Oh the fan fiction I see in their future......

EXO I can predict the fanfiction that is going to be written about you. Not by me but someone will definitly write this plot it is practically enevitable. >.>

We all know EXO has been split into two groups EXO K (for Korean) and EXO M ( for Mandarin) and because of this I can see what fanfiction will be written about them.

One plot will be high school (Or university) of course. And K & M are going to be rivals in their different high schools (or the same school) and they will be super competitive. And envitably fan girls in the stories would support either K or M and hate any one who comes close to their M or K Oppas. They also would have envevitably been friends in the past most likly childhood friends but a disagreement separated them forever.

Their rivalery is hightened at the introduction of a sweet  transfer student who is really cute and pouty. Or maybe she already went to the school and also admired either K or M and fell in love with her school's gang or maybe she went traitor and fell for a guy in another gang. (Either way it will proably be Kai..not that I blame her...)

And he will be an but will fall for her sweet nature and would do anything to protect her.

Or maybe they wont be in high school (or university) and they are out in the real world and are rival companies whose rivalery is hightened by the introduction of a girl... Perhapes they are just gangsters period. Again they begin to fight overa girl. =____=

Now don't misinterpret this to say I hate fanfiction. I mean I'm on this sight regulary. I am just saying a specific type of plot like the ones I just mentioned pop up a lot and I MEAN A LOT. And I really see fan fiction with this specific type of plot poping of the wood work for these groups... actually it just may make the wood work explode. >.>

I'm not saying don't write fan fiction about EXO Im just saying if you read a fanfiction about them and it seems to have the basic plots that I just described and you are planning on writing a fan fiction about them... think about the plot you have in mind if it matches PLEASE DON'T WRITE IT. Please I beg think of a new plot. Let's get this group beyoung high school or college rivalery, or corprate rivalery or gang rivalery in our fanfiction.

Because SME has the groups set up in a manner that he can use to save money (Promoting the same songs, with the same concepts, with the same exact videos come on.... SME just doesn't want to waste money actually promoting these boys... >.> anyway) It will be very easy to write fanfiction about these boys in the manner I just described. SME convinently placed them in two groups with the same name making it very easy to write a fanfic with them as rival gangs.

As I said before do write fanfis about K and M just please try and refrian from the plots I mentioned to much. All I ask....

And here is another thing we all know in your fanfics Kai is going to be the main love interest...I mean comeon out of the 12 teasers I mean 13 >.> KAI WAS IN 8 OF THEM O.o 8 out of 12 I say!

Am I the only one on planet Earth who sees logic in I don't know a 12 member group with 12 teasers wouldn't it make sense that each teaser focused on a a different member. O.O

So here is an idea ladies and Gents when you write EXO fanfiction... spread the love to all the other members.... Kai can only handle so many girls at once.



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I haven't even begun to think about fanfiction ideas, but I usually try to stay away from rival anythings. Especially in high school/university. Gangs....I at least give mine a twist. >> Like I'm doing in FAI. (then again, I don't exactly write many gang fics either)
But now I'm looking forward to the Exo fics XDD