever lets Kiyoung help him with the cutting since "for some reason", it's the one thing that Kiyoung is excellent at in the kitchen.


how would he describe his relationship with johnny? There isn't really any other easy way to describe Kiyoung's relationship with Johnny other than to think of Kiyoung as Johnny's loyal dog. Kiyoung sees Johnny as his savior and feels like he owes him his life. He would do anything for his captain. Killing would weigh down his conscious, but he would feel better knowing that it's Johnny giving out his targets. Johnny most likely doesn't think of himself as Kiyoung's savior, but he doesn't want Kiyoung to be held captive by his past. Johnny looks out and cares for Kiyoung in an indirect way, but any bit of attention from his captain would make Kiyoung's day.



Lee Kibum | 49 | Elf | Village Chief | 7/10 | Kiyoung and his father were always close. His father was always so proud of him and the two got along great. Kiyoung really looked up to his father and strived to be like him when he was chief. During the invasion, Kibum was proud that his son was able to hold his own against the intruders and was relieved when his daughters came running into his arms. He was thankful that Kiyoung saved his sisters, but he was heartbroken after hearing that his son was kidnapped. He sent search parties for the kidnapped group, but they always came back empty-handed. He could only assume the worst, but he treasured his son and keeps his a high regard for him.

Lee Miyoung | 49 | Elf | Housewife | 5/10 | She wasn't as close to Kiyoung as he was with his father, but Kiyoung loved her all the same. She was his place of comfort. He knew that he could always run into her arms for a warm embrace. The loss of her son left her in tears, but she focused on taking care of and protecting her remaining kids, knowing that he would hate to see her in tears because of him. 


Lee Kinam | 17 | Elf | n/a | 6/10 | Kinam idolized his brother and couldn't wait to support him when he became village chief, but when he disappeared, Kinam became the next heir to the village. He felt lost and unworthy of the position that was meant to be his brother's, but he was determined to protect the village and its people in his brother's honor. Kiyoung always doted on him and joked that if anything happened to him, Kinam would lead the village in his place, but he never stressed because he knew that Kinam would do a good job. Kinam always wanted to make his brother proud, and Kiyoung loved looking back to see his younger brother aiming to be like him. 


Lee Heeyoung| 15 | Elf | n/a | 6/10 | Heeyoung and Hwayoung loved their brother and owe him their lives. He always made time for them and never complained when he had to take care of them. He liked to complain that when they were older, he and Kinam would have a hard time trying to fight off their suitors. He always told them that they'd be too pretty for their own goods and joked that their beauty would be a curse. Both girls felt guilty knowing that Kiyoung was kidnapped in their place and grieved greatly when he never returned. 


Lee Hwayoung| 15 | Elf | n/a | 6/10 | Heeyoung and Hwayoung loved their brother and owe him their lives. He always made time for them and never complained when he had to take care of them. He liked to complain that when they were older, he and Kinam would have a hard time trying to fight off their suitors. He always told them that they'd be too pretty for their own goods and joked that their beauty would be a curse. Both girls felt guilty knowing that Kiyoung was kidnapped in their place and grieved greatly when he never returned. 



*the princes and Johnny have been expanded upon in earlier sections



Assassin's Guild | n/a | n/a | Assassins | 1/10 | They paid good money for him and trained him into what he was. There is no way to leave the guild except through death. When Kiyoung ran away, the guild suffered a great loss since he was their second best assassin in the whole guild. They were furious then they found out that he disappeared, and they wanted blood. They sent #01 (Park Jihoon) to bring them his head, but Lucas couldn't do it and actually helped him get out to sea. 



- taking naps under the sun

- music

- magic

- the sky

- the color white

- nature (forests to be specific)

- sweets

- meat

- warmth

- smiles

- milk



- the color red

- killing

- torturing

- cages

- people looking at him with fearful eyes

- anyone seeing his scars

- the Assassin's Guild

- anyone seeing hiim in his elf form

- tea

- vibrant colors



- sleeping with a knife under his pillow

- saying sorry for everything and anything

- feeling over his branding whenever he feels unsettled 

- humming melodies for new compositions



- flying because his magic lets him

- making Klahan fall onto Johnny with a little gust of wind to push him off balance

- playing his violin

- practicing archery

- sparring with Klahan

- being lazy

- sleeping in (if he can)

- making the crew smile of laugh

- composing new music

- annoying the other crew members



- the crew, Johnny most of all, finding out about his past

- the crew being afraid of him after finding out about the number of people he's killed

- his family not wanting him back after everything he's done

- Lucas hating him for leaving

- has claustrophobia

- having to work the the Assassin's Guild again



- tortures others if Johnny asks him to

- wants to go back home to show his family that he's alive, but his insecurity stops him

- feels a little left behind when compared to the other princes

- wants to be useful to the whole crew

- his head piece and his violin are his most treasured items

- feels guilty about leaving Lucas behind

- the violin is the only instrument he can play

- the crew is always confused as to why he appears taller during battles

- the crew don't know that he's a pure-blooded elf

- has never experieced snow before

- he mainly takes care of his own wounds and injuries since he knows how

- is very knowledgable about plants

- thought his magic was a cruel joke before since with it he can fly freely, but his freedom was always taken away

- has insomnia (has nightmares full of all his victims and their blood-curdling screams)

- is willing to die for any and all the princes at any moment
- is gay and knows it, it doesn't bother him

- thinks it's funny when girls say that he looks shy and sweet

- the Assassin's Guild's base is located near the port

- misses Lucas a lot


kiyoung says/does.

- intentionally plays his violin terribly just to annoy the others 

- "How's the air down there?"

- "How's my playing today?"

- "There's a lot this wandering musician hears on the streets."

- "Klahan, I swear to god that I didn't conjure up a gust of wind to push you onto the Captain!"

- blowing a gust of wind right at the crew members faces

- applying a little air pressure on the crew's feet so that when they stand up and try to walk, they fall down.

- showing his Assassin's Guild branding to get into restricted places or to instill fear into those he fights or totures


replace with faceclaim

The Violinist.

The Saw-Bones



- entertainment | keeping everyone on board happy and amused be it with music, jokes, or light-hearted pranks

- dirty work | occasionally, Johnny will have someone he needs eliminated, and Kiyoung is the one this duty falls on thanks to his past exerience. sometimes, information needs to be extracted out of some 'difficult' people who need a little more 'persuasion' (torture) and Kiyoung is the only one besides Johnny who can stomach doing it.



- on the nights where he can't sleep, which is most of the time, Kiyoung will fly up to the crow's next and play soft melodies (in consideration of those who are sleeping) for long hours

- playing haunting songs on his violin right before a battle (kind of think of it as his version of a pre-battle mantra)

- his eyes glow pale green as he transforms into his elf form for battles


the magic.

aerokinesis | the power to create, shape, and manipulate air/wind 

techniques & applications

- since air/wind can't be seen, it makes for an invisible and versatile weapon that is very difficult to block and dodge

- can prevent projectiles from hitting him and actually reversing the attack by manipulating the air around them

- can crush things using immense air pressure

- can fly around

- lift things up by pushing them up with air

- can remove the air around someone which can cause them to suffocate

- can create an air bubble for his head so that he can technically breathe underwater

- can cut someone with sharp, condensed blasts of wind

- this website lists many different applications and techiniques for aerokinesis


- has to be able to use his hands

- overuse makes him feel very cold, break into cold sweat, and ironically short of breath

- overuse makes his arms feel weak

- if he's not focused or calm, the wind will backlash and cut him instead and also go into a windy frenzy centered around him (think of Elsa from Frozen where she accidentally attacked Anna in her ice castle)



the weapons. Kiyoung has been trained to be able to fight proficiently with any weapon at his disposal, but he has a preference for using his black bow and arrow and kis custom-made katana that's made to look like a really long black stick on his side (made by the dwarves from the guild as one of his privileges for being the #02 rank) from when he was in the Assassin's Guild. He took them with him when he ran away from the guild to join Johnny's crew.

how character fights. Kiyoung's fighting style is heavilly based off of the Assassin's GUild fighting style. He fights the way he was taught there and is one of the best when is comes to performing their fighting style. The way he fights usually depends on his objective. For example, in assassinations, Kiyoung hides in the shadows and shoots arrows into his target's heart. During sparring or fights where his opponent is weak, Kiyoung likes to toy with his opponent. He'll cheerfully conversate with them while dodging every single on other their attacks. If Johnny asks for him to fight seriously, Kiyoung will transform into his elf form and attack his opponents vitals without remorse. In fights, Kiyoung moves swiftly and accurately attacks his opponents' vitals. For large groups where it would take too much time and energy to attack each person, Kiyoung uses his magic to either crush their skulls under immense air pressure or cut them into pieces in a whirlwind of sharp, condensed air. Kiyoung only kills this opponents if Johnny asks, if not, Kiyoung will only attack them enough to the point where they are unconscious or unable to attack him. 


strengths and weakness.

- speed | due to his elf blood, Kiyoung is naturally fast, but the training from his time in the Assassin's Guild forced him to become faster; is probably the fastest in the entire crew when he uses him wind magic to help him propel forward

- silent | thanks to his training in the guild, Kiyoung unconsciously moves without making much noise

- appearance | Kiyoung's shy and soft appearance, on top of seemingly being a simple violinist, makes his opponents think that he is weak and unknowledgable about combat so they drop their guard around him; he also uses his appearance to gather intel from the natives of any city

- magic | his wind magic is something Kiyoung is quite skilled at and it makes him a formidable opponent with everything he is able to do with it

- analyzing | after spending years of fighting his fellow assassins in order to defend his ranking/position, Kiyoung has a knack for figuring out his opponents' skill level, habits, and strength

- pain tolerance | Kiyoung has gotten quite used to pain after being punished so often for his kindness in the guild, he is able to remain calm despite being in pain and is actually able to ignore the pain

- claustrophobia | putting Kiyoung in a small, enclosed space will trigger his fear and cause him to have flashbacks of when he was kidnapped, may lead to a panic attack which would cause his magic to spiral out of control

- strength | Kiyoung's lean and small build (in his human form) makes him unable to provide much strength behind his attacks

- familiar faces | although Kiyoung has been trained to be an emotionless killer, he always struggles and feels weak against familiar faces, specifically those who have helped him like Lucas

- his scars | his scars are quite literally his weak points; scar tissue is much more sensitive compared to healthy tissue

- sensitive | surprisingly, Kiyoung is extremely sensitive when it comes to tickling; no one knows this except himself and his village members since no one else has tried to tickle him since

- his insecurities | they eat him up inside and make him feel ashamed and guilty; if anyone were to point out his insecurities, it would greatly pain and affect him



skills and abilities.

- advanced plant knowledge | he grew up in a self-sufficent village up in the mountains

- torture methods | he knows where to inflict pain if he wants to get information out of someone, to cripple them, or just to make them scream in pain

- music composition | he learned after running out of songs to play

- violin playing | learned out of embarrassment, practiced out of frustration, played out of happiness and love for the instrument

- smooth talking | he uses his appearance and violin playing to charm girls and get information out of them



- is terrible at cooking | he apologizes to the Cook

- socially awkward | he was okay at socializing when he was younger, but the training made him forget how to; he acts confident but if really just faking it till he makes it

- can't stitch his back | he can stich himself up but getting his back is impossible and he refuses to let the Saw-Bones see his scars so he often gets an infection on his back

- coldness | isn't the greatest when it comes to the cold

- prideful | doesn't like others to see him looking weak

replace with faceclaim

Wang Yukhei.

Jung Jaehyun


birthday. January 25 (21)

species. elf

ethnicity. Chinese/Thai

occupation. assassin

other names.

#01. His ranking in the Assassination Guild that doubles as his code name and the way he is usually referred to as

Lucas. the name he goes by whevener he goes out, prefers this name over his real one; Kiyoung loves to call him by this name and Lucas loves the way it sounds when it Kiyoung says it



Elvish (100%). His first language that he kept using with #02, or Kiyoung

Common (100%). Had to learn it if he wanted to survive on the streets

Faerie (75%). Together with the fact that Elvish and Faerie were similar, amongst the other kidnapped children, quite a few of them were faeries

Dwarvish (80%). In the Assassination Guild, there were many dwarves since they were forced to make all the weapons used by the guild. His Dwarvish is pretty good since the he often discussed weapons with them

Region-Specific (65%). As an assassin, Lucas was forced to learn at least the very basics of many regions in order to be able to carry out his missions but he learned them better once he was sent out numerous times times to further regions

Race-Specific (60%). The Assassins' Guild was full of various species, so after being in there for multiple years, he picked up on all of them (these include orcish, draconic, etc.). As one of the oldest amongst the assassins trained, he was often given the duty to train the younger ones regardless of their species


appearance/fashion. Lucas is quite tall, standing at 183 cm for both forms. He is breathtakingly handsome and unlike Kiyoung, has a fair amount of muscle. His human form's hair is dark brown  and split on the side and his eyes are a greenish brown. In his elf form, his hair turns a shade lighter and his eyes turn a darker shade of green with a little brown still mixed into them. Both forms, similar to Kiyoung, have scars in their chests and back. He also has the Assassin's Guild's branding underneath his left collar bone like all the other trained assassins. Similar to Kiyoung's combat outfit, he wears fitted black cottons together with softly padded, black cotton boots and a slightly thick leather vest. He also wears a black cotton mask that covers his entire heard with the only exception being his eyes. While he usually wears his assassin outfit, when he's at the base, he won't wear the mask. If he ever goes undercover, like Kiyoung, he will wear loose white, black, or grey cottons with black leather boots. He always wears long sleeves but will keep them loose at the top like this shirt


personality traits.

[  +  ] charming, considerate, protective

[  =  ] easy-going, observant 

[ ― ] calculating, aimless, ruthless



[  +  ] The side that was lost

Lucas has a way with people. From his looks to the way he talks, people let their guards down around him. People just feel the urge to befriend him or get close to him. And despite holding the #01 ranking, he does not train the others as harshing as their instructors. He gives them a little more breaks and tries to give them tips and tricks so that they can survive in the guild. He has to be a little indirect with it, but all the assassins in training know that he is among the kindest in the guild. Lucas fights fiercely to protect the things close to him. He'll never want anyone close to him to ever be hurt. He'll hold them close and protect them with all his might.


[  =  ] The side that survived

Lucas does things at his own leisure and is usually never in a rush to get any job done. He does things at his own pace and is often described as relaxed by his fellow assassins. And similar to Kiyoung, Lucas is very observant. He picks up on everything and nothing escapes his notice.


[ ― ] The side the emerged

Despite being acknowlegded as one of the kindest assassins in the guild, Lucas is by no means an angel. Everything he does is calculated. In fact, he was the one who advised Kiyoung to calculate his every move to use in his advantage in the future. However, what Lucas plans to do in the future is unclear. Lucas has no goal, no objective. He lived without a purpose for a long time, until Kiyoung came but then he left so Lucas became without a goal again. He kills on command and when it comes to torturing, there is no one better than Lucas. He shoots without remorse and slays without even fliching from the screams.


background. Lucas, similar to Kiyoung, was kidnapped from his elf village except his village was burned to the ground. He was able to escape onto the streets in which he managed to live on for about a year. He ran into an assassin from the guild who kidnapped him and brought him the the guild where he was branded and trained. He first brought in at the age of 8 and has lived in the guild since. He has been in the guild longer than any other trained assassin.



- LIKES | Kiyoung, weapons, music, animals

- DISLIKES | his scars, rain, fire, blood on him

- HOBBIES | playing a lute that he bought at the same time as Kiyoung's violin

- TRIVIA | is skilled with all weapons, never failed an assignment, is often ordered to train other young assassins, misses Kiyoung, doesn't mind killing since he's done it for so long


magic. Shapeshifting | The power to transform and reshape the form of one's body.


weapons and fighting style. Lucas fights with whatever weapon he has on hand, but he prefers to dual-wield daggers. His fighting style is the way he was trained to fight by the guild. He attacks swiftly and makes precise strikes at their vitals.


strengths and weaknesses.

- STRENGTHS | strength, speed, calmness

- WEAKNESSES | mercilessness, no goal, insomnia

first meeting. Kiyoung and Lucas first met when Kiyoung was 11 and Lucas was 13 after Lucas was assigned to train Kiyoung to help him hide his elven identity. Kiyoung was aggressive and hated everyone in the guild. He hated how he was punished for being kind and was terribly homesick. Seeing Lucas in his elf form made Kiyoung freeze. For starters, Lucas already held the #01 rank in the guild from even back then, but the majority of the elves that were training with him had died from exhaustion. Seeing Lucas in his elf form was extremely comforting for him, so he listened to Lucas obediently in order to stay by his side. For Lucas, seeing the younger elf lash out in anger reminded him of the old Lucas who also got in toruble for being kind to others. He wanted to protect Kiyoung and help him survive in the guild.


development. Kiyoung let down his guard around Lucas and Lucas let his guard down around Kiyoung. Kiyoung remained under Lucas' supervision since he became increasingly more obedient  to the other instructions. Lucas took care of Kiyoung and gave him advise about how to survive in the guild. In return, Kiyoung would tell Lucas stories about his village and his life before he got kidnapped.

     When Kiyoung was 13, he finally got his first target, and he was terrified. He didn't want to become a killer, but Lucas told him that he had to if he wanted to survive in the guild. Knowing that the guild does not like failure, Lucas soothed Kiyoung's worries by telling him that his target was like the men who kidnapped him from his village. Lucas told him that he needed to shut off his emotions and just go through the motions like he was taught, and Kiyoung reluctantly listened. Kiyoung managed to kill his target like he was taught, but he felt sick about it. Lucas bought him a violin and suggested taking his frustrations out on it. The violin reminded Kiyoung of home and made him think of what his village would think of him now that he was a murderer. He cried that night, but after taking another look at the violin, Kiyoung attempted to play it. He still sounded just as awful as he remembered, but the thought of keeping some sort side of himself the same as the boy in the village made him feel better. Kiyoung would hang out in Lucas' room and would take out his frustrations by practicing his violin. Lucas was pained by the sight of Kiyoung and his internal struggle. He vowed to himself that he would get Kiyoung out of the guild.

     Kiyoung took comfort in Lucas' presence and reassurance. Lucas trained Kiyoung and worked him hard until both of them were the #01 and #02 ranks in the guild. This way, Lucas was able to keep Kiyoung close to him. Kiyoung grew to be similar to Lucas in terms of both personality and fighting abilities. However, the two seemed to always compliment each other. With their top ranks, the guild had no choice but to let the two hang out openly and be friendly with each other. Kiyoung was even able to move into Lucas' room. Lucas learned how to play the lute, while Kiyoung became skilled at his violin. Whenever, Kiyoung finished a mission, the two would play their intruments together. The two told each other everything and comforted each other if one was ever punished or frustrated. Everyone in the guild knew that where you could find one, the other would always be close by unless they were on missions. The two grew to know each other like they knew themselves. Kiyoung knew of Lucas' past while Lucas knew of Kiyoung's insecurities. The presence of the each other made living in the guild bearable. 

     When Kiyoung came running into their room, Lucas wondered what was wrong. Kiyoung told him that he had found a way out of the guild and that he wanted Lucas to come with him. He told him that they would be joining a pirate crew. Lucas smiled and lied to Kiyoung about going witih him. As much as he wanted to leave with Kiyoung, he knew that they would never be safe from the guild. They would be on the run for the rest of their lives. So he devised a plan to get Kiyoung on the pirate ship, while he would come back and tell the guild that he killed Kiyoung for his plans of treason against the guild. That way, the guild wouldn't search for Kiyoung, and Kiyoung could finally be free of all the mindless training and countless killings the guild forces them to do. Knowing that Kiyoung was away from the guild brought peace of mind to Lucas. He had managed to fufill his silent vow to himself, and Kiyoung was finally free. Lucas was happy, but he was lonely. 



General | Whenever the two weren't on missions, Kiyoung and Lucas would hang out together. Sometimes they would head out to the port or go to the marketplace, and other times they would just hang out in their shared room. Lucas would pet Kiyoung's head and the latter would simply lean or rest his head on Lucas' legs. They would talk about their missions, their targets, the assassins in training, really anything they could think of. Lucas and Kiyoung would joke around together, and by the end of their conversations, the two elves would be dying of laughter.

Playing | When Lucas bought Kiyoung his violin, he bought himself a lute. Over the years, the two became quite skilled at their respective instruments. Whenever Kiyoung came back from a mission, the two would play their instruments for long hours until Kiyoung calmed down. 

Sleep | Both elves suffered from insomnia. Kiyoung would have nightmares of his victims and their blood-curdling screams and would wake up in the middle of the night. Lucas would have nightmares of his family being burned alive and screaming at him to save them. Both would always wake up in a cold sweat. Sometimes one would wake up before the other, but they knew that the other would wake up in a cold sweat soon so they always waited for each other outside each other's room (before the two were allowed to room together). Afterwards, the two would softly play their instruments until they fell back to sleep or it was time for breakfast. When Kiyoung was able to move in with Lucas, the two slept in the same bed, and for some reason, whenever they slept in the same bed as the other, they were able to sleep peacefully.

     After joining Johnny's crew, Kiyoung was never able to sleep peacefully. His insomnia came back and so did Lucas'. So Kiyoung will always flew up to the crow's nest with his violin and play soft melodies while thinking of Lucas. Lucas would sit on his bed and quietly play his lute. 


status. crushing

ideal ending. together


relationship trivia.

- they both miss each other

- Kiyoung often plays sad melodies whenever he thinks of Lucas

- Lucas keeps all of Kiyoung's things in a box hidden in his room (he never threw it out)

- Lucas often sits on the dock thinking of Kiyoung

- Lucas cries every time he plays his lute 

would lucas be useful on a ship? on their particular voyage, more specifically? why or why not? Lucas could probably be useful to the Saw-Bones since he knows a lot about plants and is able to stich well. He could also help the Weaponmaster since he knowledgable about weapon care. For their particular voyage, Lucas is even better than Kiyoung when it comes to combat. He can also use transformation magic so he can sneak into places by faking his appearance.

would they die for one another? Kiyoung and Lucas would definitely die for one another, but they both wouldn't want the other to die for them.


are they faithful, loyal, and honest to one another, or would they be if they were a couple? Yes, there is no question about it. Even after four years of no contact, they haven't forgetten each other and greatly yearn to see each other again. 


would lover take the blood oath and become part of the crew if it was asked of him? Lucas would have no questions about taking the blood oath and becoming part of the crew if it was asked of him, but he wouldn't if it meant that Kiyoung and him would have to be on the run for the rest of their lives. He wouldn't want endanger those close to Kiyoung either since it would make Kiyoung feel guilty.


in the event kiyoung and lucas were to have kids, what would they name them? They would probably name them after Lucas' family. (in other words, it's up to the authors)

Moozie. Dave. 10/10.


last comments. Oh man, it's been a while since I applied for any story. I just realized how long it is. Oh lord. If you made it all the way down here, thanks for taking the time to read through it all. I hope you like him. Btw, I really wanted Kiyoung to be going insane from all the killing and the guilt it caused him but be having Lucas by his side and giving him his violin be his saving grace. Instead of having the violin simply be an instrument that he liked to play, I wanted it to be something that he once hated and abused. Now it's just kind of a sad memory for him. I also wanted to make Kiyoung to be the kind of person who has more than they let on which is what originally pissed Klahan off. Also for some slight clarification, Lucas and Kiyoung were in love but never made their relationship official since any positive emotion was a sign of weakness to the guild. If you have any questions, don't hesistate to ask me.


scene requests.

- the guild knowing that Kiyoung is still alive and sending Lucas to bring him back

- Kiyoung seeing Lucas again

- Kiyoung going Elsa-mode after being locked in a small space and having a panic attack

- one of the crew members pointing out Kiyoung's sad songs and asking why

- one of the crew members asking why Kiyoung is playing his violing in the middle of the night

- Kiyoung pushing Klahan into the captain's arms with a gust of wind

- Kiyoung torturing someone

- one of the princes finally asking how Kiyoung fights so well

- Kiyoung showing the crew his scars and elf form

- Kiyoung going back to his village and seeing his family

- someone breaking Kiyoung's violin

- Kiyoung pranking the other princes


password. here 

layout coded by neoculture_dorkology


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this app,,, i don't deserve this,,, he's beautiful and omg luwoo???? like, i love luwoo??? excuse you???
i feel so attacked BLESS YOU