Remaking Old Posters

I was looking at my old graphics (and feeling ashamed + wondering what made me have the guts back then to open up a graphics shop when I only started making graphics for like, one month/had zero experience, lol) a few hours ago, and I thought it might be fun remaking one of my first posters to see how much experience I've gathered throughout a year of making graphics. :D 


(before, March 30th, 2017 ; after, March 18th, 2018)

Have to say that I was considerably happy without how it turned out even though I ditched the story this poster belonged to a long long time ago! I tried using the same images I used for the orginal poster, but I couldn't find the image I used for Kyungsoo (I think it was a Miracles in December gif? orz) and the background clouds, so I kind of had to make that part up. I definitely tried to keep the b/w background and the butterfly brush though, so at least it was somewhat similar, hahaha.

Actually thinking about it though, nothing seriously changed for the equipment I have since then and now-- it's still the same drawing tablet/program (because I'm too cheap to buy photoshop //weeps) and the same amount of resources and brushes-- but if only I discovered how masks and lighting textures worked, I would've been much better off back then. 

I did try to use a bunch of stylistic elements that I used a lot in my older graphics, such as grunge textures (ex1, ex2), which I think you can kinda see on Kyungsoo's face. I liked to use overlay layers so much too back then, so I did try overlay mode for some of my layers in this one-- I do prefer soft-light much more though nowdays.  

But yeah, overall, I had a lot of fun. ><


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aww look at how far you've improved! and for the remake, I love the somewhat blurry & smudgey the title is, esp what you've done to the word "shadow" ^^