I can't make heads or tails of what this is I've written...

So the past couple days I have been randomly writing stuff. Like I wasn't even thinking about what I was writing just letting my pen do what it wants. And I've come up with some wierd stuff.  The ***** marks the separation of different things I've written.


All I ever wanted was

to go to yesterday and

see tomarrow. Silly maybe,

but why shouldn't I when

I'm the only one who can? It's not like you

are me so why should you

make decisions like

you are some kind of God?

To go to yesterday and

see tomarrow is a dream

fit for anyone with the

means to choose.


Why should I stay here today

when it's tomarrow that

I want to see and yesterday

is where I want to go?

When the only thing stopping

me is some lie that you utter

saying to me that it is



What is reality but our perception?

How can we face reality

when everyone else's is a lie?


I am my own reality.

Not yours.


The girls seemed to dance

through their words with

every movement.

They were graceful and

poise and at the same

time violent and uncaring

as to who was struck.

See us, love us! Seemed

to be their scilent scream

heard by no one but each

other and I suppose

with some arrogance by

myself as well.

Let them giggle and dance

as they walk across the

room flirting about as if

they do it everyday. But I

suppose I know their secret

now. Once you know, once

you see; you can never

unknow and can never unsee.

Because to unsee the known

could possibly be the greatest

act of cowardice known to

humankind. But that's all up to you.


I couldn't help but think

everyone around me was

wrong and everyone around

you was worse. But that

is something that can only

be decided by a clear

conviction to make every

ones decisions for them.

Who should nake decisions

for me but The Shadows

in the cornor of a room

filled with scilent singers

and motionless dancers.

To go and sing and dance

would be to commit a crime.

A crime of blasphamy against

the stage on which the

oroter stands.

No one wants to be the one

to commit a crime to be

caught would be such an

inconvinence, to someone,

but I haven't the faintest

who that would be.

Mayve the violent hues of

Gold and Blue are the

answer to which no one knows

the questions.


Why should the stars

grow dim when the moon

shines so brightly? Why

should I care honestly when

its the ocean breeze I so

long to feel blowing against

the poisionous grass beneath

my feet. The vapid colors

seem to glow when there

is no choice but to fade.

Why is it that the willow

tree heavey with snow projects

a more sorrowful image than

a Elm in the Sun?

Why is it that the strength

the sun saps from me is restored

by the cold and rain?

Such calm things things escape

their prision while the wild

flee it's safety.

Questions are not meant to be



So yeah I have no idea what any of these mean.

I read these to Ryan (my 16 soon to be 17 year old brother) and Tyler his 15 year old friend and Tyler told me I was in Trippin.

 (Tyler's facial expression)


    (Ryan's facial expression.)

 (My facial expression after realizing the I just wrote.)

Then Tyler was like "That makes no sense to us like at all..But it makes sense to you."

And I was like "Are you kidding? I have no idea what any of this means"


Then he was like "You understand it on a subconsious level.


Then I was like "Tyler this is the first time I read this....I wasn't even paying attention to what my pen was putting on the page."

Then he was like "It's good though like something by Edger Allen Poe."

And I was like



So apparently it's somting like Poe. And I still have no idea what it all means.


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MissSushiYUM #1
lol I like Edgar Allen Poe. XD