[CONTEST] Come Join! - A Beautiful Journey (A Writing Contest)

Yo peeps and pals! YUM, also known as Lyn or V here, and I just wanted to inform you all about a writing contest that I found that I think is pretty sweet!

There's no themes or anything like that to it, but I think that is the charm about it. This contest, made by BlackRosesTears, is just a regular, simple contest. And what I mean by that is that it is VERY open, and you can basically choose to do whatever you want in terms of what and who to write about and stuff; there are no limits!

You can write about whichever characters you want, you can choose to do hetero, , or yuri relationships, there are no prompts so you can come up with your own idea for whichever genres you want, etc. And the best part about it, at least for me lol, is that there is no limit to your chapter count and word count! Meaning, I don't have to be careful of holding back! Not that I was purposely planning on make the story SUPER long, but if you didn't know, I love long stories, and they are what I usually aim to make. There are a bunch of contests that I'll come across that I think are interesting, but they'll have limits to them like not having anymore than 20 chapters or something like that, and I don't really like it because, I never know how long my story could end up being and I'll just start worrying about how I would poosibly go about the length. But this doesn't have that! Yesh!

You can either choose to enter in a oneshot or a chaptered story, but there are only two months left for you to be able to enter, so get on it quickly if you want to.

I told myself awhile ago that I was going to try and stay away from stuff like contests since I really just need to focus on my own created stuff, but like I said, this one is pretty sweet and tempting with how free you can be with it, so I just had to give it a try.

Definitely check it out! Here's the link if you're interested:

A Beautiful Journey


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thanks for sharing. ^^
Oh, it's BlackRosesTears! She's so nice~