
Who's hyperactive, ready to learn new things, and really, really clumsy? This person!

So, I've been sick a while, like not the down with the flu kind of sickness but more of getting a different kind of sickness every other day for the last week. Not kidding, I was getting better with my cold/flu/allergies (I don't really know what it was) when I got motion sickness that knocked me out for half of the day, followed by food poisoning the following day. Soon after I got migraines and nausea from straining my eyes. As a result, I've been staying home. Pretty good set up. I'm writing and reading a lot more than usual and I've saved up my money from being far away from cafes (I like my coffee, okay!).

I am better. Or rather I was better. I started doing simple exercises to get into shape a little, practicing a few basic moves for parkour. I got a little too excited for the wall run and did a little practice in my room, you know, get the feel of it. My first mistake was that I wasn't wearing shoes. My second mistake was that I got a little too excited and tried to get a little higher. Well, my left foot landed tilted rather than straight and the next thing I knew I lost my balance, heard a loud crack and now the area above my pinky toe is a little bruised, feels stiff and swollen. I won't be trying parkour tricks anytime soon. I can still walk(limp really) so pretty sure nothing's broken. Getting a xray is hella expensive and I've twisted my ankle multiple times in the past that my pain tolerance is pretty high up there. I'll keep the pressure off it for now, see what it's like tomorrow. Hopefully, the stiffness would go away by then.


Edit: The swelling has gone down. Wrapped a cold can of fanta over the bruise. We didn't have ice and it was either that or a tub of ice cream (I am enjoying the ice cream). It's still stiff over the bruise, but I don't see any deformities and it's not painful to the touch.


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Take good care and maybe you get well soon. Parkour is really cool. It takes lot of courage . Please be more careful while you practice. Wear some safety gears and do warming up
"I can still walk(limp really) so pretty sure nothing's broken."

Just want to say that walking (or limping) isn't a guarantee for no fracture. I understand if you don't want to pay for an x-ray, I really do. Keep still, apply the RICE-concept for a few days and see if it doesn't get any better. I don't know what a doctor would do if it really was fractured (especially the area above your foot) except tell you to keep it still for weeks. I hope it's nothing and that it goes away within a few days. But ... not trying park-our for the next couple of weeks is probably a good idea. (;