false alarm people ¬_¬

so, if you're a filipino or you have filipino friends and family, you probably have some idea that there was a 6.8 or 6.9 magnitude earthquake that happen in the visayas part basically near where i and jishubunny and normibells live (which is cebu) but if you don't know... well, i'm telling you now...? lol.

so yeah, jishu had said what she had been doing then and after... as for me.

part 1: since we are on half day because we only had SGD (small group discussion) we went straight to my groupmate's (BFF) house to continue with our Research. so on our way, through convoy just when we were about to make a turn coming from the South Reclamation Properties (SRP) i think that's what it is (basically its a long hi-way, constructed to make trip back and forth the south to the center/capitol easier) we (three of us in my car) thought "a flat tire?!" or "wow, the bumps can't be that bumpy." but then we noticed BFF's car in front of us was already rocking back and forth then, the posts were also rocking slightly. so we thought:

"Oh, eathquake?! wow, it's a big one." o.0 then we asked each other again when we arrived at BFF's house to check that what we felt was for real. and as evidenced by the people coming out of their homes and the first after shock - it was confirmed... yeah there was an earthquake.

so it was on this moment that Megaphone, top student and Gay friend realized that there really was an earthquake. because when the 6.9/8 magnitude EQ happened they were happily eating take-out Jollibee (famous fastfood rest) in Megaphone's car. so when they felt the second after shock Megaphone was like:

"Oh my God.. earthquake... tsunami... 2012!!!"

Enemy forever: "Yes. Since last month"


part 2: still happening in BFF's house. so... we (well, mostly Megaphone, top student and another groupmate) receive phone calls and texts messages. updates about the status outside the comforts of BFF's home. my aunt even called me, and it was from her that i knew about the earthquake and stuff. she was telling me to come home too and i just said yes but didn't actually come home until later when everything was deemed false alarm. XD

i texted my mother sometime before that too: text message conversation was...

me: ma, was there an earthquake there at home?

ma: yeah, how about there?

me: yeah but i'm in BFF's making research.

ma: K

what a wonderful, exciting conversation right? hahahaha... Gay friend thinks that's better than his panicking aunt giving him a call then shouting.

so this is where we knew how people were panicking for the little things and for probably the pranks someone pulled with a hidden agenda of stealing from abandoned places. ¬_¬ well, Megaphone was the one who was panicking among us.

she was like: "Oh my... the people are climbing on top of their roofs!!!!"

Enemy forever's comment after research was done: "Oh my... the people are climbing on top of their roofs! and they're wearing hard hats, bringing paint brushes and hammers! oh my god!!!"

part 3: the streets, malls and schools were clean of people and cars and vehicles!?! this is the most shocking part to me and most amusing too hahahaha.

so it only took an earthquake with its aftershocks and false alarm for people to hurry back home and stay home. i don't know if you feel the way i feel - the sight of not seeing traffic waiting for you at 5:30 pm... the sight of the street at 7:00pm feel like 10:00pm or even dawn.

anyway... there's still 40+ aftershocks that we still have to experience as what is said by the PHIVOLCS. and as my groupmate said...

tectonic plate earthquakes don't exactly produce tsunamis. 7.0 something 'sea' earthquakes does (yeah, forgot what that was called). and well, Cebu is surrounded by islands, so it's protected. and if it is really the epicenter then it is safe, since the waves would be away from the place. but then again there's no harm in being careful still.. i think some people were taking advantage of the situation and yelling 'tsunami!' so people stampede or ran towards the capitol...

and oh yeah... something happened to our university too (thought jishu and normi should now unless they heard it from our classmates through text or fb haha) it is in a dangerous place though, i mean, it's built at the reclamation area so. what happened: earthquake. cracks on the ceiling (as top student's bf said) and people stampeding. oh, lucky them coz classes suspended.

so now i'm wondering... will classes still be suspended tomorrow? hopefully. lol


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Ako nahibaw.an kai ang night school kai suspended.. Lolz! XD Maypa sila~