[[WIP]] pick me! 〉 전니코 is the best trainee

full name
jeon boneui (전본의)
big hit
activity rate
little star

( other name )  nicolas - name used in mexico while he lived there, is actually used to this more than "boneui", mostly bc explaining how to pronounce it was complicated.

( nicknames ) 

― nico ; because of a need for a cute nickname, most of his friends (both mexican and korean) call him this, he's vying for this to be on his nametag instead, it's become habit for his parents as well. 
― niconiconii; by extension, because he has weeaboo friends, he discovered this gag and it has stuck as an unofficial nickname with his closest friends (and now his fans)

( birthday )  04241997 
( hometown )  mexico city, mx   -> seoul, sk
( ethnicity )  ethnically korean, mexican citizen
( languages )

korean — fluent; his parents mainly talk to him in korean at home, and he has some fellow korean friends in his neighborhood to practice
spanish — fluent; he got fluency more by living in mexico, and attending a local school in the zona rosa. 
english — barely conversational; from the small amount of english he learned from his classes, he somehow has a latin american spanish accent when speaking english, which is humorous to other english-speakers. he knows how to ask for directions. 

( face claim )  minsung (romeo)
( back up fc )  mingyu (svt)

( appearance )
height - 182 cm 
weight - 63 kg
no real difference from face claim, other than a helix piercing set that is normally adorned with three black studs.

( style ) this guy has a very simple style due to only recently learning about much effort to put into clothing, so most of his outfits tend to be a hoodie or t-shirt sweatpant combo. (lowkey he dresses like the boi ur mother told you to avoid) examples include this, this and this

baby i'm not a monster

   caption: "hello national producers-- the most apt picture of nico"
( personality traits )  
( + ) perceptive, affectionate, responsible
( ? ) stoic, sensual (?!) , sentimental 
( -- ) inhibited, moody, meddlesome

( elaboration )  
nico is rather perceptive, because he's used to looking after his younger friends at vocal practice and is ready to assist in a time of need. he's got a teacher personality, and can ascertain what is needed by someone through observation skills. probably the most likely to teach fellow trainees routines and his language of spanish (even if they're dumb old memes). in addition, he is affectionate-- a complete subversion of his appearance, and he likes to cling onto people shorter than him and ruffle people's hair. he goes above and beyond in the handsy department, often holding hands or leaning on other trainees, patting them and complimenting them on a job well done. yet, a trait that has been drilled into him since childhood is his responsibility, and he often takes challenges and other tasks very seriously. thus, he works tirelessly to complete things and not be a burden to his team. he expects the same from other, and is used to keeping people on track via light pushing and time-to-time progress check-ins with other trainees.

                caption: "nico being told to close he goddamn mouth"
considering his role as "the gentle giant," his stoic exterior often works in his favor during more mature performances, and is often a goldmine for on-screen memery when he keeps his mouth open for extended amounts of time (a pd said that the longest so far is 20 minutes.) he's got a sort of resting blank face if he doesn't pay attention. he naturally struggles to show emotion naturally unless it is somewhat sensual, which in that case he seems to excel. his forte is the mature/"y" concept as well as fanservice, which is ironic to his giant baby he pulls all the time by hanging off of other people. for this reason, a lot of skinship he does tends to be construed differently by pick me viewers. on the side, he skews more sentimental than expected, and has a weakness for birds and bird looking people, and probably starts crying at the simplest things. the funny thing is that tears stream down his face without too much change to his expression besides sniffling and upturned eyebrows. his theme song is sentimental by winner. 

               caption: "nico when he hears some going down"
finally, his flaws are tied to his sentimentality and overbearing sense of responsibility. he is rather inhibited initially, and it takes a bit for him to become more comfortable in a situation. thus, he often might pass up chances for being "Center" in turn for becoming leader as he would rather focus on one job. in addition, that inability to voice his desires and wants turns into internalized frustration, which can make him moody, and this manifests into less patience with ing around, especially if their team is way more behind than it needs to be. when he reaches a certain point where it can be too much, he will try to calm down by leaving the room to chill with his anger, before returning into the room, and trying to address the situation/apologize for possibly making a scene. (this can be a while, however). also, as someone who feels the need to make sure everything runs smoothly, he can be very meddlesome with others, poking and prodding if there is no response, or the answer is "i don't know." also, this meddlesome trait crosses over to personal matters when there is tension in his group. as a mediator, he strives to find a solution (even if it isn't his problem). it can give him the vibes of someone who is nosy (Which isn't too far from the truth, he gets piqued in gossip sometimes). 

          caption: "dramatic promotional material about trainees"
( background ) 
born in mexico city to office workers associated with the company daewoo electronics, nico has lived a rather interesting life in the pink zone (zona rosa, a korean enclave right in the capital). raised with his older sister, he's mostly attended mexican-majority schools (as the international schools were too expensive) and has dealt with some casual racism and general prejudice due to the tension between the migrant korean community and the established mexican community. however, it has never fully affected him and he's done well to acclimate to his environment, making him a rather well-known kid among his peers.
his start in music was due to cultural events within his locality and a general interest in singing from his parents, who couldn't pursue it in search of other opportunities. his parents respect mexican culture a lot (one of the main reasons why they chose to migrate to work there), and had him thrown into mariachi vocal classes at age 7, and extra vocal classes at 11 so he could improve his technique. it came to the point that, right after leaving school, he would walk to his vocal classes at the local arts center and right after, would go to the park to jam with the mariachi group (which had become his second family).
after a while, due to his grandmother's growing age and dependence, they decided to move back to seoul to care for her. at this time, nico was around 15, which meant he was going to basically attend high school in korea. he enrolled into hanlim school of arts, where he got exposure to the idol industry in korea and to the idea of starting a minor YT channel with his covers. in his second year (age 17) , he decided to audition to JYP because of the "global icon" image the trainees had, but failed to pass and instead, was offered a spot at big hit (mostly due to the recent debut of BTS, and 2am's separation leaving the company in a mess). he took this opportunity and started trainee life at big hit. 
joining "pick me" was half his choice, half his bang-pd's because they wanted to gauge the interest of someone like nico to form a new style of group. 
          caption: "i can't believe this photo exists holy "
( trivia )  
>> likes: vincente fernandez, urban zakapa, dean, most reggaeton, carp bread, baby birds, skinship, long car rides to the beach, the summer time. 
>> dislikes: strawberries, the number 527 (the trainee number he was given, he gets tense about it), freestyle dancing, scented lotion (it gives him headaches)
>> habits: finding any stick-like object and twiddling it with his fingers and mouth, pursing his lips when confused, might cycle through expressions he's been practicing for on stage (which looks like he's going through like 300 moods)
>> most people, since he's a "foreigner", expect him to know english and are amused to different degrees when they find out he highkey at it. 
>> academically, he's rather average and was never in the top 10 or anything. also, he's essentially lived most of his life in mexico so he sometimes mixes up words still as a fluent speaker. he says he's pretty enough to be a trophy husband. 
>> his afterschool activities consisted of mariachi practice as a vocalist and guitar playing.
>> the only dance experience he had prior to trainee life was folklorico dancing with his sister, so he knows the real hat dance. will probably be called out upon it at evaluations. 
>> his youtube channel has a variety of kpop, songs in spanish and kpop done mariachi style (most popular is his rendition of playing with fire by blackpink).
>> if lost, find nearest short person. will most likely be attached to them. he likes small things and people. however, his skinship is indiscriminate. 
>> the trainees have a list called "reasons why nico is crying today," some of them being baby ducklings and legalized gay marriage in taiwan. will probably tear up at beautiful singing. 
thank you for being born

( family ) — 

 father / jeon "juan" hwanjoon / 41 / homemaker / bold, adventurous, tactless [[fc: kim sangwoo]]
his dad is probably the biggest reason why he went into music, because his father always had the dream to make it big without...talent, so he lives vicariously through his son. he's a very proud father for having him even be on the show, so they're rather close. 

 mother / bae "pilar" pilsook / 41 / daewoo regional manager / charismatic, frugal, demanding
his mother worries about him very often, hearing very bad things about mnet's Modus operandi, but supports him regardless. nico used to be a bit of a momma's boy, so he often spoils his mother with shoutouts and tiny gifts (if possible).

 sister / JEON "NATALIA" BONHEE / 21 / choreographr / empathetic, stubborn, flighty [[fc: as's nana]]
the fact that he's a trainee and gets to meet "hot boiz xoxox" is the greatest thing to her. the same way that nico is with vocals, she is with dance (being in various styles since she was a wee bebe). however, she didn't want to get involved and stayed an independent worker at a dance studio. they're close but can fight because of sibling rivalry. 

( friends ) — 

 bff forever / adrian rivera / 18 / student/part time pain in the  / boisterous, absentminded, childish [[fc: cnco's joel]]
despite being younger by only a little bit, nico acts as if he is a literal child. mostly because he acts like one. they've been unseparable since meeting each other in mariachi practice, and will be stuck at the hip. he also looks up to his upperclassman, and defends him (even when he's wrong). when nico is on the show, adrian promotes his presence very heavily on social media, at some point forcing his entire class to watch an episode on a lazy day. also the creator of "niconiconii" nickname. 

this is my coup d'etat

( persona ) "complete reversal" or the rhymey 완전반전 (because of two things: literal translation of "wanjeonbanjeon" and jeon is his last name so it's like a korean 4-character idiom)
( trainee years )  3 years 4 months
( trainee life )  his trainee life has been very easy in the vocal side, but definitely a struggle in the dancing. he can follow choreography, but you cannot ask this man to freestyle and think it will be legitimate. he does train a lot (especially at night), usually with other fellow trainees. bang sihyuk's personal involvement with his trainees and artists means that he's been under the public eye a bit more than other trainees, often working and looking over the mixing/songwriting process. thus, he wants to display at least some of the experience he's gained over the years. 
during the show, he will often practice his dancing late due to his struggle with learning choreo as quick as others (leading to some moments of seeing him frustrated by himself while he's both singing and dancing. he sings aggressively, which is somehow both intense yet unsettling). with his 13 years of vocal experience, he knows a bit about proper technique and often works with his team to correct issues with breathing and support. thus, he's joked to be the "4th vocal trainer of pick me." he's rather close to other trainees his age and younger.
( singing twin ) rokhyun (100%) 
( rapping twin )  parappa the rapper  n/a
this is my coup d'etat
( first of all, please introduce yourself )
"hello. i'm jeon boneui, but better known as "niconiconii~~" nico...sorry. *bows* i'm 20 years old, good at vocals and guitar, but even better at hugs. *winks* thanks for watching! please look after and support me. muchas gracias todos!"
(what is the reason for you to join pick me? )
"i want to experience debut, i'm aware i've been training for less than some people here but this opportunity is incredible, and i know i will learn regardless from all the experiences."
( what song did you audition with? )
"i sang part of  "i don't love you" by urban zakapa and despacito by luis fonsi-sunbaenim to showcase my talents! ~i can also sing my entire interview~ but to save you from that, i won't."
( is there any difficulties while doing the show? )
"...dancing, maybe. also, the stress of working hard and not making it, it's scary to think about. also, i have fallen off of my bunk three times already, can i say that on broadca--oh, okay." 
( what do you think is your strength that will make you shine the most among other contestant? )
"i hope my vocals will shine as much as my determination to make it...i hope my reverse charms can bring you to my side *demonstrates that one "open it" leg move while smirking* also, i am indeed this tall without insoles...ladies and gentlemen." 
( do you think you will make into the final line up? why? )
"i want to be honest...i am striving for the top, and have a strong belief that i can make it far. my own doubts and shortcomings cannot, and i would like to emphasize it, cannot keep me from trying my best, which is what everyone deserves anyway. with this, i hope to have a lot of fun." 
( that's all for now. is there anything else you would like to say? )
"i would like to call out park hyunjae for eating my last bag of takis, you traitor, i thought i could trust you, meet me at the practice rooms at 6 you--"
love lalala
love interest
maybe another contestant that you see fit?
back up
tbh it can be for fanservicey shippy stuff

( personality )  it'd be funny if the other person was a bit more closed off, comedically sassy or something like that. preferably a dude maybe. but anything's cool beans 
( history )  on the show for the first time, i could see it after they're on the same team for the challenges and they grow a friend group until it's like 
feelings barge in and it's a rollercoaster trying to hide it, but also being pushed to demonstrate it for the #fangirls. 
( relationship )  nico, as one half of the relationship, is very affectionate and will follow people he likes to the ends of the earth.  
( ending )  and now inform us of the ending you want for your character and their love interest to end up with. pretty self explanatory, i think
( trivia ) things about them that you want me to know
this is my coup d'etat
( comment / suggestion ): hi i love this idea 
( scene request ): lmao ok like what if they have an sponsorship type cut where they get free except like the things they get are ridiculous (soda streams and compression socks or something) 
( password ): i am a ening mess for kim yehyun


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omg he's awesome