SeoulHost Academy App


info about you:

AFF account:

AFF nickname: Harasofea


Info about your character:

Name: Lee Han Areum

Nickname: Areum(preferably), Hana.

Age: 17

Date of birth: 2nd Jan 1995

Weight/height: 46kg/169cm

Birthplace: Tokyo,Japan

Hometown:Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean


Family info:

Family background: Her grandfather was the fourth CEO for Lotte Groups, he now retired. Her grandmother was a hanbok  and kimono designer but now she has her own boutique and staff to sew for her. Father is the President of Lotte mall in Beijing, who rarely comes home. Her mother works as a succesful stylist/fashion designer, she works with celebrities such as Song Hye Kyo and Park Shin Hye. Her mother also owns a fashion line called Areum and Rush, Areum was the most famous for its simple cute and off the boat styles.

Financial situation: Her father is the president for Lotte mall in beijing with salary over $9,200,000 every two months. Her grandfather was the CEO Lotte group and earned over  $25,300,000 a year. Her mother and grandmother earns $3,500,000 a year.

Family members:

Father: Lee Young ssik-38-President of a mall- A workholic like his father and rarely shows his face to his kids.

Mother: Son Ga Eul-37-Stylist/Designer- a workholic,but she is kindhearted.Couldn't even hurt a fly.

Sister: Lee Ah Young-13-Student/ulzzang fitting model- A super innocene girl who hasn't a slightest idea how the world works. 

Herself: Lee Han Areum-17-Student/Ulzzang Model.

Grandfather: Lee Bong Shi-64-Retired-He is just like normal grandfather who dearly love his grandaugthers.

Grandmother: Bang Mi Sook-62-Designer/Bussiness women-She is the one who takes care the the girls and never broke a promise.



Personality info:

Fears: Bankrupt,Thunderstorms,Dark places,Changes.

Likes: Hello Kitty, Shopping,Nature,Tea,Hot Showers.

Dislikes: Bugs,Smell of wet grasses, Bullies, Showoffs.

Hobbies: Horse riding,Shopping,Listen to music,Sing,Archery.

Trivia: She had won first place in archery competition. Has puppy named CoCoa. Broken her left leg before due to horseriding when she was 9. Had been offered to study abroad, but she refused.

Your dream: Top Supermodel.

Personality: She is the type that says before thinking, She'll anything on her mind. People thougt she was really cold and mean but shes actually shy and careless of her words. She has a very pretty smile but her shyness hides that and gave her the Cold image. She is abit arrogant, sometimes she feels better than anyone else and admits it. But Once if you get to now her, shes really humourous, she can be a comedian. Once she laughs, no one came stop her from laughing. She is also a clutz, she forgets stuff or just slip for no reason.

Choose the one persona that fits your character most:  Miss Arrogant



Appearance:  tumblr_lra0ctFHmP1qb1ifho1_500.jpg // tumblr_lvosmdvhuN1r3cvslo1_500.jpg // tumblr_lur95fbufO1qabjoco1_500.jpg

Ulzzang name: Lee Geum Hee

Backup ulzzang name: Jo Ga Eun



Partner/Love interest:  Kevin Woo

His brief personality: Sweet, Feminine and adores pretty girls and he thinks arrogant girls is the prettiest and very confident. Once he likes/adore some one, he'll be abit annoying. He always tries a way to catch her attention and talk to her, and he is not ashamed.

Love triangle: no

Best friend: Jessica

Friends: Tiffany,Krystal and Yoona

Rivals: Sulli



You and school:

Host or client:

Which class you want to be in: 1st

Favourite subject: Music and Design

Subject you hate: Math and Bio

Grade points average: B+

Other after-school Club: School band(vocalist) and Archery.


Anything else you want to add or your request for some story plot: no ^^



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