The League of Extraordinaire : H-18

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✩ Nang Rigyu - When she got to the school she didnt have a name so they came up with one


✩ Korean 
✩ Japanese 
✩ Manderine 
✩ English - Part of her training was so that she could be put in multiple places and blend in, thats why she was taught so many languages


✩ H-18 has shoulder length brown hair. It was shaved as a punishement years ago and it is still growing. She has pale skin and small features. She is growing up to be a delicate looking woman


✩ H-18 wears the same white smock, sweater and pants that all the other subjects wear. 

* Telepathic Communication
* Mutant Tattoos
* Impenatrable Skin
* X-Factor Detection
* Animal Manipulation
* Healing Factor

BIRTHPLACE: Hallasan Labratories, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Lee Saerom
BACK UP: here
HEIGHT: 163 cm
WEIGHT: 48 kg

I am who i am


PERSONALITY TRAITS: Smart, timid, observant, quiet

H-18 shows very high levels of intelegence, not only with her tests but with her co subjets as well. She seems to be very intuitive to those around her and to what is happening. There was an instance that she was able to tell one of the guards was sick just by the way he acted. She also seems to be developing a protective like instinct over H-19. 
H-18 never gets involved with fights. She will stand back adn wait for them to be finished before continying on her way. She also doesnt see to be affect by the others jabs. She appears to have a cool head all the time, except when someone was in danger, then she acts. To my knowlage, H-18 has never spoke. To have that kind of control is impressive. 


H-18 was created in a secret lab located under the surface of the Hallisan mountain. The group that created her are trying to unlock the gene that gives Extrordinares their abilities so that they can give it to others. She was a part of the eighth group of test subjects. 
From birth she was kept with the other 24 children in the group and never any others. They werent given affection because that could make them think they were humans and they werent. 
As they aged they would split off because physical mutatinos wouldnt be with mental ones. Subjects who had both, like H-18 were also kept separate. 
In the group there was a clear heigharchy; the better you did the more you got. So if you had a stronger power and could show that to the schientists you would get more food, better bedding and more free time. It put a competitive edge to all the subjectsa and it worked every time. 
Unfortunatly H-18 never took to the competitive actions. She would stand up to those who were fighting for the top spot and she was always punished for it. She refused to succomb to the prodding though. 
More reciently H-18 stopped communicating with the other subjects. She will still sit with the same people but she hasnt said a single word in almost nine months. None of the scientists can figure out why though. None of the other subjects seem to notice though. 

While none of the scientists were aware, H-18 was setting up a coup. She figured out times, locations and the best rout to get as many of their group out. She was on an open telepathic channel with the other Extrordinares so they were still communicating with her. 
During one of their meal times there was a shift change in the main secrity office. That was when the chaos ensued. All of it was carfully planned but there was bound to be a few hichups. 
The mutants with an kind of emission abilites filled the room with dark smoke to blind the cameras and the more physical mutants took out the five guards with them. One had a connection with electrical objects and he was able to release all the doors. He had to keep a direction connection though and he got left behind. 
The rest of them made their way to the next obstical. The power for the lab came from a large windmill that sat atop the volcano. They had to get there before the scientists found them. Getting there they lost six more. 
When they got out side there was security waiting for them with guns. There was a handful who could protect others but their numbers were rapidly depleating. Soon it was only ten left facing the guns. That was when they went on the offence. 
H-18 had been drawing any bird she could contact to them and she attacked the guards first. After her was a boy with the ability to create a fog that paralised people. He was only able to hold it long enough for another boy to go in with his claws to start taking them out. A few of them were able to get back together and killed him too. 
One of them put up a forcefeild, trapping her and all the security inside. She yelled for the others to leave and they did. Out of the 25 that they started with only eight got out alive. 
When they got down the mountain they went their separate ways. H-18, H-19 and H-23 decided to travel together. The three of them started traveling north in hopes that they could find somewhere to live. 
They were in a city, sleeping underground when they were stopped and questioned by officeres. H-23 reacted badly and attacked. She left the other two behind and fled. H-18 and H-19 were able to get away but they were being looked for. 
H-18 was found, but not by the officers. There was another Extrordinare around, calling out for them. He was a telepath as well and as soon as H-18 could tell he was safe he approached them. 
He offered them a safe place to stay and to grow. They both accepted and were taken to the school in Incheon. 


✩ Telepathic communication
H-18 is able to communicate with others telepathically. She cant control others or put thoughts into their mind, its just like talking but without words
✩ Mutant Tattoos
H-18 can get new tattoos and they give her a new power. The ink doesnt last very long as it is absorbed into her blood stream as she uses the power. The larger the tattoo the longer it lasts. What ever the tattoo is is what the power would be
✩ Impenitrable Skin
Nothing can peirce H-18 skin besides her own teeth or nails. Everything has been tested but she was even able to break a diamond plated dart. Her skin is soft though, its not hard to the touch
✩ X Factor detection
H-18 is able to tell when another Extrordinary is getting near. She is good at telling what their powers are but she isnt always correct.
✩ Animal Manipulation
H-18's original power. She is able to influence animals behavior and feelings. She is very good at it and has been able to control hoards of animal at once. 
✩ Healing factor
H-18 doesnt get sick. She was introduced to a strong straign of Ebola and Scarlet Fever and she had zero simptoms. It is thought that she cant get sick or weak. 


✩ She can hardly write
✩ She doesnt know how to swim
✩ Fireworks terrify her. She thinks the sky is on fire
✩ She has nevr had any sweets, only hihgly nutricious sluge that tastes similar to peanut butter
✩She doesnt know what music is
✩ She is finding out that she likes blue
✩ She loves dogs. She has only seen one but she loves them
✩ She struggeles to sleep
✩ She can read and is a speed reader
✩ She likes the cold
✩ She shares a room with H-19
✩ She likes the feel of the rain
✩ She doesnt like bugs
✩ She cant be out in the sun for too long with out getting a head ache


✩ Not a friendly - Doctor Watanabe (39) / Doctor for the Hallisan group / Very meticulous, calculating / 0/10
Watanabe will do anything to get H-18 back. She was the best subject they have had in the 29 years of research and he is conviced it is only because he came on two years ago.

✩ relation - H-19 (Nang Haeman) / student / Very quiet, timid / 10/10
H-18 and H-19 have always been close. The scientists were a bit concerned because they poentionally had emotions for eachother but they could never prove it. Powers are flight, shadow manipulation and strength (FC Go Sang Gil)

✩ relation - H-23 (age) / na / Jumpy, hot head, intimidating / 7/10
H-18 and H-23 faught often because H-23 was lways getting the best treatment. They didnt get along until H-18 started the plan to get people out. Powers are pyrokinesis, enhanced sences and strength. (FC Nahee)

interview with doctor Watanabe


What is H-18s power? Are there any limitations?:

✩ H-18 has multiple powers. She manifested one herself, animal manpipulation. We were able to combine four others with her DNA so that she was able to control them. 
Unbenounced the the doctors and scientists she developed telepathic communication as well. She can only communcate with other Extrordinares, not normals. 

When did you find out about them? What happened?: 

✩ The first power H-18 manifested herself was animal manipulation. She was able to get all of the rats in the lab to turn on the scientists and killed a few. She was four. 
The first one we were able to get to combine with her DNA was the mutant tattoos. By adding tattoos to her skin she could control things for a short amout of time, but the ink always was absorbed into her skin. 
The X-factor detection was an accident. We still arent sure how it happened because one of the scientists was doing night tests on her and he ended his life before telling us how he did it. 
Only reciently did she develope the healing and impenetrable skin. It is remarkable though. We have special tools and even they cant get into her skin. It seems that her own teeth and nails are what can peirce her skin. 

How did people react when you find out?

✩ Our board was thrilled. We had gone through many test subjects and H-18 is our best subject thus far. We are trying to use her DNA to replicate similar reactions in others but we havnt been sucessful. 

How is she handling it? : 

✩ H-18's mental state is stable but she does have her boughts of rage. They are few and far between but she is verymuch under our control

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replace with fc
replace with love int

love interest

back up


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STATUS: here
ENDING: here


BlueTyphoon ✩ Blue



✩ here

✩ here





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