BTS, NCT, SVT and Exo Album Giveaway | Extended Deadline, Open Internationally

Okay guys! So, I've had a super crazy summer to be honest. My best friend came back from Uni so almost every day off was spent having sleepovers and hangout days with her, and when it wasn't, I was writing or fangirling over summer comebacks, etc.

I've gotten a bit behind on checking entries for the giveaway, but I'm going to start doing that now, as I am giving this very big news.

I am extending the deadline until December 1st, 2017. This is to give more time for Exo to release to the repackage of The War, BTS have their comeback, NCT Dream to have theirs, as well as Seventeen's next comeback, which if they follow their usual timeframe, will be before the end of the year. 

And, as I stated in the above sentence, yes Exo is included.

I have decided to add Exo to the list of possible album wins. This means there will be a FOURTH winner. If you've already entered, and would like to be put in the drawing for the exo album, all you have to do is PM me and I'll gladly add you to that drawing as well! I'm considering adding more domestic prizes as well, but for now there's still just the surprise mystery prize for USA entrants (hint: BTS).

The rules and everything concerning how to enter the giveaway is listed in this blog linked here <---

Please DO NOT comment on this blog post for your entry, just do it on the old one so I can keep it organized and all in one location. For that reason, link to the giveaway form is also just linked in that blog. 

I am really grateful to all of you, and hope to see more entries with the news of an additional winner!

Thank you <3



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