hong hooryeong

ethnicity korean
face claim jine, oh my girl
backup face claim seungyeon, clc
age 21
 hooyoung, because hooryeong is too hard to pronounce for all these kids from the future (aka hell's heroes).

languages spoken
 korean, native language.
residence seoul, south korea
period of time past, 1849 (joseon dynasty)
with the recent death of king heonjong, the royal family is looking to punish the one responsible for the young king's death. the throne has now been succeeded by king cheoljong, a distant relative of a past king due to king heonjong dying without an heir. tensions are high in the royal family and nearby villages, as rumors of demons spread.
appearance at 156 cm and 44 kg, she is average height for her time. as all women of her time are taught to be, she is poised and carries grace with every step. with long, silky dark-brown hair, she never misses the chance to make herself look presentable. she will often braid it or tie half of it up. since the royal family never considered her to be a palace women, she only wears white. link (the one in the middle).

 positive temperate, soft-hearted, logical, steadfast
 negative reserved, too selfless, pessimistic, apathetic

thanks to her power, she has gained impeccable control over her emotions. she doesn't like to show any emotions if possible, rather saving them to control her powers. she often comes across as somewhat apathetic to others. as a result of not being able to utilize her emotions, she prefers logic and reason. though, she can be pessimistic as a protective measure; you can't be disappointed by a situation if you've already set yourself for disappointment. once she makes a decision, practically no one can talk her out of it. espcially her decisions she makes out of selflessness, which she does often.

some would describe her as rather boring and bland, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong to say so. she's the kind of person one would meet and struggle to keep a friendship with, because her lack of enthusiasm leaves others wondering if they're being a bother to her though that's most often not the case. but if they stick it out, she is sure to be a loyal friend.
her witchcraft powers were present from a young age. she'd spend time collecting herbs and stones, and enjoyed making necklaces unintentionally enchanted with magick to give throughout her small village. some noticed it was thanks to the necklace that they were protected, and believed her to be a gifted healer.

the royal family noticed and took her in at the age of 12 to heal the ill king at the time, sunjo. while it did indeed heal his sickness, it didn't save him from assassins. the royal family was still interested in her and let her live not too far from the palace in a secluded area to practice her 'healing powers' as they called it. for five years, she lived in a little hut by the river. and for five years, she couldn't stop herself from falling in love with the same-aged king heonjong she treated every week, despite knowing there was no way for them to be together. heonjong sneaking off to play with her because he was lonely in the palace did nothing to help her situation either.

it happened when she was 17. she was on her way to the palace to treat the young king heonjong until the palace was attacked by demons. when she saw the king on the verge of death by a demon, something overcame her. it wasn't fear, nor sadness, but anger. but i gave a talisman that is supposed to protect him, i even cast a spell that nearly cost me my life to protect him. so the only person who gets to touch him is me! she thought. that's how her first spirit was summoned; from anger. she instructed it to kill, so it did. but she must have let her anger die down, and a few demons managed to escape. since then, drekavac has kept a keen eye on her.

king heonjong came unaccompanied to hooryeong's hut. he was there to ask for a request, one that hooryeong couldn't bring herself to carry out; a talisman for his soon-to-be bride. demons suddenly surrounded the hut and they were taken to demundo. there, drekavac ordered his underlings to kill heonjong in front of her very eyes. she immediately summoned yeol to kill the underlings and managed to fend them off, until drekavac himself held heonjong in his fingers.

"release me, demon!" he ordered, "healer, i was under the impression you were gifted. but all along, you were working against me with demons?"

she opened to speak, but suddenly yeol was unsummoned and replaced by a small boy. "how may i serve you?" he asked.

"protect him." she instructed.

"as you wish." a barrier surrounded heonjong.

"excellent." drekavac dropped the young king. she rushed to his side, only to find that even before she set the barrier heonjong was already dead. "i'm done playing with you for today, i'll check up on you another time. demons, imprison her."

her new spirit was unsummoned and replaced with yeol once again. suddenly a duo appeared in front of her. one fended off the demons while the other helped her up. they called themselves the hell's heroes and said they were recruiting. she was eager to join, with a newfound yearning for revenge.
supernatural power witchcraft, specializing in evocative magick.(backup: white magick)

she possesses the ability to summon spirits that are forced to help her as she wishes. the spirits take on a human form once summoned. she is only able to summon from four spirits but she can only summon one spirit at once. if a spirit dies, a new spirit may generate based on any new strong emotions she goes through.

while she can summon any of her four spirits, her emotions will ultimately compromise the strength of the summoned spirit. so if she's angry, there's no point in summoning a spirit associated with joy. they are each associated with a type of magick and she gains the ability to use the magick associated with the summoned spirit. the spirit can use the magick as well.

yeol: emotion of passion and anger, wields a longsword. relies on physical strength and subject to losing energy quickly. regenerates their form often with no set age range, but likes to have a good-looking physical appearance. associated with blood magick. blood can do a variety of things from healing others to spells however, requires her to bind blood to it. when healing a small scab, for example, it will have little to no effect on her because not much blood was taken. a large gash on the other hand would be taxing on her body. 

bongan: emotion of fear and love, wields a bow. deadly precision, but she must be protected since she is easy to kill. takes the form of a small girl, around 12 years old. associated with nature magick. allows her to control nature essentially and communicate with animals. can make vines suffocate enemies, animals attack enemies, etc. but overusing the magick will cause unrest in nature, animals and plants will begin attacking her. size and severity of the attacks is based on how much of the magick she used.

hongwi: emotion of depression and vitality, wields a wand. cast spells to enemies, effects varying from blindness to poisoning. drawback is that spell-casting can take a long time. associated with black magick. it is not necessarily evil, but more based on power. she may only bring harm to others through voodoo and curses/hexes. it will bring chaos into her life and using too much poses the threat of being consumed by hunger for power.

hannam: emotion of sadness and joy, wields a shield. rather than a literal shield, it's more of a barrier field. cannot attack offensively, can only protect. takes the form of a human, most recently taking the form of king heonjong. associated with white magick. she can only protect, heal, etc. the more white magick she uses, the more good energy will seep out of her putting her at risk of being overrun by bad energy.
 spirits can be summoned for non-battle purposes too. they can fulfill any of her wishes, even if it's just fetching water.
– she isn't a physical fighter, her spirits do the physical fighting. she generally supports the team from behind with magick and focuses on channeling a specific emotion (to match the spirit she summoned).
 their general personalities are based around the emotion and magick they're associated with. yeol is fiery and short-tempered, bongan is quiet and shy, etc. 

love interest

love interest hannam, her spirit
backup love interest i doubt there's need for it? lol cause it's her own spirit anyway
age none, looks around 22 when taking the form of king heonjong.
faceclaim  for the majority of the time, he will take the form of king heonjong. king heonjong looks like wanna one's ong seongwoo (backup actor kang seojoon just in case).

intuitive, protective, level-headed
 negative aloof, enigmatic, insecure

while he can only inherently understand hooryeong's joy and sadness, he has grown adept at instinctively knowing her emotions. he's always one step ahead of her, which annoys her to no end. he is one to speak in riddles and, in the words of hooryeong, "is an enigma wrapped in a mystery." but what no one knows is his insecurity, that the one he protects may not value him.
your relation 
inspired by
frankenstein and his monster, goblin's sunny and wang yeo

after hannam took the form of king heonjong, he would not budge from his form no matter how much hooryeong tried to convince him. so now every time he is summoned, she is reminded of not only all the sadness he brought but also the joy. though, it might have been for the better of both, since hannam's power grows stronger as a result. as to why he took the form kind heonjong, he truthfully just wants hooryeong to love him. maybe not so much in a romantic sense, but like a child who wants his mother to pay attention to him.

as much as hooryeong tried to tell herself that he is not her beloved king, she couldn't help herself from falling for the same face and oddly similar personality. he was summoned less, because she grew attached and didn't want him to get hurt in battle which in turn only deepened his sadness and insecurity. after a couple times of hannam speaking in his riddles, she finally understood what he was feeling and hesitantly summoned him increasingly often. but the strings that tugged at her heart whenever he was summoned weren't necessarily pleasant for her.


scrolls vertically & horizontally.
if i portrayed anyone's character incorrectly, please let me know!
while she is rather fond of his light antics, she doesn't typically show it through her emotions, since she can't be bothered. she can tell this slightly annoys him and he seems to ignore her for the more expressive members. she finds his defiant nature to be slightly difficult to work with, as there are times when it useful to cooperate in combat but he insists on doing it his own way.
conversations are rare, short, and blunt. both don't have much to say to each other besides liuxing snarkily pointing out she carried feelings to her spirit hannam. there isn't any harsh feelings between one another, since they both practically know nothing about one another. though, she does find his mature side to be rather admirable.
initially, demetri was catious towards her but it was rather easy for her to open up to her since hooryeong wears her heart on her sleeve. after demetri realized hooryeong was nowhere close to taking advantage of her, they were able to bond. if there's anyone hooryeong seeks out for company, demetri possibly tops the list.
no matter how many times hooryeong tells her she won't answer questions that are too personal, it seems it won't stop yoonyoung. while she appreciates yoonyoung's efforts to grow closer, she doesn't really want to answer her endless questions that seem to dive too deep from time to time. overall, they are both on good terms with one another.
while she does admire his hardwork and diligence, their relationship with one another isn't much. both are rather quiet and don't say too much about themselves. she is on neutral terms with him only because she can't really judge someone she doesn't know.
since neither really make an effort to talk or open up to one another, their relationship with one another isn't anything special. it's all small talk and brief chit-chat between them. while hooryeong doesn't harbor any negative feelings towards her, she doesn't know if she could say the same for keiko.
she gets the feeling he doesn't like her, due to his curt replies to her questions. thus, she doesn't attempt to approach or talk to him after a few tries of conversation with him. he often refuses her offers for help even though he is clearly in need of help, but she is frankly slightly scared of him so she doesn't inquire further.
hooryeong isn't particularly guarded to anyone in the group, with the exception of sang. she realizes sang is one to be left alone. hooryeong wants to prevent conflict where she can and it becomes evident sang is one to spur on that conflict.
she finds catching up to the current state of the joseon dynasty to be rather interesting. scratch that, she finds any conversation with him to be rather interesting. she admires his logic and ability to use his brain in any given situation. rather than her purposely trying to open him up, it just slowly occurs over time as she seeks him out to hear his perspective.
while her good intentions are well recognized, hooryeong still finds her crudeness to be slightly unsettling. while she'll flash a small forced smile for nova, she isn't exactly delighted by the comments nova tends to throw around. she is also fond of nova's curiosity and finds it to be a refreshing new side of her. if nova wasn't so crude, they would probably be good friends.

would you sacrifice your life for hell's heroes?
"i would say yes, i would be willing to. it would have to depend though, i wouldn't sacrifice my life blindly."
if given a chance to get back something that you once lost, would you take it?
"yes, definitely. it is only natural for someone to be a little selfish every now and then, and i am especially selfish over what i have lost."
when you defeat drekavac and everything goes back to normal, would you be happy or sad it's over?
she blinks, "truthfully, i do not know. i suppose i would be happy at the fact that drekavac is gone. what i would do and where i would go afterwards is what concerns me; "
if a member of hell's heroes betray you, would you kill him/her?
"i am... not sure. it would depend on different circumstances. ultimately, i wouldn't have conscious control over it since my spirits do the killing and they listen to my innermost unconscious thoughts. if someone betrays me and they are die because of me, i must have truly hated that person."
what is a happy ending to you?
"one where the world is not bound by social obligations. i apologize, was that a weird answer? maybe a world exists where a king and a measly healer have a chance of being together."

suggestions of events
– i'm uncreative TT i don't know
any comments?
i hope the love interest section made sense TT also i don't really intend for there to be a clear (nor a happy) ending between her and hannam unless he dies. it's more just like she's reflecting her unresolved feelings on him cause he looks literally looks like heonjong. and hannam just wants to please his owner (like a puppy!)
"the nearer i approached to your habitation, the more deeply did i feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart." - frankenstein























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