Personal tag (Taken from Prince ^^)

  1. Name: Andy
  2. Age: 23
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Do you have a pet?: Yes, a cat and three chihuahua's. However, one of them is mine and the other two are my brothers and his wifes'
  5. Birthday: in March
  6. Job: Full time student
  7. Only child or Has siblings(how many): 1 elder brother
  8. Hobbies: Reading, writing for AFF, music, dramas&shows, language learning, origami.
  9. Sport: Wrestling && MMA
  10. Food: I'm insanely into Korean food, but thats because I enjoy spicy. 
  11. Drink: Sadly, soda. Water, alcohol. 
  12. Day: Wednesday
  13. Month: November
  14. Singer/ Band: BTS, Rain, Block B 
  15. Movie: Ninja Assassin & Coraline & Harry Potter 
  16. Places: Places I've been? want to go to? I need more info.
  17. Fanfic: Oh god. I've read so many fanfics that I really enjoyed.... Kaye Allen's Crave. Look back into my blog, I made a blogpost for your all to check it out. It's not on AFF. It will always be my #1 and I believe she will make it into a book. If you like V and the whole Angel and demon thing; DEF check it out.
  18. Novel: Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
  19. Author (FF or Novel writer): All my friends are such lovely writers, I cannot choose.
  20. If you could buy any type of food, what would you buy? 24/7 Korean.
  21. What color is your toothbrush? Blue
  22. If you could be any animal what would it be and why? A cat because I want to sleep all day and be lazy.
  23. Who is your favorite superhero? I'm not into the whole Marvel/DC scene, but TO ME- I say Sailor Moon. 
  24. What is your favorite summer activity? Going to the beach with friends in Cali.
  25. If your life is a movie, what genre it is and who would play 'you' ? I feel like my movie would be like college life meets alcohol meets the kawaii life. LSD at its finest.
  26. If you could be any icecream flavor, what would you be? A tamarind icecream. Salty and spicy.
  27. If you could go anywhere in world, where would you wanted to be? Oh god. Korea, Japan, South Africa (although this is where I want to be the most)
  28. Straight, or Yuri?- ​​​​ I read every now and then, but mostly straight.
  29. One thing that annoys you the most? ​​​​​ You want me to label ONE thing? DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?! Erm, I would say rudeness.
  30. Dream job - Animal Conservationist/ Animal Rescuer/ Animal Cruelty investigator.
  31. Morning or Night person? Night 
  32. Strangest thing that you've ever eaten? Chicken feet (?) loved it tho.
  33. Favorite thing about someone in your family? Hardworking, hilarious, strict.
  34. Weird quirks? Not quite a quirk, but a tradition?. When I was younger, I had a thing for ranch so I would put my entire hand in my plate and the ranch off my hand. Now, I downgraded to a finger, so if I have some salad dressing left on my plate; my finger will eventually be on it. I do it unsubconciously sometimes and when I look up my mom is like, "..... really?".
  35. Describe yourself in three words. Quiet, Sarcastic, goal-oriented?
  36. Why am I asking you these questions? - For fun? Get to know me? I dont know!
  37. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Probably someone from BTS, so I can continue to feel inspired to continue to keep working hard to achieve my dreams.
  38. If you could talk in your sleep what would you say? I won't give up.
  39. What was the first thing you do in the morning? Do my makeup.
  40. Favorite movie quote? "Go! Live your dream!"- Tangled
  41. Favorite joke? It's not a joke, but more of a pun. Its a big whale and a baby whale. Baby whale: "Dad, where did I come from?" Dad: "From my (cuz hes a whale)". Baby: "I didn't want to know that!"  Dad: "You're whalecum!"
  42. What would you do on Mars for fun? See if I can find any aliens.
  43. If you can get yourself anything, what whould it be? My dang college degree!
  44. What's the worst place you could get stuck? In a house full of my relatives.
  45. Where would you go if you're invisible? - Secretly watch BTS practice.
  46. What's one thing you own that you wish you didn't? ​​​​​​Gifts of ex-friends that I just cant seem to throw away.
  47. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words. Surprise , Unplanned , sincere
  48. What's your biggest addiction? Spicy food.
  49. When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about? To tell them my trips abroad.
  50. What movie can you watch without getting tired over it? Ninja Assassin, Coraline, Tangled.
  51. Give me four turn ons - They smell good, they are open-minded, hard-working, and trustworthy.
  52. Now, 2 turn offs - Ignorant and cocky.
  53. Did you receive any romantic confessions? Tell us about it - I received a confession, but I dont think a drunk text message is considered romantic LOL.
  54. Favorite Youtuber/s - All the kpop reactioners, ItsJudysLife, JKfilms.
  55. If you are a shapeshifter, what or who are going to be? why? I would shapeshift into Naruto. I want to know what having Chakra feels like.
  56. What do you prefer and why: Sunrise, Sunset or Moon?  Sunset, it gives me time to reflect on my day spent.
  57. Diamond crown or Flower crown ?  Flower
  58. What would you do if one day you woke up as your nemesis? I would probably kill myself LOL.
  59. What's the best thing you got from your parents? Support.
  60. How did you get your sub-teacher gave up on your class?  ........I'll leave that to a storytime.
  61. Bad boys/girls or Good boys/girls? Bad boys LOL. 
  62. What would be your spirit animal (You can fusion two or more animal) A cat.
  63. What do you do in family gathering?​​​​​​ Find a place to hide and stay there until I can leave or fake a smile until I can find shelter.
  64. What irrational fear you have? Sharks, Clowns, the dark, needles ;~;
  65. What would you do if one day you woke up not regretting everything you've done? If I woke up not regretting everything, I think I would be happy. I've regretted a lot because I missed opportunities because of my social anxiety- but if I woke up without a care..... I would be happier.


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Glad to know alittle more about you :) you also have one elder brother same with me. You like origami must be a very patient person ^^