:: Welcome to Club Seventeen :: Baek Yoo Yi

Baek Yoo Yi

flowerchild94 — Cass — activity rate


nickname(s) — Yoyo, Jun calls her this all the time

birthday + age — 12/25/1993 + 23

birthplace + hometown — Suwon, South Korea, Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
NATionality — Korean

language(s) — Korean

face claim (backup) — Wheein (Hwasa)

aju nice!

style — Explain how they dress and why. Is fashion important to them? There's no need to include a gallery or pictures, but if you'd like to include those then go ahead. In this section, also include any differences between the face claim and your character if there are any.


personality — Low self esteem, timid, passive, anxious, affectionate, careful, thoughtful, values trust

Yooyi doesnt think much of herself. She commonly lets people walk right over her and she cant stand up for herself. When people tell her to do something she does it, no questions asked. She doesnt speak loud, when people yell she will flinch and she doesnt like looking poeple in the eyes. 
Yooyi likes attention, both getting and giving. She doesnt often recive it so she tends to give it alot. All of her actions are usually careful and precise She doesnt like to go out on a lymb and try new things. She thinks about eveything before she does it, never rushing into things or split second decisions. She cares about how people feel about her too much



Loud sounds
Large groups

She is a vegitarian
She doesnt like spicy food
She doesnt know how to drive
She cant swim
She can cook
She loves science fiction
She used to play college basketball
She loves cheese
straberries are her favorate food

don't wanna cry. 

background — From a young age Yooyi loved to play basketball. She was the little girl at recess watching the older kids play and wanting to join in. She had trophies and balls around her room when other girls had dolls. She lived and breathed it. Her dad pushed her because he wanted a protoje. 
Yooyi did everything to get into a good school for basketball. She didnt care what it took, she wanted wanted to play ball. 
She played all through high school and she did get into a good school. She was the starting point guard and she was happy. She was going for her libral arts major but she was only focusing on basketball. 
Yooyi met Jun her freshman year. He was a sophomore and incredibly attractive. When he started showing an interest in her she jumped on that. She was a lot more brave back then. 
Their relationship started out normal, Jun was so sweet to her and he only seemed to care about how she felt. Things changed slowly though. He started wanting to know where she was at all times, asking to see her phone and demanding she stop hanging out with her other friends. 
A year after they started dating he got her to quit the basketball team and stop talking with her friends completly. He was the only person she ever spent time with, otside of class. 
The two of them got an apartment together but that was a bad idea. Now Jun was in complete control of her life; when she ate, when she slept and when she even saw others. 
The physical abuse didnt start until reciently. It started small, he got angry and pushed her. He apologised right away but he didnt stop. It got to be more like he threw things at her for small things or yelled at her for not moving fast enough. 

current life — When Jun started stripping Yooyi wanted to go watch but he wouldnt let her. He didnt want her to be with other people and he never let her see her family. She has seen Club Seventeen once but it was only from the car. 
When Yeojin found out about Yooyi she demanded Jun bring her to the club. He complied but the entire time he had his arm around her and help her tight. 

adore u.

love interest — Jun

backup  — Wonwoo

personality — Controlling, manipulative, very charming
background — Jun grew up in a crowded home and a crowded apartment. He never had time to be alone nor did he have his own things. 
He wanted his own space and he was going to get it. He started looking into colleges in other countries that he could go to. He found one in South Korea he liked and when he graduated he moved. 

relationship  — 
Jun and Yooyi are in a very abusive relationship, Jun being the abuser. He controlls everything about her and she doesnt have the willpower to do anything about it

current status  — Dating for 3 years
ending — suprise

last messages.

comments + questions — Here's where your comments go. If you have any questions you can leave them here or you can feel free to PM me about anything ^^

scene request — Please write at least one request to give me ideas. Even if it's a suggested stage performance or

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