Dunno what this is called

Taken from hashtagzeusdamn :D


General Info:

♡ Gender: Female

♡ uality: Straight

♡ Height: 5'1"

♡ Eye colour: Broooown

♡ Hair colour: Uh, dark brown?

♡ Relationship status: Forever alone

Favourite things:

♡ Favourite colour: Purple

♡ Favourite song: Right now, The Virus by A Tribe Called Red ft Saul Williams, Chippewa Travellers

♡ Favourite band/artist: 2NE1 *cries*

♡ Favourite YouTuber: Hm...Latte ASMR

♡ Favourite food: SUSHI

♡ Favourite bird: There's this one bird I only know by its song, not its name...I like mallard ducks though.

♡ Favourite animal: I discovered I really like seals. Or otters. Cute buggers.

♡ Favourite celebrity: I'm all about Bae Doo Na right now, but Song Ji Hyo will always be my main.

♡ Favourite time of day: Night

♡ Favourite holiday(s): I don't have one?

♡ Favourite season: Autuuuumn

♡ Favourite fruit: Mango

♡ Favourite flower: Yellow rose

♡ Favourite emoji(s): The one I use most is the laughing crying one...You all know the one I'm sure XD

♡ Favourite app: Twitter

♡ Favourite hobby: (Re)Watching variety shows, mainly Running Man.

♡ Favourite country: OOOOO CAAANADAAAAAA

♡ Favourite weather: Rain <3

♡ Favourite language: ...English?...

♡ Favourite TV show: Elementary

♡ Favourite genre of music: Electronica

♡ Favourite movie(s): Inception, The Lord of the Rings


♡ Name of your gf/bf: N/A

♡ Name of your pet(s): I don't have one/any.

♡ Name(s) of your best friend(s): I also don't have one/any? I just have friends :P

This Or That?

♡ Nerdy or sassy? Nerdy

♡ Looks or personality? Looks

♡ Musician or artist? Musician

♡ Woods or city? I'm a city girl.

♡ TV or YouTube? YouTube

♡ Phone or computer? I prefer computer.

♡ Family or money? Money

♡ Books or movies? Movies

♡ Food or sleep? OMG, um...Food.





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nice A Tribe Called Red :D
also you got Twitter?
Oh Latte ASMR!! I like her too. I found out about her when I was watching Wingit ASMR and babzi on my recommendation. I literally have a thing for Korean ASMR youtubers lol