introducing jeon miyang!
introducing jeon miyang!
she is nothing short of her name, meaning beautiful ocean in hanja: calm but easily disrupted. she is a sea tempest in one moment but a tranquil tide the next. even so, she shies away from the rocks, doesn't let herself crash into the rough edges. she wishes nothing but for her life to be smooth sailing and goes to dangerous lengths to maintiain her individual peace.
BIRTH NAME 전미양, 全美洋 (hanja)
general nicknames myang, jeonmi, yang
she doesn't really have any nicknames besides the shortened versions of her name, often used by friends and family. 
BIRTHDATE 17.07.1999
BIRTHPLACE daebudo, ansan, sk
HOMETOWN ansan, sk
korean, native language fluent
FACECLAIM lee jooeun, dia
BACKUP bae sungyeon, pristin & hyun seunghee, omg
APPEARANCE she's 165 cm and 54 kg, rather average and boring which is also how she carries herself. she doesn't neccesarily have resting face, but she generally has a very empty expression on her face. she is plain and simple, from her face to how she dresses. hair often tied into a ponytail to keep it out of her face, flat bangs that she can't be bothered to curl in the morning, and an overall meek presence that shies away from unnecessary attention.
STYLE she dresses plainly and often wears slightly outdated clothing. fashion isn't her biggest priority, so the clothes she wears have signs of use over years. plaint t-shirts, jeans, a couple hoodies for cold days, and shorts for hot days; that's all she really needs.
PERSONALITY scroll vertically.
istp phlegmatic cancer lawful neutral hufflepuff sailor mercury
visionary affable peace-loving self-reliant
reserved enigmatic folksy absentminded 
mercurial airy submissive conflict averse
a conflict averse, peace-loving idiot who gives into others for the sake of preventing tension; that would be one way of describing miyang. others could say she's like a sailor lost at sea, the sea being her own thoughts. people usually think she has no interest in conversation since she spaces out in the middle; however she is often just too preoccupied with her own thoughts. her mood is erratic, though she doesn't expect others to accommodate to it and tries not to make it obvious.

although she is generally friendly and approachable, many find her to be enigmatic. her words are short and retain information about herself, so there aren't many that know her well. she runs under the impression that if she can't help herself, there surely isn't anyone else that can. thus, she prefers sorting out problems by herself.
BACKGROUND her father was a troubled writer who moved to daebudo, an island only an hour away from ansan. there, he fell in love with a diver and lived happily with her for some years. they finally got married rather late into their time with one another and had one daughter. miyang grew up on the close-knit island, doted by all. her love for studying marine animals stemmed from the clams and sea urchins her mother fished. but, both her parents realized she wouldn't be able to reach her full potentional on the small island with only one high school. she moved to ansan with her father to begin middle school there, while her mother had to stay behind to manage the diving business.

she led a typical life, her reluctance to conflict nurtured by her father who always told her to 'not cause trouble for the city folks' and her own individual desire to retain a sense of peace in her life. she found friendship within a group of friends that reminded her of the familiarity on the close-knit island she grew up on. 
LIFESTYLE she currently holds a paid internship at a local aquarium to learn about various marine animals; basically, she cleans the cages and learns the basics to handling them. she's also planning to spend about a week on daebudo, possibly with her friends toddling behind; she wants to cling to her mom for the last few moments she can. otherwise, she'll be spending time with friends, watching animal documentaries at home, or knitting (which she apparently picked up a while ago).
• she's a soon-to-be marine biology major and all that jazz, but she still can't even swim. they tossed her into the ocean and sanha had to go retrieve her practically dead body.
• loves animals. also loves picking animals up like they're nothing and freaking everyone out. she shoved a frog down the back of jinwoo's shirt once.
• if there's conflict in the friend group, she tries to remove herself from the situation if it doesn't involve her. she'll try to solve it quickly and efficiently otherwise.
• always smells like the ocean, according to moonbin.
• the kind of friend that doesn't really shine when mixed with the entire group, but is nice to have one-on-one conversations with. she doesn't really contribute to large group gags or anything, just laughs and reacts accordingly.
• she is the actual definition of peer pressure, and just falls victim to everything people tell her to do because she doesn't want to fight back.
• loves staying home and honestly finds making plans with friends to be a bother. she loves her friends and all, but making plans is annoying to her. thankfully, either jinwoo, moonbin or hayoon (or all of them) will throw rocks at her window until she comes out to hang out with the group.
• the kind that doesn't say reveal much about herself unless you ask.
FUTURE FORWARD unfortunately for her deeply rooted homebody nature, she'll have to be leaving for college. the oppurtunities in ansan are limited, so she'll be heading off to daejeon university majoring in marine biology for the fall. while her old self would have aimed for busan as it is undeniably the best place to study marine biology, she realizes as she matures that she is going to miss the comfort of having her father by her side and her mother only an hour away. she settled for daejeon and is endlessly anxious about her choice; there was no truly conflict-free choice after all. although her mother wanted her to inherit the family's diving business, she is equally proud to see her daughter involved in marine life at the very least. miyang admits her studying marine biology is partly due to her mother's expectations, but she has personal interest in the field as well.
RELATIONSHIPS scroll vertically & horizontally.
they're both somewhat polar opposites. he's under the impression that she isn't terribly fond of him since their one-on-one chats aren't common or long-lived. he often gets the best responses out of her when cracking a joke or two so that's typically how he approaches her. but's he recently been trying to get her to open up, so he overthinks things a bit. all he needs to do is ask directly but he comes up with a contrived plan in order to learn more about her.
did you know sanha's allergic to seafood??
yeah why?
do you perhaps like seafood??
lol not really
don't really like to eat what i study
oH?? do you study fish or smth??
yeah, marine biology specifically
wow!!! that's so cool.. 
i wish i had my future planned out like you TT
nah i'm a mess too i don't think i'll be able to stay in ansan
i'm gonna miss my family and you guys rip
where u going wtf i'm gonna file a complaint to your college
daejeon uni
do it tell them to move their campus to ansan
set i'm already calling in rn
with jinwoo, it's always calm and pleasant. compared to some others in the group, miyang is more laid-back, so jinwoo appreciates her calm nature. he is usually there to bail her out of dumb situations that myungjun or sanha try to put her in, since she doesn't really stand up for herself. he is sort of a guiding light for her. he always seems to know exactly what to do and say. he's partially succeeded in getting her to open up a bit, and seems to care about her and the same can be said about her.
this is urgent, reply now
reply reply
did you guys feed sanha shrimp again
drink some water
stay hydrated nerd :^)
what if i die from overhydration
will you take responsibiity?
yeah sure
your death is inevitably gonna be water related anyways
leave me alone there are plenty of successful people in this world that can't swim
ok but have you ever heard of a marine biologist that can't swim?
yep she's right here
you should really be honored that you've met me
don't have time to be honored when i'm stressing about what i'm doing for the rest of my life
ha h ahah :')
you know i at helping other ppl with their problems
so all i can rlly say is cheer up it'll get better
she seems to be under the impression that he's somewhat uptight and boring. while she does appreciate small interactions with him, she notices she takes up most of the conversation. she wishes he'd step out of his comfort zone every now and then, and probably won't leave ansan until he does. he actually secretly wants to be a little more like her, independent and reserved but still approachable and friendly.
have you ever seen a man so beautiful you started crying
um, not particularly ^^'
why do you ask?
because i have
his name is lee dongmin ♥.♥
hahah thanks but i'm not that pretty..
eunwoo you're gonna have to admit one day that you're pretty great
there are literally at least 10 girls that line up to see you everyday
ahh i'm not that great TT
wdym you are the greatest aren't you like at the top of our class
speaking of which, you have any idea of what you're gonna do after graduating??
gah i honestly don't know if i should just go into civil service
i sound gross and cliche, but follow your heart!!
step out of your comfort zone every now and then
thanks, i'll keep that in mind ^^
everything is just natural with them, they were never awkward with one another. they seem to be compatible friends. he's actually the one who coined the 'myang' nickname and she put up little protest to it. she finds the way his actions speak louder than his words to be endearing. they both seem to bring out the better in each other. moonbin has nothing but kindness in his heart and miyang tries to follow in his footsteps. also really likes calling him moon for whatever reason.
yo moon!! how was your day
it was good idk why but im craving meat rn
get out your pjs then let's go
are you gonna treat?? /pls/
i would but i'm broke rip
then why bring up the idea '_'
a broke girl can't even hope to spend some quality time with a friend??
wth who's throwing rocks at my window
is that u bin??
come out dweeb!!
i look like trash rn omg
we're going to the convenience store don't even think about trying to dress up
if i look like trash then ur gon look like trash with me lets go
love u :')
in the most platonic way possible :')
it's not that he's intentionally cold to her, rather he seems that way because he's often so far away from her most of the time. she was under the impression he didn't particularly like her, so they didn't really talk much until hayoon patched up their relationship. they were able to get along, finding each other similar yet vastly different in a lot of ways. they both find having deep conversations with one another to be pleasant; something along the lines of sharing perspectives..
how do you know when you've found "the one" bc i have no clue
don't get any ideas i just need a male's perspective
it's not like there's only one way to find the one i guess??
just fall in love with whoever u fall in love with
gah, it's just not that simple
i feel like i should just give it up
who is this mysterious boy that's got you all confused
no one don't worry about it
is it someone in our friend group?!
hecks no
it's just a guy i work with at the aquarium
hmm why do i get the feeling you're lying
you realize that your hunches are always wrong right
somehow sanha manages to balance playful antics with the natural conversations when he's around miyang. he manages to match up to the general mood of a chat with miyang. he always has to squeeze in some form of embarrassment for miyang whenever they're together. the biggest problem between them lies the fact that they're both conflict averse, and a large conflict is brewing as they speak.
hey hey!! what do you call a bear with no teeth???
a gummy bear
boo you're no fun >:(
anyways talk to me i'm bored
have you watched *insert movie title here*?
i hear that movie
oh well i wanted to see it but i'll just go see it with moon or smth
wait i just searched it up and it looks interesting
let's go see it this weekend
okay, can i bring moon
no bin scares me
idk but he does
ok... so are we gonna invite anyone else then??
nah let's just go by ourselves
mm ok
to miyang who grew up in anyang without a constant mother figure, hayoon is someone that miyang holds close to her heart. she is grateful that hayoon has been nothing but supportive of her, a quality of her own mother that she missed. she has opened up quite a bit to hayoon, since miyang has been a lot more open with hayoon. though, hayoon seems to understand miyang quite well even if she doesn't say anything. hayoon does care about miyang and tries to be inclusive of her within in the group, along with jinwoo.
tell me what's wrong
wdym? nothing's wrong??
something about you is off
tell me.mp3
seriously i'm okay
jeon miyang, you can't lie to me!!
fine you got me
i think i sorta kinda like someone
and i don't wanna be cocky but i think they sorta kinda like me too
go for it what are you doing sitting here telling me about it?!?!?!!
nO it's not that simple i can't just go for it
don't worry about the consequences and the 'what ifs,' just try it
if it doesn't work out, at least you can say you tried
rip me TT
introducing yoon sanha!
introducing YOON SANHA!
he doesn't even know what his own name means, which sort of embodies his entire existence. he's ditsy and constantly in search of antics to quench his neverending boredom. he's a giant puppy that doesn't seem to realize his own size, thus trampling everything in his path. but just like miyang, he's allergic to conflict.
BACK-UP moon bin, myungjun
an actual pain in the  that's him alright. 
PERSONALITY beagle. just a big beagle. does the most just to entertain, whether it be for himself or others. very conflict averse. but rather than trying to live a peaceful life like miyang, he wants to live a fun life without a second of boredom. but he's terrible at planning things, thus explaining why he's an actual mess.
• aspirations? is that something he can eat?
• he actually has no clue what he's gonna do. he's taking a gap year and trying to sort himself out.
• he may be taking an interest in liberal arts? he's for sure not interested in anything with data and numbers (nearly failed math).
• he's so extra. he does the most and everybody gets the biggest case of secondhand embarrassment around him.
• "haha, you guys are so wild i guess i'll try to fit inside this cupboard." "sanha literally no one said anything."
• doesn't like conflict, but not to the extent of miyang. he doesn't deal well with conflict, but doesn't mind it if it brings something better in the future.
LOVE STORY now playing • 시간을 달려서
they always had an interesting dynamic, their back and forth being rather interesting since miyang seems to be able to tame sanha's energy. but up until this summer, the two hadn't really developed a strong bond. instead of suggesting to hang out with the entire group or even with a couple others, they spent some times with just the each other. call it a 'some' if you will, but the two overlooked any growing feelings; they both separately realized conflicts would certainly arise from acting on those feelings.

but those feelings only grew more. miyang's fondness to his dumb antics that never failed to put her in a lighter mood. sanha overcome with a sense to protect her and provide a feeling of peace to her; even toning himself down for her at times. they continued like this until the end of the summer, neither wanting to say anything or disturb the false peace. maybe it was just better left as it was, they both thought.

that is, until sanha decided to spill his feelings to her at the end of the summer. he insists that he couldn't help it, she was under the moonlight ("who wouldn't fall for miyang under the moonlight?!"). miyang isn't sure how to respond at the moment, and sweeps it under the rug for the remainder of the night. she ends the night off saying she'll need to do some thinking. the next few days were tense between the two, though the group wasn't entirely sure why.
ENDING tl;dr they don't end up together
the summer was full of back and forth between the two, but nothing was ever made clear until the end. miyang responded to his confession(?) by firstly admitting that she did reciprocate his feelings. however, she ultimately let him down; she felt that a relationship at this timing would be impractical and would only bring problems as they head off to college. so again, her peace-loving tendencies trump her true desires.

maybe if they met again in the future as matured adults, something would work out.

STATEMENT words we couldn't say, puppy love
this interview is conducted by kwon hayoon.
"it's been good, thanks for asking. just stopped at the aquarium for my internship, nothing special." she smiles.
she hums in thought, "well, just planning on filling my internship and then hanging out with you guys. i'll probably be gone for a week sometime in the middle of summer to see my mom on daebudo."
"ah," she heaves a breath, "i'll be studying marine biology at, unfortunately, daejeon university. i would've stayed, but marine biology programs at nearby colleges seriously ." she gives a few small sniffles when hayoon clings to her side muttering, "don't go."
"erm, i like them all though." she scratches her head, lightly chewing her lips in thought, " my favorite would probably be jinwoo or moon? maybe dongmin would be my least favorite? just wish he would lighten up a bit every now and then though, that's all."
"buh bye! come throw rocks at my window if y'all are hanging out later, i at replying in the group chat." hayoon nods and miyang gives a peace sign before leaving.
COMMENTS hope you don't mind that i changed basically the entire layout.... i've been itching to code and i decided to take it out on this app.. 
• squad visiting daebudo! aka her mom fattening them up with food.
• sanha, bin, and miyang your local seafood hate group that ditches their friends at seafood restaurants.
• miyang being thrown into the water and sanha having to drag her out as per usual
• group bonfire talking abt mushy sht?? and her spacing out before it's her turn cause she's thinking of what to say and she just misses the timing completely
• hayoon, bin, and jinwoo your local miyang support group figure out she likes(?) sanha and teasing her endlessly (in private or among each other as to not embarrass her)
• "do i like sanha?? that stupid twig? hecks no!"
• sanha just being lowkey (highkey bc he's super obvious) of bin and jinwoo around miyang.
• someone volunteering at the aquarium with her and getting to clean walrus & otter cages with her!! yAy
• she's been working on this for a while, but she knitted everyone in the group a scarf!! you might be thinking, wow 12 scarves is a lot of work and you're right, it is. but she values all her friends so here she is. they all have different yarn and she knit them thinking of each of them :')
• "this is kinda ironic miyang, it's literally the middle of the summer and you're giving us scarves." (myungjun or sanha probably) "okay, then give it back, i'll wear it." "nO it's mine!!"
• the squad getting sad she isn't hanging with them but really she's KNITTING
• also light teasing about knitting nd calling her grandma cause she's already sorta old-fashioned
PASSWORD ocean of light


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this is so extra i love
skfjskdjskd just shhhhhh how can anyone be this good @ code i kennat
this is so beautiful,,,,,
also i love jooeun i was gonna use her as an fc!! but then i changed to hyeyeon
wooaaaahh !! how...