Hey all!

havent blogged in a bit and I'm really bored xDSo I got like something fun

in the comments, ask any questions you want about anything, and I'll write a blog answering them all!

Ask any question, but nothing like where I live, phone number, stuff like that obv bc internet safety xD


Go ahead

Do it!

You can ask multiple questions too :P

anything you wanna ask


Have fun :P

I'll probably start the blog later, so you have several hours to comment :P


if ut not interested have a great dayyyyyy

ok bye xD




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what is your favorite season and why?

are you allergic to anything?

what do you find yourself thinking deeply about the most often?

when learning something new, do you prefer to be given a broad overview or a few specific examples?

what would be your ideal day?

do you prefer to be the photographer or the subject?

do you tend to be more past oriented, present oriented, or future oriented?

what are your dealbreakers in relationships (romantic, platonic, familial, whatever)?

what do you do when stressed?

what immediately attracts you to a person (romantic/platonic/physical) and why?

which do you value most in a person: kindness or mental fortitude?

would you lie to those in positions of authority in order to protect a loved one/friend?

aaaand that's all i have lol
Crap, I never know what questions to ask lol xD
I'll try though

Movie or TV show?
Savory or sweet?
Soft or smooth?
Tea sweet or not sweet? Or no tea at all?
Couch or recliner?
Procrastinate or get it done right away?

Okay that's all I got
also if you were to kill someone, which weapon would you do it with
did the egg or chicken come first?
how do you properly kill a fish?
if you were to be a worm, how long would you exactly be?
What should be written on your tombstone?
Someone who you would never want to meet?
If you could be a tree, what kind?
What's your favorite type of crab?
Best type of cheese in the world?
Who are your favorite groups? And who's your bias in the group?
What's the first song on your playlist? XD
Alrighty! I've got 3 cause I'm bored, too:
1. (Choose)
2. Would you rather eat chocolate with poop flavor OR eat poop with chocolate flavor? (I know, it's weird.... But I wanna know...)
3. If you could only keep ONE of your stories public and delete the rest, which story would you like to keep?
i'll give you the first ten questions that come into my mind, okay?

1) what's your favorite color?

2) if you could join two animal's genes to make a new species, what would the animals be and what would the hybrid be called?

3) what's the most exotic thing you've done?

4) are you more introverted or extroverted?

5) what is your dream job?

6) do you travel a lot? if so, which country/state have you been to that you like best? if not, where is one place you would love to visit?

7) if you got a Make-A-Wish, what would you wish for?

8) what has been your favorite story on aff?

9) what are the top three things you do in your free time?

10) if you suddenly were kidnapped by like government agents and had to sing a song for them or else they would never let you go, what song would you sing?

these aren't really directed at you specifically, but since you said you were bored, i figured you were looking for any kind of question, not just like personal ones if that makes sense