Epik Academy :: Cho Taejoon is joining Brando


Cho Taejoon


BIRTHNAME : Cho Taejoon 

❄️ Elsa | Because his ability is  sort of the same to the Disney princess Elsa's, he got that nickname.

❄️ Cold Tae & Ice Prince | Partly because of his ability and partly because of his emotionless face, people started calling him like that.

❄️ Joonie | Taejoon is quite a small guy, he's the shortest in Brando and probably the shortest in the whole school as well. So they decided to make his name a little bit more suitable for that. He's usually called like that by the other Brando members.

DATE OF BIRTH : january 23, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Incheon, South Korea
BEST COURSE : literature (Korean + English)

❄️ Korean | native | Born and raised in South Korea, it's only natural he speaks Korean. He doesn't have much of an accent and usually speaks at a very soft and calm tone. He pauses a lot between his words when he's not comfortable around the person he's talking too, but doesn't really stutter.

❄️ Sign language | advanced | After the traumatic events he went through, Taejoon experienced a period in which he wasn't able to talk. He learned sign language to make clear what he wanted to say during this period.

❄️ English | skilled | As Taejoon is quite a bookworm, he enjoys reading books in their original language. He excels in reading and memorizing the words though his pronounciation still needs some practice. 


the student card

FACE CLAIM : Hash Swan
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 163 cm & 48 kg


❄️ Build: small and skinny, looks like he would break when you touch him
❄️ Hair: Natural dark brown, doesn't dye it 
❄️ Eyes: dark brown color
❄️ Tattoos: one on his neck + one beside his ear + several on  his hands (fingers)  + left arm and shoulder covered in tattoos
❄️ Piercings: ears pierced but barely wears earrings 
❄️ Scars:  quite a few small ones over his whole body, a big one on his left thigh and on his left shoulder (this one is covered up with ink)
❄️ Plastic surgery: none
❄️ Other: 2 moles on his nose that people seem to find cute 


❄️ Taejoon's style is pretty simple, he wears anything that is comfortable and is often seen in oversized clothes because of his short height and skinny figure. He often wears a cap so his face is covered a little bit and tries to blend into the background like that though he has to take it off in class. Taejoon is always seen wearing a necklace he got from his mother. 


digging deeper

❄️Myers-Briggs: ISFJ "The defender"

❄️Positive: loyal, caring, patient, hardworking 
❄️Neutral: quiet, mysterious
❄️Negative: shy, dependent, insecure, emotionally repressed

Loyal & caring
Taejoon is loyal, almost to the extreme. Once he trusts someone he will do anything the other tells him to do. He  will trust said person blindly no matter what, thinking they know what's best for him. He cares a lot about the people he's close too, though he doesn't like to see others in pain so in a way he cares about them as well. He is likely to help out people while staying in the background. 

Patient & hardworking
Haste makes waste. The boy knows that well enough and will take his time to do things, though it doesn't mean he doesn't work hard. He knows that when you work hard, the results will pay off. He doesn't let deadlines presure him. 

Quiet & mysterious
It's not easy to make Taejoon talk. He prefers to stay quiet and is likely to communicate through body language and sometimes even sign language. Even though he uses body language most of the time, it's still hard to read him as his face usually stays pretty emotionless. In a way this mysterious aura attracts people,  but it might scare some away.

Shy & emotionally repressed
Taejoon isn't a person that easily makes new contacts, he is just too shy to approach them. It's not like he doesn't want to, new things make him shy away. He doesn't dare to look people straight in the eye and often looks away if he ever gets the courage to talk to them. The young man also doesn't like to talk about his emotions. He tends to bottle everything up until it's too late.  He might cry, sulk, whatever on those moments, but he won't tell what's his problem.

Dependent & insecure
Making decisions isn't easy, especially not for Taejoon, that's why he let others make them for him. He depends a lot on others and isn't likely to act without orders from others. He doesn't really have an own opinion either and usually goes with the majority. Taejoon is also a person that needs lots of confirmation he's doing a good job. He isn't sure of himself, and  along with his low self esteem he often thinks he's just bothersome in the group. 


January 23rd 1999 was an exceptionally cold day. Maybe it was some kind of message from the gods that ice and cold would always play a big part in the life of Cho Taejoon. Though the boy himself was anything but cold in his past days. He was a happy, bubbly and rather loud. He loved by many and to be honest, quite spoiled, but nothing over the top. In other words, he was a perfectly normal young child. He didn't know many hardships in life. While being in kindergarten he used to be the troublemaker. He didn't listen to the teachers and basically didn't do anything but to distract other kids from the things they were doing. In elementary school this kind of behaviour only became worse. He often interrupted the classes and eventually had to be put apart so everyone was able to follow the classes. Though Taejoon would often still just shout his answer through the classroom whenever he knew the answer.

But on December 18, 2010, a little more than a month before his 12th birthday, Taejoon's life got turned upside down. He and his parents would spend the holidays in Japan to go ski, but in the end they didn't arrive at their destination. On their way to the airport, the trio's car got hit by a truck. The accident was absolutely horrible. Taejoon's mother, who sat on the side where the truck crashed into them, died on the spot. The young boy and his father were rushed to the hospital. Taejoon's condition seemed the worst after the first examinations. He suffered from several broken ribs, quite a deep fleshwound on his shoulder, an open femur fracture and a severe head injury. His father who suffered from a punctured lung and several broken bones, seemed to be better off and the first days he sure was better than his son, who the the doctors didn't know he would make it out of his coma. Though the older male's condition got worse over days as he got infected by some kind of bacteria. That along with his injuries led Taejoon's father to his death.

December 23, 2010, the day that the young boy became an orphan passed by without Taejoon knowing.  He stayed in coma for a little more than a week after his father also sadly passed away. When the doctors told him he was the only survivor of his family, the boy fell silent. Quite literally, Taejoon wasn't able to produce any sounds that came close to talking. The doctors labeled it as post traumatic stress disorder and it was unsure if he would be able to talk any time soon. At first he didn't communicate at all, though as he got more used to the nurses, he started using notes. Though his writing wasn't always clear, and he knew that well enough. That's why he started to learn sign language in between his sessions at the physiotherapist. 

When the doctors he decided he could home again, he didn't actually went home. All his belongings were moved to his cousin's place and the house was already sold. Taejoon was furious but didn't show it, his family probably had good intentions and he didn't want to be an ungrateful . He was lucky he still had relatives that could look after him. 

But even then his life wasn't anything close to puppies and rainbows. Living in a new environment, with a condition like that, attracted a lot of attention, which he didn't want, and which his cousin didn't want. The girl was jealous of the special care that the boy got and was determined to get it back. It was as if she lived to make Taejoon's life a hell without anyone else noticing. Haseul knew well enough that the quiet male wouldn't dare to tell anyone, and she was right about him. 

Taejoon strongly disliked living there. He avoided contact with Haseul as much as possible and his first years of high school it kinda worked. While Haseul joined Epik Academy, Taejoon stayed on a normal school, trying to live a normal life. It was harder than it looked like. Taejoon's ability and the lack of control over it, caused people to think he was some soft of freak. It didn't last long before he got sent to Epic Academy as well. Luckily for him, he didn't end up in the same class as his cousin, but he still hated the fact that the two of them were more likely to bump into eachother on school. 



— Likes 
❄️ animals
❄️ watching television
❄️ music, listens to anything but screamo
❄️ people playing with his hair and rubbing his back
❄️ puzzles and riddles

— Dislikes 
❄️ human interaction is okay with it if it's Brando, but regularly  seperates himself from the group as he isn't that comfortable 
❄️ people staring at him
❄️ dentists, never got his teeth fixed because of this 
❄️ Loona
❄️ arrogance

— Fears 
❄️ hurting people, despise being quite antisocial, he doesn't like to see people in pain
❄️ pain, just as much as he fears hurting people, he's scared of pain himself, he doesn't take risks 
❄️ fires, as quite the contrary of his ability, Taejoon fears fires


— Habits 
❄️ always sits at the desk in the back corner of the class, the furthest away from the door
❄️ hiding his hands in the sleeves of his sweater when wearing one #sweaterpaws4life
❄️ can't look people in the eye while talking to them, often just looks at the floor when speaking


— Hobbies 
❄️ reading, it's a way of escaping reality for him
❄️ listening to music, he enjoys making remixes, is often seen with earphones in


— Trivia 
❄️ even though he got the nickname Elsa, he dislikes the movie Frozen, he likes other Disney movies though
❄️ Is crazy about dogs, he and his parents had one in the past, a dalmatian called Dalbong. As he was just a kid when they got him, Taejoon called usually called him Bongbongie
❄️ got his tattoos the second he turned 18, got all of them in relatively short time span, basically spent all his money on it
❄️ helps as volunteer at an animal shelter
❄️ resident soft boi, doesn't like to be called like that, but usually ignores people when they treat him things like that

❄️ only drinks sweet drinks, he doesn't even drink water, it's tasteless he thinks
❄️ it is believed that the accident triggered the expression of his mutation  
❄️ he still limps a little bit as his broken thigh was quite a serious 


want to be friends?


❄️ Cousin : Cho Haseul  / Leader of Loona  / clever,  witty, leaderly, two-faced  / 4/10
Cho Haseul seems to be one of those kids that have it all, a teacher's pet, but popular and loved amongst the other students, but Taejoon knows better. After the accident that costed Taejoon's parents their lives, he experienced the lesser know and more y side of his cousin. The perfect girl didn't seem that perfect anymore as he got confronted with her daily. She was jealous and just straight up mean to him while keeping her angellike facade up for others. At school he tries to avoid her as much as possible. 


❄️ pilar : Kim Hanbin / Vice-Leader of Brando + classmate / kind, stubborn, rebellious, laid back / 8.5/10
Kim Hanbin is one of the reasons Taejoon joined Brando. The two of them have a good relationship and Hanbin is the person Taejoon relies on the most. He enjoys the other's calm and laid back personality and whenever there would be internal conflicts in Brando, Taejoon would usually pick the side Hanbin's on without second thoughts. 

❄️ teddybear : Kim Jiwon / Brando member / bright, easygoing, kinda hyperactive, determined / 8/10
When you say Hanbin, you automatically say Jiwon as well. As Hanbin and Jiwon are besties 4 life, they are often found together and Taejoon is usually thirdwheeling with them, as he basically doesn't know who to hang out with otherwise. He likes Jiwon a lot but thinks he can be a bit annoying from time to time as he doesn't seem to know when to calm down. 


the mutation

POWER : Cryokinesis 

CLUB : Brando


❄️ turns water (in liquid and gass state) into ice and can shape it however he wants
❄️ his personal strength is defense as his fears make him more desperate to protect himself and his alies 


❄️ has no proper contol over his powers, but refuses to wear his gloves as he think they're annoying
❄️ extremely vulnerable for fire and drought
❄️ it's a parasite mutation, so yeah, I think that's quite a weak point, will get hypthermic when he uses it too much in a too short time span
❄️ requires a lot of his attention to be make his attacks  precise, defense doesn't but drains his energy. 


❄️ resistances or immunities inapplicable, but he seems to have less damage when attacked by other water mutations or wind mutations




❄️ positive: playful, caring, social, kind 
❄️ neutral: dreamy, proud, sarcastic
❄️ negative: loud, childish, quirky, foolish


He hates her, he absolutely hates her. She is close to his cousin, she's that overly social type of girl and just something about her screams arrogance. Taejooçn hates Jinsol almost as much as he hates Haseul.  She had tried several times to make contact casually with him, but everytime he straight up ignored her. All that Jinsol wanted was just to be friends with him, to get to know him better. Taejoon's mysterious aura just made the girl curious about him. 

As Hanbin got sick one day, she took her chance and settled herself at his usual desk in class, right beside Taejoon. Not only did he had to endure a load of stupid questions, they were told to do some kind assignment together. Taejoon had no choice but to talk to her. How much he disliked it or not. Jinsol on the other side didn't mind working with the person that didn't seem to like her. 

Little by little the male started to open up some more for the girl as time passed. Jinsol wasn't the arrogant girl he thought she was. And even though he didn't like to let his guard down, he ended doing it more than often for the girl. He felt safe with the girl.

The confessions were very much like them. Jinsol didn't think much about them, basically did in front of the whole class, tactless, without much preparation. But in the end it was all straight out of her heart. Taejoon sneaked out of his place at night to meet up with Jinsol to confess. Not many words were spoken that night and it only brought confusion to Jinsol, but a few days later it all became clear to her. 


❄️ "secretly" dating , Taejoon doesn't want anyone to know he likes someone of the club he hates the most 


❄️ Jinsol often uses pick up lines, trying to get attention from the male that way. The one she used on the day that she sat beside him in class was "How much does a polar bear weight? Enough to break the ice." Followed by a frowning Taejoon [wow a reaction, at least she got one, lucky girl]
❄️ Everything about their "secret" dating, went pretty well until Jinsol accidentally let it slip
❄️ Jinsol was the one confessing first, Taejoon confessed by using sign language, as he felt more comfortable doing it that way, it took him three days to use actual words
❄️ Taejoon gets teased a lot for dating Jinsol by his club members as they know he doesn't like Loona at all
❄️ trivia




❄️ positive: kind, charismatic, gentle, reliable
❄️ neutral: laid back, emotional, ambitious
❄️ negative: rebelious, stubborn, possessive, messy


Taejoon never knew why he started hanging out with Hanbin. Was it because he sat beside him in class, or because he was one of the calmer ones in class. For some reason the newbie was attracked by the other male, not in the lovey dovey way, but as a friend. It was hard to talk to the other at first though, since Taejoon is quite a shy bean, luckily for him, Hanbin was more social. 

After Taejoon joined Brando, the duo got especially close, Taejoon would follow his classmate almost everywhere like a obedient dog. People were wondering at a certain point if they even went to shower together.  Of course that was just a rumor, the two didn't do things like that, they're not gay, aren't they?

That's what Taejoon always told himself though. But naturally as time passed by, the boy found himself getting jealous of girls spending time with and even Jiwon who was quite likely to be seen hanging out with Hanbin. The male got more protective about his classmate and quite a bit more clingy around him. But as soon as someone made a comment about it, Taejoon would go immediately in defense. How could he feel something for his best friend? 


❄️ crushing but in denial, if you pick this love story, you can chose what you'll do with it because I'm lazy


❄️ Hanbin once won a big dog plushie on a carnival, and gave it to Taejoon
❄️ Hanbin is the one that gave Taejoon the nickname "Ice Prince"
❄️ Taejoon often calls Hanbin an idiot, like waaaaay too often
❄️ Lots of holding hands, it gives Taejoon a feeling of safety, but Taejoon denies his feelings


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring here?: 

❄️Taejoon might have looked as emotionless as ever but deep inside every cell in his body felt like running away. "Thank you." There was an awkwardly long pause in between the two words. He pulled a bit on the sleeves of his shirt before answering the question with one simple word. "Stressed." 

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

❄️ This made him even more nervous than he already was. Why did he have to do the interview? Why did he even agree to do it. His eyes scanned the room, looking for a way to get away. Too bad for him the interviewer kept an eye on him. "I do mind it." He said softly. They probably knew already he had the ability to turn water into ice and he didn't want to tell it again.

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

❄️ By now the words that came out of his mouth were nothing but a faint whisper. "I would rather not think about something like that." He had to stop in the middle of his sentence for about 4 times before it came to an end.

[he strongly dislikes conflicts and will try to stay away as far as possible from them, but he will protect the ones he likes, but since I assume the interview is taken when he just enrolled, he didn't have friends of loved ones to protect, in the beginning he would probably hide]

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

❄️ The clubs. He never really thought about what he exactly thought about them.  They all seemed to crowed and  too much of  a pain in the . "Nuisance?" It was almost as if he asked for permission to answer with a word like that. 

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

❄️ As he never really thought about how he felt about the clubs of the school, the last question was also kinda hard for Taejoon to answer. But he had to admit, the least bad of them seemed to be Brando. They seemed to be more collected and kind than most clubs. On the other side there was Loona, who he, even though he barely knew things about them, absolutely despised. All because of one person. But as he didn't want people to make a big deal of it he just muttered out: "No comment."


youngandmenace: youknowme :  turn in

COMMENTS : First of all I hope you enjoy my little baby~ I hope you don't mind the fact that I gave him 3 languages he's pretty good at, I just didn't know whether I had to count the sign language as a real language as well, if you do, I'll change that part 


❄️ I
❄️ at
❄️ this

PASSWORD : NCT ... okno Vasiliàs




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