Cuts and Bruises

I hope you guys don't mind, but can I let my feelings out?

One reason why I'm on hiatus is because my report card came (which had two low grades on Math and Science), and my mother saw she was very considerate and we just talked things out. Now my father... well I don't want to sound like he's the worst father but he's the best. I love him so much, but he's got problems with his business. So I added problems to the pile of problems and he couldn't take it anymore. Well to cut the long story short, He hit me. My mother at the time was downstairs and my siblings were doing something, so they didn't notice, I screamed and my mother came in, prying his arms away. He told me that I didn't deserve to be in a good school if I was going to give him grades like that. He told me to 'wake up'. Most of all he told me that I was a big problem. 


I took it anyways because it's my fault. I didn't study hard enough and it backfired at me.  It was the first time he did that. It was the first time he did that to any of us. I told myself after that happened, "Hey it's ok. It's not his fault. He's just frustrated, he loves you." I know I'm the one wrong anyways so just shrug it off."


After that my mom apologized, she was crying. My dad was crying too... 


He's the best dad. I'm not a masochist or anything but, he woke me up when he hit me. I need to do better at school. 


That's why, I won't be online anymore this month. I'll be back. Just a month guys. Just a month. 


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I'm really sorry for what happned.
But take your time.. we'll wait for you..:)
Wag ka nang magalala okay??
HappyMonster #2
I'm so sorry that happend to you know one deservers that, I hope that are alright and would like to hear your doing great so you can come back to us soon~~
take your time we will wait school is way more important than us. we're here to support you. fighting! <3
Cim darling, take all the time you need. School is much more important than us freaks <3
You're such a good person :) hopefully your dad's business will get better so he won't be so frustrated :) and I hope you do well too! Study hard x) hwaiting ~
omo. i know he didnt mean to, he is concern about you <3
study hard,ok? im going to support you i dont know how but fighting!! :3 fighting! fightingg!! :DD
anything that works for you ist ok with me, be safe and I know about your worries and be a good girl
im sorry he hit you and good luck with school i hope your grades improve and that things get better for you