Sadden over the lost of an amazing fanfic.

Okay, I am so so upset now. I had this sudden urge to re read this amazing Taoris story, it's called 'Beast Within Me'. Maybe some of you had read it before too. But it's now unavailable for reading because some over sensetive mundane went and reported it. The reason was because the author didn't used trigger warnings even though the author did state in the very very beginning that there will be some force into submission scenes and it was RATED M for Krisus sake.

It saddens me that a true work of Taoris art had been removed because of trivial matters like this. Authors can't even write their stories in peace now... Makes me worry about my own stories... . 


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awww that saddens me too.. im a major Taoris shipper and chances are I have already subscribed to that and didnt have the chance to read it yet due to way too many chapters that require time. ughhh that hurts a lot when theres only a handful of writers that write Taoris nowadays
Uh, but if the author knew the content was sensitive enough to write it on the foreword they could've just used the TW. Like c'mon, it's not that difficult.
But they must've taken it down themselves. One single report wouldn't remove the fic, just put the TW warning in place.
seriously???????? Oh wow, that was an of a lot moves. No, really, I do not read Taoris but if someone actually do that ----it hurts, man!