Tell Me Your Favorite Written Story

Borrowed from -Tigress-  I really liked the idea so I'm asking too. ^_^


Exactly what the title says. I want to know all my friends favorite stories they've written (just one, completed please!) 

Leave me the link in the comments here! 

The only two requirements are these: Only one story per person, and only completed fics at this moment.

Please tell me in your comment why its your favorite and please try not to include ones I've read before. 

Thank you! <3


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You've read the first two installments, but my favorite that I'm pretty sure you haven't read is Ellister's Legacy#3: The Darkness. It was fun to write, and the characters were nice to mold. I hope you enjoy the concluding installment;).
I do believe I'm in the same boat as you: you've read all my favorites I think! Lol
Meanie Mondays is my favorite aaaa it's so good

You can probably guess that it revolvse around Seventeen's Kim Mingyu and Jeon Wonwoo, and honestly, everything about this story is spot-on from the characterization to the plot to the writing style and the development. All of the characters felt real and relatable to, and the moments of comedy and slightly angst are perfect. Meanie Mondays is for me the most iconic Meanie fic I've read, and I still revisit it every once in a while because I just love it so much. It does have though - which is fantastically written by the way - so if you're uncomfortable with it, that's understandable! Otherwise, if you do end up reading it, I hope you end up enjoying it just as much as I did!
I think my favorite is my gtop fic, Across the Sea

Even though it's not the best, I felt like I stepped out of my usual boxes--GD & TOP are older, broken up, and the story isn't entirely romanced based. It is about relationships in the end, but I felt like I really took time to write something a little more character driven and explored the internal conflict more thoroughly than I have before. Also, it let me write about places I have been and desire to visit, which helped cure my desire to travel when I could not

I have another fic that I really love, but it's older now and I feel like AtS exhibits my skill a little better than that one ^^;