The lesson I've learned

I wonder why I feel like I'm at a point in time where I feel like I'm a bit stuck. The days are blurring that I don't ever exactly know the date or the day, just that morning has come and I've things to do.

Everytime I wake, I force myself to stand, awaken my body despite my mind wanting to curl right back under the warm sheets. But to be honest, I do enjoy work and talking to new friends and I'm surprised at the amount of work I've managed to do and how quickly the day has progressed. It is a miracle, to like working so much that I'm willing to put in more time.

I feel like I can do better, but I need for father time to hear my plea. Slow down, so I can keep up. I want to enjoy what I have now, after the years and effort I've put in to get to where I am now. I have just begun to enjoy what it's like. Come sit with me and enjoy a time off. Have a cuppa as we listen to the soft songs of old. My heart and soul is healing and I'm starting to understand.

Life is a rat race, or so I've been told. I beg to differ, that thought is so old. Life is much sweeter when you look at it from another perspective.It is a choice, one sometimes blurred by differing opinions and thoughts. We're at a time where everyone takes offence much too quickly, as sensitive as a babe in need of constant caring. It's not so bad, to take negative things and use it as a learning curve. Words are like knives, yes, hurt they will, but thoughtless ones, more often than not, come from those who speak and does not think. Be not afraid to fall back as there is nothing with no end and once at the end, there's nowhere else to go but forward. Do not despair as we are never truly alone and those who care do not always come from people you expect. So cry some more, laugh louder, and enjoy the simple things we take for granted. Because life is much sweeter that way.


Note: Is this blog worthy? It's more of a thought spun somewhat into a story.


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