I'm Home

I got home Tuesday night, and I have good news.

I still have my job. They didn't fire me, but they did act that way into scaring people to coming back to work A.S.A.P. I guess they didn't want people taking advantage of the time off for the Hurricane and drawing it out, so they made it seem like we might not have jobs when we get back if we don't hurry back. It's dirty, but whatever. It's over and done with and I'm thankful to still be employed and have my home and family safe and sound.

I did not have wifi like I thought I would, so I did zero writing unfortunately, and I've worked non-stop since Wednesday, and won't get a day off until Tuesday so idk when I'll actually get around to writing. Maybe tomorrow, since I get off early-ish.

I want to say thank you to everyone who gave me well wishes and empathized with me. It was really heartwarming and made a terrible situation feel a little bit better.

So, thank you.

I'm about to post a few more blogs cause I've been craving the action here on AFF and figured may as well do some tags and shizz.

I hope to update again soon, and for those of you who read my BTS fics... I'm taking them off of "semi-hiatus". Now, I'm not promising super fast updates, but I am going to try harder to update them. I miss writing my BTS fics and I miss BTS and I'm slowly getting over the weird feelings I had. The comeback has me hyped, annnnnd...

For those of you who've been with me since the beginning, or even those of you who've just jumped on board and have read Let Me Know Where Your Heart Belongs... I'm working on something very special for my Anniversary at the end of January, which I know seems like a long time from now, but I need all of that time to work on it. It'll so worth it and I'm super freaking excited about sharing the surprise with all of you readers.

Once again, thank you for all of the support.

I've reorganzied my shelves now that I'm back in town and an update room tour might be in the works, cause A LOT has changed since the last one.




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Deviline #2
Glad to hear you're OK.