Made It Here Alive

Wow, I just had two of the busiest weeks of my entire life! Moving internationally with pets while starting a new job is no joke, let me tell you! My schedule has been out of control. 

^ A reenactment of my wild life

But we made it here and we're settled in to our temporary housing. I started work at the new studio. I'm mostly over the jetlag. And I've even made a few new friends. ^^ There's still so much to do though! I've looked at dozens of apartments so far, and I think I've found a nice one. Cross your fingers that we get it and can move out of this hotel.

^ Ummm...not what I meant by "cross your fingers," but I'll take it anyway! 

ALSO, my first week at the new job went very well. I didn't blow up anything (or anyone), and all my coworkers seem really nice. I have to present a project proposal on Monday, so I have a busy weekend, but things should start easing up after that. 

All of this to say that I've had no time for writing the past two weeks. And it'll be at least another week before I'll have time again. I know that many of you are getting frustrated about waiting for updates to AToY and TBG, but please be patient. I simply don't have time to write right now. Trust me, as soon as I have time, I'll update. ^^

Thank you for waiting! 



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Glad to hear your move went really well. It's good to hear that you're doing really well in your new workplace. Hope the move to your new apartment will go well. Again, congrats Mira! Take care!
mary_anne #2
so glad to hear you are doing well. I know you can :)
My my.. and you bring your pets.. PETS with S right? More than one?
Glad to hear everything is going well so far :) good luck with the apartment ^^ come back when you have time, we'll wait ^^
ButterflyMe #5
It's good to hear an update from you dear, even if it's not on the fics ^^ glad that you're settled now, take you're time..i'll wait for you patiently ♥
claire_yj #6
Hi Mira, I am glad to hear that things are settling down for you. It is so nice of you to drop by, even though you have so much going on in life! :-D I get so excited imagining myself in your shoes... haha Hope that you get the apartment that you love. Take care, love. xx
phinea2009 #7
Mira, you just take care of real life first. I feel so excited and happy for you. I hope all goes well.
anigreen28 #8
Mira, hola!!!
I wish you and your pets the most wonderful time in your new life.
Hope you accomplish all your dreams.
Buena suerte!!!
Yay for new friends! Friends are what (or who) keep you sane since you're so far away from home, so I wish for you to meet many more (true) friends xD
Hope you and your pets (dogs? cats?) can adapt well to the new environment.
And good luck with your presentation! You can do it! \O/
jaan30 #10
Scandinavia wow xD congrats and hope you love it there!
tahoeturquoise #11
Congratulations! How exciting; be sure to give yourself time to enjoy your new adventure!
Good luck! We'll be here waiting for you to get settled
Congrats! I'm glad you arrived safely and that everything went well so far! Welcome to Europe ♥
May I ask what pets you have? And do they have to go through quarantine?
I really hope things with the apartment will work out for you and that the apartment will prove to be as good as you're hoping even as time passes! :)
Good luck with that project lying ahead of you. Fighting!!!