It's better this way.

It's better this way.

You felt like you didn't do anything wrong, that you can share your opinion, treat and talk to anyone as you please. Yet you can't handle when people call you out on the way you talk to them. You'll learn, I hope, once you grow up and get in the real world. You'll find that people aren't going to put up with your little antics. Your words sound so good to you when you vomit them out at someone else, but you don't realize that you're just doing exactly what you're saying that person is doing. Funny, we can't see our own backs right. You act as if you're justified in being a person, but when you speak all that I hear is bull. You self victimize to pretend as if you're blameless. You cry about how 'degraded' you feel when your words are tossed back at you. Cry harder. Your tears don't mean to me at this point.

The world doesn't revolve around you. You only seem to care about yourself, thinking only about what you give forth and taking for granted what others do for you. You're quick to say everything that you did right, and everything that I did wrong. I tolerated you because I was naive, sincerely thinking that we had a friendship. You admitted to using your other friends because you didn't want to be lonely, and I feel like I was no exception. Just a pawn to clear up your loneliness.

Well this pawn has had it with people's bull. I've had it with work. I've had it with family members, and I've had it with people on this ing internet. You thought you were just going to spew your peace and I was just going to go along with it right? Right. Honestly, I should have just blocked you from the start and let you figure it out when you sat there waiting for a response. That was my first mistake.

I hope life doesn't kick you in the face too hard, when you're weined off of your mother's teets and find out that no one is obligated to put up with your rude, dramatic behavior and your self-righteous little temper tantrums.

I couldn't be bothered anymore. I couldn't be bothered with your temper tantrums when I didn't want to do what you wanted to do. I can't be bothered to grin and bare it when you want to throw around your nasty attitude. When you dismiss what I'm trying to say just to justify your feelings and action. You're selfish. I'm sick of selfish people.

Because I don't want to play an ugly game with you. Because I'm not in the mood to role play with you. Because I'm not around because you're bored and only care about your friends when you can't handle amusing yourself alone.

Now I don't have to strain myself tending to your beck and call. You'll figure it out eventually.

But it won't be with me, and honestly, I'm not going to miss you. I'm tired of you. I'm fed up and I can't waste my time on someone who doesn't even value my friendship. What you sound like when you say, "I'm going to miss you" is actually, "I'm going to miss having someone to amuse me when I need them to. I'm going to miss having you drop everything that you're doing to tend to me."

You'll be better off with a dog than having a pet human that you like to call a 'friend'. My Saturday was going great until you logged in. You never fell to ruin time I should have spent relaxing on my own. This isn't the first time, but at least it's the last.

Sincerely, you.


P.S. I honestly just needed to get this off of my chest.


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Yooooooooo good fam! Cut toxic friendships to shreds, that's what they deserve. the heads bruuuuuuh. I'm happy for you! Stay fighting your battles, ok? Nobody else should get in the way, you're doing the right thing! Keep yourself healthy!