✭ 노세령 is ready to save the world !




jisungssi ✭ daniel ✭ 9/10


CHARACTER NAME: noh seryung

BIRTHDAY: 11/02/1994

BORN IN: daegu, sk

GREW UP IN: los angeles, sk


FACECLAIM: subin (dal shabet)

BACK-UP: sungah (9muses)






HAIR: tends to be rather long, down and a variation of a brown color (often ashier, seemingly grey) 

CLOTHING: she dresses with form fitting outfits, mostly on the darker side with navy blue and black. an outfit she has many iterations of: a button-up blouse that is lighter than the rest of the outfit, a dark-colored bomber jacket (that she uses to get the ladies wink wonk), skinny jeans and white sneakers. she may choose to wear chokers at times. 

PHYSIQUE: standing at around 178 cm, she towers over most girls her height (which is a blessing and a curse) and it relatively lanky, a minimal amount of muscle due to hapkido participation in college. 

OTHER: simple helix piercing beyond the normal lobe, otherwise nothing






blue - pos // purp - neu // pink - neg

observant -
she is good at pointing out smaller details and connecting pieces of a puzzle together, much like a detective. because of her upbringing, she's very used to interpreting people's words and body language and can guess what is happening (of course, not all of the time, but she can narrow it down to a general "feeling")

intellectual - as someone who's studied her entire life to basically continue studying even more, she really expends a lot of her time to learn. she gives off that "i've been in top 5 of my class since kindergarten" vibe, especially at first meeting. she is prone to utilizing jargon in a casual context, but will gladly explain herself if needed. 

jocular - when she is not studying, she can be a bit of a jokester. however, it is not actively in your face, and sometimes the degree of humor may be so roundabout that it can take people 30 seconds to get the joke. often leaning into wordplay and sarcasm, she finds people who take her seriously/go along with the jokes very amusing. 

ambitious - she gets tense if she has not improved or gone up in any form (whether it is a promotion, or she is on another level with someone wink wonk), so she needs upward/forward development. she does not react well to loss of progress, which can get her in a bad mood because she now will put in effort to put it back to where it was (or further, even). 

individualistic - as someone who has grown up in the united states, she does not align herself with the collectivist ideals of korea. she tends to be happier doing things on her own terms, and it's obvious considering she'll be the first to volunteer to do things (mostly so they can be done right). 

intense - she can be intimidating to children and easily-scared adults, which she finds funny. her stance and method of delivering opinions often coax people into listening and believing what she says. this trait is a double-edged sword, as it earns her respect from some peers and taunts from others who want to defy her. 

detached - she doesn't get attached to people easily, and they often have to "prove" themselves to her. this becomes obvious to her peers and coworkers, because her initial demeanor is very business-like, and she only begins to joke and prod people she approves of. her ex-partners have called her frigid for this, particularly. 

pretentious - as a person who's never fallen from the 99th percentile, she believes herself to be some tough . it doesn't become obvious to others that she's pretentious until they get to know her better, and she talks about her ideologies and thoughts. examples of this shining through is the way she addresses people who she doesn't believe worthy enough. 

skeptical - as a woman with a background in science, she's become accustomed to questioning everything in life. this has saved her in many instances, but has also been her downfall (she's lost some friends and partners over this). she hates to be behind, so this stems from a need to be updated with all the correct information.




CHILDHOOD: she's from a well-off family who moved from daegu to los angeles for business expansion, so she has had barely any contact with her parents since finishing elementary school in the states. thus, she's always been in the care of either her mother or her father, or herself. she can't say she is SUPER close to them, but she does view them fondly for giving her the space to succeed academically. her friend groups have always revolved around the "honors" crowd, and they tend to be superficial, if not stepping-stone relationships.
after graduating high school, her parents wanted to return to s. korea, so she decided to pursue a korean university to improve her language skills and get research opportunities. thus, she moved back and has stayed in the country since.

HOW DID THEY END UP IN SEOUL: she moved here after being accepted to yonsei university, and has been working with professors on neuropsych and chemical research. however her secondary job for now, is an english teacher's assistant at underwood college in yonsei. 




LIFESTYLE: she lives in an officetel offered to post-grad researchers via a university grant, which she tends to keep neat and tidy. her day consists of walking to yonsei's english learning department, taking advantage of continental breakfast for employees before aiding around the office for correcting papers and individual language workshops with the professor and students.
after a few hours of that, she grabs lunch at a nearby cafe, and heads to more hours of research and collecting data. she is viewed positively by older coworkers and female peers of the same age, but tends to get male coworkers annoyed/uncomfortable with how she operates/doesn't dumb down for them. 
at the end of her day, which can either be as early as 7 pm or as late as 3 am, she tends to hit the convenience store for some soju and snacks to relax in her officetel. activities include watching music shows/netflix, working out via youtube videos or online shopping (her weakness is to buy dumb novelty , only her friends and people who visit her home know about this). 
on weekends or days she doesn't need to be back early, she goes out to itaewon to talk to women, and destress in another way. 











KANG YEJOON / 24 - one of few coworkers that doesn't find her a threat or as a potential girlfriend. they graduated one year apart from each other, and yejoon enjoys having someone to go clubbing in itaewon with. however, he has a boyfriend now, so they've become a trio that indulges in -talking coworkers and general people they deal with. 

YOON TAERIM / 21 - one of her old exes that has become one of her closer friends mostly because of how similar they are. they rarely see each other because serim is currently promoting in a girl group under MMO ent. they only talk on kakao nowadays, but seryung supports taerim's group by streaming their stuff. 




NAME: song soonha 

AGE: 26

they first met when seryung was being interviewed for her research position, and soonha was the previous receipient of the gwahakjang grant (earning her a spot as an interviewer). they've only interacted once outside of the institute, when soonha drunkedly asked seryung to join her in eating some ice cream.
based on soonha's clumsy retelling, seryung found out that soonha had basically broke off a 3-year relationship with a man after she realized she was getting prepped to be married off (which she did not want as someone who was realizing her ual orientation). because the exchange was messy, she had resorted to drinking a lot and eating half-melted ice cream. 
seryung felt a weird pity with her, and sat with her regardless because of the ice cream flavor (it was rainbow sherbet, and she wasn't going to buy an entire tub of it just yet.)

while seryung found soonha's methods questionable, she did appreciate her resolve to escape something binding, and started slowly hanging out with soonha at work more than usual. 
unexpectedly, seryung can't seem to pinpoint soonha's feelings considering how private she is when sober. thus, they have a strange business-yet-intense stare-off sort of relationship, and other coworkers have noticed it. they say they're friends, but both soonha and seryung don't know whether they even want to proceed into a relationship. 
for now, they remain cordial. 









MAGICAL CHARM: an etude house mint cushion. 










WEAPON'S POWER: it rises out of the cushion as a "ssangjeolbong" or korean nunchaku

SKILL: force fields - they materialize around her and the nunchaku, but can only be present for 10 seconds at a time, and tend to tire her out the larger the radius is. thus, she tends to use it in specialized areas rather than her whole body. 












CHARACTER DEATH: sure sounds cool

PASSWORD: m4sonic - virus bc im a basic ok


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