Clary Travers Is Going To Hogwarts!

meet Clary Travers:
NAME Clary Travers
Travers - She gets called by her last name many times by those who aren't close to her. Her last name is well known because of the many Death Eaters that run in her family.
Clarice - People mix up her name a lot and always call her Clarice because it is more common than Clary.

BIRTHPLACE London, England
HOMETOWN London, England

English - Native Language

FACECLAIM Millie Bobby Brown
Don't judge on what you see:
Clary is certainly a spunky little one who has got a lot of sass. She definitely knows how to make a good comeback to about anything. She is extremely bold and many know just how cheeky she can be. She isn't afraid to step out of her comfort zone and will make sure that she is heard. She is also very sarcastic. Sarcasm is part of her daily language. Not a day goes by where she isn't being sarcastic during, at least, one part of the day. Sometimes she just says things without thinking first. Yknow that filter that people have that prevents them from saying things they shouldn't? Yea, she doesn't have that. Although she comes off as a very strong and daring, she has a very warm and kind soul, it just comes out to a select few. When she has people she holds dear to her, she shows a lot of care and passion for that person. 

A lot of kids would be afraid of her because of how she was a Travers. She would just brush them off her shoulder.

Met Amelia in a tree. She saw Amelia, climbed up the tree, asked why she was up in a tree, Amelia asked her why she was up in a tree, Clary said touché. They continued to be best friends for life. 
Those who shape me:

Father - Nicholas Travers - 36 - Pureblood - Works for the Ministry - Serious, Arrogant, Intimidating

Mother - Melanie Travers - 35 - Pureblood - Stays at Home - Poised, Protective, Narcissistic


Closest Mate - Amelia Kinglsey - 11 - Half Blood - School - Intelligent, Timid, Empathetic
A new adventure:
ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO HOGWARTS? Heck yeah I am! Who wouldn't be? I bet there's plenty of people that would die to go to Hogwarts.

WHICH HOUSE DO YOU WANT TO GET INTO? I mean, there is a tradition of my relatives being in Slytherin.

IS THERE A HOUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN? Not to be like rude or anything, but anything but Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Those two houses are like not at the top, yknow?

WHICH CLASS ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I wanna go to potions just so I can meet Snape. I wonder if his hair is as greasy as people say it is.

WILL YOU BE TRYING OUT FOR QUIDDITCH? No thanks. I don't like the smell of sweat or sweat in general. Plus, why would I voluntarily let my face get hit with a ball?

ARE YOU BRINGING A PET? My parents don't let me have pets 'cause they know I won't take care of them.

ANY THOUGHTS ON HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED OR HIS FOLLOWERS? I don't understand why people like him. He's ugly and creepy and old.

Any last words:
COMMENTS: Here is the first one lol
PASSWORD: I can see her being in Slytherin more than I can see her being in Gryffindor, but i do think either one suits her.
clary travers
"Seriously? Like, why?"
Width = 150; Face Claim
japankeira    minnie


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Okay but I already have ideas for Clary. IDEAS I SAY. This girl is a fireball and I love it. The way she met Amelia is amazing too xD Also, as a proud Hufflepuff, I have an obligation to get OFFENDED. CLARY. DON'T DISS MY HOUSE GIRL, WE ARE THE BEST. Lol, but seriously thanks for turning her in so quickly!