|| Necalli || character name || plotline

. Author's notes: (delete this before submitting):
the only things i have to say is:
- do not forget the password and read the cheatsheet
- feel free to change the colors of the app
(#6959CD, #838EDE, #E6E8FA, #92CCA6)
- have fun!

replace with fc 120*172

  character name  

birthname. last name, first name

– nickname here :: explanation
– nickname here :: explanation

date of birth. month day, year
birthplace. here
hometown. here
ethnicity. here

language spoken. 

– language here :: explanation
– language here :: explanation

faceclaim + back-up. here
appearance. here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus. Vestibulum accumsan metus diam, fermentum ultrices nulla ultricies et. Aliquam at vestibulum felis.

style. here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus. Vestibulum accumsan metus diam, fermentum ultrices nulla ultricies et. Aliquam at vestibulum felis.


   One of a kind

personality traits.  here

personality.  expand the traits listed above

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus. Vestibulum accumsan metus diam, fermentum ultrices nulla ultricies et. Aliquam at vestibulum felis.

background.  how did their background influence them?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus. Vestibulum accumsan metus diam, fermentum ultrices nulla ultricies et. Aliquam at vestibulum felis.

   things that make me happy


– likes (min 5)
– dislikes (min 5)
– hobbies (min 2)
– habits (min 3)
– fears (min 2)
– special talents (this is for variety shows)
– trivia (min 5, go crazy, impress me!)

relationships.  only include those who are important and matter to your character.

– relation :: name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness interactions

– relation :: name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness interactions

   the i in necalli

stage name.  optional

persona.  here

trainee years.  here

trainee life.  elaborate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus. Vestibulum accumsan metus diam, fermentum ultrices nulla ultricies et. Aliquam at vestibulum felis.

pre-debut.  here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus. Vestibulum accumsan metus diam, fermentum ultrices nulla ultricies et. Aliquam at vestibulum felis.

scandals.  here

– scandal :: when / true/false / explanation

– scandal :: when / true/false / explanation

   this is my role

plotline + backup.  here

position + backup.  here

please link them and put the back-up in brackets (delete this line)

singing twin.  here (backup)

rap twin.  here (optional)

dancing twin.  here (backup)

talking twin.  here


   road to acceptance

hello there, please introduce yourself.

how do you feel about debuting?

do you have any goals you want to achieve with Necalli? 

do you have any role model? How do they inspire you? 

do you have any ideal type as well? 
can be description or specific person

how do you feel about being in a co-ed group and living together? 

and lastly, is there any idol you want to get to know backstage? 
let the fanboy/fangirl loose

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

  love interest name  

back up. here

– start here

love story. 

– start here

status. here
ending. here

   username : nickname

last words.  hello?

suggestions.  don't be afraid, it might help a lot

scenes requests.

– here
– here

password.  bye



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Thank you so much for the extension, and I'm sorry for making everyone wait for me! ;;
Introducing lucky charm Kojin!




Finally ;-; , i hope you like my hyeon a.k.a an annoying mom
sending in an escaped baer !
{ http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1234479 }

i'm so sorry, i will need you to sit back and relax with a cup of coffee (assuming if you like coffee, tea would be nice as well) because this is one lengthy application ;; my apologies ;;
Hey I'm back!
I'm not sure if applying twice is allowed but I got bored, so i decided to give you some more work haha (Sorry)
So hope you like him!
Finally done with my app after working hard on her. Hope you like her!! ^^


DONE WITH MY APP FINALLY, i hope you like herrr

You'll see, my inspiration was gone, but here you are
pineapple_fudge123 #9

Here mine again I hope you like him :)
hereeeees mah girl, i hope you like her.

I really hope I didn't leave any mistakes. Sobs .