Update Number 2 (kind of)

Hello honey beez. Yes, I know, it has been a while. But in my defense, the last month has been really difficult for me haha. Partly because of school and home stuff but mostly because I learned I am a much bigger shawol than I thought I was and…yeah. For those of you who don’t know I use humor to deal with everything and lately that hasn’t really been working so…yeah. It’s been a rough month to say that least. I haven’t touched my fics since the 17th and things have gotten harder and harder to handle. I’m usually pretty good at managing my stress and finding a balance but now…not so much. Today is the first day I’ve been able to write anything, which is really saying something for me since I’m always working on something. I’ve also almost been nonexistent on my twitter and tumblr and pretty closed off for the most part. It’s giving me war flashbacks to say the least of a pretty dark time in my life. I don’t want to go back there but I also don’t really know how to move forward. Now I’m not going to get super into it because everything that needed to be said has been said and I personally don’t think I have anything to add but I will say this. I’m struggling. I’ve been struggling. It’s hard and it , I know, but I’m still here. As much as I really don’t want to be (and I mean really don’t want to) I’m still here. And you’re still here and as long as we’re still here I am going to keep fighting and trying and remind myself that I can’t give up yet. None of us can. I think we owe Jonghyun that much.

The next chapter for Heaven’s Day is about halfway complete I wanna say. Like I said I haven’t been writing but I read through what I have so far today and there’s not too much left to do. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it up by early next month, somewhere between the 1st and the 5th. I also really want to do something for you guys. You’ve been supporting me and loving me for so long (and been so very patient) that I want to do something for you. I’m thinking some sort of a giveaway since I have so much k-pop stuff just sitting in my collection that I’d be more than willing to part with. I love it all but I’m reaching hoarder status here haha. It’s a little alarming. So yeah I gotta figure out how to do all that. I would ship worldwide of course I just don’t know how I would draw a winner. I don’t know. I’ll talk to other friends who have done this stuff in the past. Anyways that’s all for now. I realize it sounds like I said a whole lot of nothing but at least you all know what’s going on now. Kind of.

Love you all and I will most definitely be seeing you soon


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Looking forward to your updates!!! Yey...thank you for your hardwork...
As a shawol, it really has been hard and I hope things are getting better for you! Unfortunately, it's really only a wound time can heal. I love your stories and look forward to the update!
shinehima #3
Omg...seeing you post blog...hello!!!!! I'll one of your subscriber!!! I just read err...Crazy Love...and INGL series and u update!!!
I'm so happy!!!