What to do when Parents force you to study a major..

My parents have always told me I have to go the Dentist route because you know, it makes the bucks and keeps food on the table.

It's such an Asian answer but I really don't want to go the Dental - I don't even want to be in the Medical field.

But I can't tell my parents that; they'll attack everything else I suggest I want to do.



I've always at math and science and so I knew even after school I would never want to work in that field. 

Even the college I'm going to this fall, I got in through a really easy major and I was honestly completely fine with it. But my parents are forcing me to change my major so it will suit the medical route I am going and I am just.. done.

I was looking at all the prerequisites I need to get into Dental school and that just made me want to go hang myself.

All these requirements that were Math and Science based just made me feel like someone was suffocating me because I knew I can't handle the rigor of these hard classes; I barely bassed AP Bio in High school and did poorly in science and math.

I don't know what to do..

I just feel really sad and feel like my future is already over because I can't pursue what I want to do..


I know EVERY PERSON has told me


"No matter how long it takes you have to convince your parents"

"In 50 years your parents not will be there it's your life"

and something along these lines


hahahahahahaha you really think I haven't tried



There's no answer for me anymore


I really just.. don't know what to do.

Maybe in a few years I won't even be alive because I'll hate this life so much.
















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i realized i never finished this sentence, sorry
*if you don't advocate for yourself and really /show/ them you care about whatever you want to do, then your parents are even less likely to take you and your opinion seriously.
i get it that you feel like you can't convince your parents. however, if you give up now, it seems like maybe you weren't that passionate about what you wanted to do, and that it didn't matter nearly enough to you in order for you to keep trying to persuade your parents. they're adamant about you being a doctor? then fight back even harder. if you don't advocate for yourself and really /show/ them you care about whatever you want to do. also, if you haven't already, try using facts. research the amount of money a person pursuing your passion can make, and compare that with a doctor. try and get multiple ranges of salaries and highlight the good parts.
overall, be passionate and perservering. you may feel like this is a hopeless cause, but you've gotta keep going if you even want the slightest chance of winning. giving up, you'll most certainly be forced into the medical field. not giving up, you might stand a chance. good luck!
I know this will sound lame at this point now that you have already tried but try convincing them again, maybe through other people in family who understand you
If you dont fit the requirement than I suggest that its best for you not to persue it or else it will be very very tough on you. Do you have any siblings ? If yes try make them to help you convinced your parent. Have you thought of getting help from people in this field to like try talk some sense to your parent ? I think its best to let them consult people from this field and ask for opinion probably that way they'l have a better understanding on the real situation. Sometimes people can be alittle bit ignorant to just understand things based on what they believe . However do understand that your parent wants the best for you . So be patient while trying to convinced them. Try understand their point as a parent as well so that it dosent effect your relationship with them. As for me , i think its best to do what makes you happy because thats the only motivation to like keep you going. So think twice and think properly . After all its your own future and you are the one thats going to live with it . Whatever choice that you decided to take / persue you have got to be responsible for it . I hope that your parents too will be more understanding . Hopefully they'l try open their mind and heart. Never give up after all every parents love their own child so there's always hope and chances . Stay strong .. May the favours be with you.