⭐ ペルソナ / HYEONKI, IT'S TIME.

hyeonki has a big crush on youngsun trust me,,, hes like wow / he irritates the in out of youngsun tho like hyeonki does pigtail pulling all the in time... prolly takes dumb risks so youngsun will talk to him / he knows and kind of doesnt want it to go anywhere but can he help the suburban family fantasy aesthetic youngsun puts into his mind ? no / a lot of respect hidden by ery

primary method of communication : exhausted eyerolls meet bitten-lip smiles
tl;dr : hyeonki would do anything for youngsun, but we're not going to talk about it.

notes: um... hyeonki has a big crush on youngsun loves what he stands for how serious he is like half of why he joined the crew was bc he thought youngsun was cute lol... but it's like New to have such deep feelings for someone to hyeonki so he's almost... paralyzed i guess haha.
"BRO" "bro" "BRUH,,," "my mans,,, my dude,,," donggeun is the caps bc he talks in caps irl / but anyway these 2 are the worst duo everything that comes out of their mouths when they are together is completely ridiculous they r on the same bull wavelength ! / insp chen and alice ! dynamic duos of the ages

primary method of communication : yells that only get louder
tl;dr : hyeonki and donggeun are two spinning tops that only make each other go faster.

notes: instant bffs. sometimes the things hyeonki says that are like, political jokes go right over donggeun's head, but he still laughs at the right times so it works out. on the field they're a great team too, if only they weren't so noisy.
see the drabble i wrote about them for reference !! they have a very brotherly dynamic / they both kinda want to talk about serious things with each other but they dont know how / hyeonki thinks cheol needs to be #real more often / more lowkey than hyeonki and donggeun but they get pretty close as the story goes on / probably didnt have the best beginning

primary method of communication : car counseling sessions as the sun sets, music recommendations
tl;dr : hyeonki and cheol would seem like very close friends to someone who didn't know them.

notes: i get the feeling their houses are near to each other... so after Events cheol ends up dropping hyeonki at his house a lot and it's just the two of them in the car and they eventually start talking that way ! very familial dynamic like they act like Real brothers.
hyeonki definitely respects the softness that younghee stands for and appreciates it but he wishes it came from a place of rebellion against the violence encouraged in the world rather than being passive. he has no ill will toward her, especially given her patience, but also won't hesitate to call her out for being patronizing if it happens - basically, they have a Working Relationship.

primary method of communication : everyday dialogue
tl;dr : hyeonki and younghee are working together and aren't making a big deal of it.

notes : idk i don't think they'd be super close... younghee might be good for hyeonki but he'd also zero in on her pushover side immediately and at first he might take steps to change that but he'd probably realize it was pointless pretty soon (or maybe not?).
in hyeonki's mind, chungji is a child. he reminds hyeonki of middle school and not quite growing into yourself yet, so hyeonki's a little more patient with chungji than he might otherwise be, but he's not afraid to throw things at chungji that he thinks will shape him into a better person (in hyeonki's opinion). most of the time, though, he finds chungji pretty irritating, and he's not afraid to show it.
primary method of communication : snippy remarks and patronizing pats on the back
tl;dr : hyeonki thinks chungji is annoying but has room to grow.
notes : i feel like hyeonki sees himself at like, eleven or twelve in chungji. hypothetically he'd love to see a chungji with different life experiences or a chungji deprived of the internet. he doesn't really care what chungji does, though.
a toxic relationship if there ever was one. jaeseop is attractive to hyeonki in a mostly carnal sense (as compared to the white picket fence fantasy of youngsun) and he's not shy about it. they feed off of each other, hyeonki always trying to figure out when he's managed to cross the line and jaeseop keeping it a perfect secret. when they're together they're almost magnetic, pushing each other further and further into the dark.

primary method of communication : close whispers in the dark
tl;dr : hyeonki likes jaeseop's face and makes sure everyone knows, and he would let jaeseop use this to his advantage, probably.

notes : imo i get the vibe that jaeseop is hyeonki's most probable love interest in this fic, but also i don't really know what i'm talking about. maybe i just want to see someone manage to get hyeonki to get out of the abstract somehow or something? and i want to see how this weird tension between the two of them would effect the group dynamic, and a moral dilemma for hyeonki based on chaos for chaos' sake (jaeseop) and the ideal morality he idolizes (youngsun).
taeri is hyeonki's gyal, the person he knows he can count on. they both understand growing up the weird kid, growing up with someone who's not perfect and not your parents - there's an unspoken loyalty and willingness to learn between the two of them that's deeper than hyeonki's banter with donggeun or his infatuation with youngsun, an idea that at the very least, i'll know i wasnt the only one, even if they don't always show it to the rest of the group.
primary method of communication : glances across the room and midnight texts
tl;dr : they get each other deeply, but they never really talk about it.
notes : idk man i just want them to have a cool, respectful friendship like... i think that would be so interesting - especially since in this situation hyeonki is almost the more down-to-earth one? also i feel like taeri's the one hyeonki could probably be friends with without meeting through the crew.
"hey politicians son!"  / i'm not saying it runs in the blood but.... / wow edgy teen / maybe we would get along if i didn't hate you / maybe there's some childish jealousy here but you aren't doing anything either

primary method of communication : genuine cruelty hidden in casual conversation
tl;dr : yoonah and hyeonki overlap and rub against each other in the worst way possible.



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