:: Welcome to Club Seventeen :: Mok Hyeong Ja

Mok Hyeong Ja

Bluetyphoonk — Blue — activity rate


nickname(s) — Million dollar baby

birthday + age — 07/10/1990 + 27

birthplace + hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
NATionality —Korean

language(s) — Korean

face claim (backup) — Joo Minhee

aju nice!

style — Hyeongja likes comphy fashion. She likes to look nice but she isnt going to go out in skin tight clothes and heels. She does like large sweaters and slowy shorts


personality — Perfectionist, prone to feeling lonley, clingy, needy, not punctual, observant, creative, active, playful


Foggy mornings

Spicy food

She stress runs
When she is bored she cleans up
Watching dramas
She is horrible with chopsticks
She is lactoseintolerant
She lothes avacadoes
She is a romantic at heart
She doesnt know how to drive
She has very small, neat penmanship
She is good at ice skating
She cant eat a lot or she will feel sick, like a very small amount
She loves the smell of her cat
She has a cat

don't wanna cry. 

1995: Spoke for the first time. It took her a long time to start speaking but her first words were 'please dont do that.' Her parents were stunned. She also started walking for the first time. Her mother turned around one day and she wasnt there. She had tottled off towards the beach to watch the waves hit the shore. 
1996: Started school. Hated it, didnt want to spend her time with others. 
1997: Got in her first fight. One of th boys kept pushing her down and trying to steal her notebook. She punched him
2006: In school she had a project where she had to invest 
500,000 ₩ in a company and her father thought it was a good idea so he actually gave her that money to invest. She followed her plan from her class to a T
2007: She still didnt know what she wanted to do for college and she was starting to panic. Everyone else was prepping for college and she wasnt. 
2008: Graduated from high school and started attending. Seoul National University for Business Administration
2009: College, rather boring year
2010: Her stocks soared. She made 1,120,670,000 ₩ in less than a year. She was the first 19 year old in Koreas history tohave as much money as she did. 
2011: After letter her money grow a little more she was able to buy her own home and pay off school. 
2012: Graduated from college and started investing her money back into other businesses. She started her own business but it flopped. 
2013: She seemed to be on a lucky streak. Her money kept increasing. 
2014: Made 1,120,670,000,000 ₩
2015: She made Forbes magazine as one the the most up and coming young people in Asia. 
2016: Her net worth is now $3.7 billion US dollars. She is the 6th most wealthy person in South Korea. 
2017: Her money seemed to have platoued. She is still bringing in More money than before but she isnt taking leaps and bounds like before. 

current life — Hyeongja has her fingers in many things like businesses, shopping malls and she even has 45% of an entertainment company. She often goes to visit her investments. She doesnt commonly go out to clubs or bars, she spends a lot of her time working out and plotting for the future. 

adore u.

love interest — Chan

backup  — Woozi

personality — Put your interpretation of his personality. I have an idea of where I want to go with each boy, but your words and opinions will be taken into account while writing
background — Can I just let you do this? Since he is your charas brother?

relationship  — Hyongja was at Club Seventeen with some friends. She saw Chan talking with is sister and she thought he was adorible. She got one of her friends to find out who he was. She decided to find more about him, but she did a wrong. She bought him a drink, not knowing he was too young. He thought it was funny but his sister did not. 
Hyeongja started coming by the club more often to find out more about him. He noticed her watching and he approched her one day. They started talking and decided they would do it again the next day. 
Yeojin dragged Chen across thecoals when she found out the two of them had been talking. The more she faught against it the more he wanted to do it. He kept trying to push his and Hyeongja's relationship further just to poss off his sister. He didnt realise that Hyeongja didnt know he was just doing this to piss his sister off. 

current status  — Strangers
ending — Horrible, like the worst kind of endings. 

last messages.

comments + questions — Here's where your comments go. If you have any questions you can leave them here or you can feel free to PM me about anything ^^

scene request — Please write at least one request to give me ideas. Even if it's a suggested stage performance or

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