I'm Sorry And I Mean It

Hey everyone, glad you're reading this. So, I know today is a cheerful-sorta day (April Fools Day), and I should probably be sharing jokes and pranks and all, but I just really had to let this out. It's been bugging me quite a lot, and I can't help but think about it whenever I use AFF, especially when I read blogs and feeds....

Some people really have serious struggles in life, some may be depressed because of certain events, and so on. Everyone has a weakness, everyone feels bummed-out once in a while, you may come across a state when you just want to give up and disappear, you feel like you've reached your end.

Everytime I read my friends' blogs and feed-posts which talk about their mood at the moment, about their problems and depression, I feel useless, worthless and I feel like there's no point in reading them....

I want to joke around with those who are craving for some fun, and I can easily do it because that's my personality, I'm usually quite bubbly and ecstatic. Except, when I want to help those who need some support, I change. I change a lot, the words I type are not what I usually type, my personality flips upside-down. I'm not good with comforting words, I'm not good with helping people solve their issues, but I try my best. I reply to most feed-posts and blogs, sometimes I even PM them, asking them what's wrong and all.

I really want to help you out, but since I'm not the type of person to do that, I'm sorry if my words mean nothing at all. Words can't do much, can they? But, even so, I try to help by replying and sending them messages. Hoenstly, it hurts me too, when my friends get depressed. And I really want to help, but I feel like I can't, I feel like it won't make a difference. So, if you ever come to a conclusion in which you think that I'm not really helping, I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I mean it. I do my best to help, but if it doesn't work, I'm helpless, I can't do anything. I'm really sorry. I'll do my best in trying to help, but just in case my 'help' doesn't 'help' at all, I apologize in advance. I'm sorry if I can't really help, I'll work on it.

Thanks for reading this, sorry if this crazy-April-Fools-day was ruined because of this post. But, I just wanted to let you know.... Once again, sorry everyone....Just know that I love you all, and I do care, but I might not be able to show or express it cause I don't have the 'ability' to do so... Sorry....


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Don't have to be sorry . What matters most is your kind thoughts and sincerity . I think what most people need is some moral support , encouragement , and constant reminder that they are not alone. As long as you have tried your best to help that's what matters most
All you have to say to somebody who's having a bad day is that you're there you're supporting them they're not alone and try and cheer them up with the pretty picture of their Idol or something that's about all you can really do. It's never our aim to make our friends feel worthless. Honest it's not
*throws flower