a rant/discussion post about collabing?? + me answering someone from my sarahah

i figured it would be a good discussion to talk about the people i've encountered on here, with more of a focus for the collabing community (because hello if you're a stalking writer who'd take something personally from this and get triggered even if i don't even know you then feel free to click out because i'm talking about the people i sing with okay) and to talk about if i've ever felt annoyed being in this community. 


y'all i'm not gonna expose who i hate on AFF because y'know getting me to hate a person takes a lot so i only have like a select few that i really can't talk to at all.


but does that mean i like every person i've met excluding those people? of course not.

i'm not trying to be mean here, don't get me wrong, i'm not some special snowflake or anything but it would be a lie if i said i never gotten really irritated by people here before, even if we could be like the best of friends or if i talk/had talked to you regularly LOL. if someone can say that they've genuinely never been annoyed by anyone here at all before, you'd be a saint quite honestly. or you might not be talking to that many people in the community LMAO.

but should you feel worried or mad over that? i really don't think so.


being annoyed at someone doesn't mean i'll hate you instantly and that i'll never get over it. i've gotten annoyed with lots of people over stuff, and by the next day, i don't even care about it anymore. of course, there are some cases where i just get really annoyed to the point where i actually do not want to talk to someone anymore, but for the most part on here, it's never that serious.


the thing i get annoyed over a lot tho is that i feel like people can't seem to handle something negatively said. not just on here, but just in life in general, but i'm focusing on here. i get annoyed over how i can't say the entire truth over something and that the fact that it could come across as being negative would get people heated.


take collabs for example. literally EVERYBODY sugarcoats their comments, myself included. like of course, there are boundaries you have to keep, but say you're listening to a collab and there's this one (or more) really bad singer. like, goes completely off key sometimes or you don't know what the heck they're saying, they don't suit the part, and etc. but there's never anyone to say that directly because you're afraid that there are people that are gonna be offended and be like "it's all for fun and you should appreciate the hard work that was put into the collab!"


like yeah, i understand that people put in work for the collab and that this isn't anything serious, but is it really that bad to say that you just didn't seem to pull off your part?


so instead you're subjected to saying something like, "i don't think your voice really suited the part because some notes were off and you ended up sounding weak but you still did a great job!! <3" sugarcoating for the rest of your life.


is it so bad to say opinions now? a few days ago, the first comment i got from my first blog where i answered something from my sarahah ended with "some people might not take this as a good opinion but it's my opinion," as if she was expecting having someone to object with what she said and become defensive. i think that people shouldn't have to say that they're sorry for being harsh or for having an opinion at all, since they're saying it so that you can know what others think also.


of course, we should express it respectfully, but doing it respectfully doesn't necessarily mean to sugarcoat everything. We should at least be able to take things directly as they are, and if that's a problem for you, then you're better off not doing anything for other people to witness, especially when it's on the internet. Like, people on the internet can really say some harsh crap sometimes, but i think it's better to get that instead of getting your friends trying to kiss up to your .


but will i really look down at people that do this? nah. people want to be nice so that they can keep their image on here clean and don't have to deal with anything like that. it's understandable. there are plenty of other stuff that make me annoyed in the community also that are kinda like this type of stuff, but i never really think i'd try and get myself away from them because of it. earlier i said that yeah, there are people that i hate on AFF (and where the feeling's mutual towards me also lmao), but it's not because of any of these reasons, so it's nothing to worry about.


to end the blog, i'll answer someone who sent something in my sarahah: I'm sure that whoever sent me this didn't quite expect that i'd go off on a tangent, but you were worried that i was mad at you when i have no idea at all who you are and it seemed like you didn't wanna tell me directly about it and then it led me to talk about something that was like loosely related LOL i'm sorry but really tho you should message me and be upfront because i don't want you feeling like that :D


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I know the feel.
Two days ago (or something like that) YouTube recommended me a collab that had been posted recently and since it was of a song I really like I opened the video.
My God... It was horrible.
I unconsciously went for the thumb down button but then I stopped and thought "Wait. Should I? They probably worked hard...". I had an internal battle about it and in the end I clicked. (I didn't leave a comment 'cause I didn't know what to write about)
I agree with you: if you post something on the net you have to be ready for people to also give you bad feedback. It's something that can help you grow up too.
Tbh, I admit that sometimes I do it too because it's so hard to hurt this person's feelings, i'm not good at words hahahahah one of the main reasons I'm kinda picky with the people I choose in my collabs tbh. So that I don't have to really sugarcoat what I say about the outcome of it. Hahhaha
Actually, i'm already happy enough getting a comment, good or bad :') Because getting neglected is worse
taeiIIe #4
I completely agree with you on this. I've been in this community for a mere month but I still got to encounter some really bad singers, people who can't seem to get the intonation right and singers with many other problems. I've seen people hyping them up tho, saying they did well, even though it's clear that they didn't. I understand that hard work should be appreciated, the passion should be appreciated too, but sugarcoating isn't the best thing to do. I'm not a really good singer either, and I can say that I've gotten almost nothing but a bit harsh critics already and I'm using them to improve, while there are people who get butthurt and mad if you tell them what's wrong with their singing/rapping or whatever. People really can't accept constructive criticism nowadays, but people also can't seem to give constructive criticism here either. It does get really annoying, so thank you for this blog. I didn't really think about this whole thing before I read this :')
i feel u my dude
like if you're gonna say nice things that's fine

but if you're gonna sugarcoat critiques then what was the point of critiquing if you're just going to contradict how you feel about it. i feel like it's worse for the singer to hear "you were off key, but you still did great" because then they're given the idea that it's still good despite them being off key. which is technically, u know, not that good ???????
if you're telling someone they're off key, it's so that they know to improve it, but if you tell them they did great either way, then do they really feel the need to improve if others around them make them feel like they did good enough?
maybe this sounds too mean, but i don't think that will help a singer. there can't be any progress if there's no incentive to improve, is what i'm saying.

rip sorry that got long
yo just happened to be blog-hopping and came across your blog post. although i have zero experience with the collab/cover community here or anywhere else, for that matter, i just wanted to give kudos for the main point you try to get across. i think it's so, so important for society as a whole that people begin learning to accept constructive criticism and viewpoints different from their own and understand that other people are also fine with receiving concrit and open to hearing other perspectives as well. that's how we can continue to improve and educate ourselves. i think this especially vibes with me regarding political opinions and other things - but all in all, just wanted to say thanks for this post. before i make this comment any longer lmao.
what i don't understand is this
when a collab is good people go "omg let's send this to xxx entertainment, you need to be scouted" etc etc (ok most of the time it's just for fun but you know what i mean)
but when a collab is not as good and people leave criticism they go "we do it for fun, it's a hobby"
so when it's good you want it to be taken seriously, but when it's bad oh it's suddenly a hobby.

besides whats wrong in trying to improve even IF it is just a hobby. WHATS WRONG WITH TAKING IN CRITICISM AND USING IT TO IMPROVE YOURSELF i don't understand
i can see my comment there but okay