‹ IXT › Gabby // U7

replace with fc 120*172

  Gabriella park  

birthname. Park, Gabriella

– Gabby :: Very common nickname
– G :: Her sister started calling her that

date of birth. January 1, 1994
birthplace. Manhatton, New York
hometown. Manhatton, New York
ethnicity. Korean
nationality. American
language spoken. 

– English :: fluent :: mother langauge
– Korean :: fluent :: she has loved kpop for years and taught herself




Charming – Gabby is relaxed and warm, and her “live and let live” attitude naturally makes her likable.
Sensitive to Others – Gabby easily relates to others’ emotions, helping her to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.
Imaginative – Being so aware of others’ emotions, Gabby uses creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts. While it’s hard to explain this quality, this vivid imagination and exploratory spirit helps her in unexpected ways.
Passionate – Beneath Gabby's quiet shyness beats an intensely feeling heart. When she is caught up in something exciting and interesting, she can leave everything else in the dust.
Curious – Ideas are well and good, but Gabby needs to see and explore for herself whether her ideas ring true. Work revolving around the sciences may seem a poor match for her traits, but a boldly artistic and humanistic vision is often exactly what research needs to move forward – if she is given the freedom she needs to do so.
Artistic – Gabby is able to show her creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. Whether writing a song, painting an emotion, or presenting a statistic in a graph, she has a way of visualizing things that resonates with her audience.

Fiercely Independent – Freedom of expression is often Gabby's top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for her. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge.
Unpredictable – Gabby dislikes long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in her relationships.
Easily Stressed – Gabby lives in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, she can shut down, losing her characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth.
Overly Competitive – Gabby can escalate small things into intense competitions, turning down long-term success in her search for glory in the moment, and is unhappy when she loses.
Fluctuating Self-Esteem – It’s demanded that skills be quantified, but that’s hard to do with Gabby’s strengths of sensitivity and artistry. Her efforts are often dismissed, a hurtful and damaging blow. She can start to believe the naysayers without strong support.


Gabriella was born three months premature, but she and her older twin sister made it. Her mother always said that she knew she got perfection with her three girls after seeing her so they stopped having kids. 
As a young girl Gabriella was usually on the outside, not that it bothered her or anything. That way she had more time to spend doing things she liked rather than trying to keep up with others. She liked it that way, but her sister would try to pull her in sometimes. 
It was clear that Gabriella liked music. She learned to play the piano and violin before the age of twelve and was learning the flute in high school. While other kids were going to parties, she was memorising Bach and Mozart for fun. 
Newer style music didnt interest her at all, that is until she came upon a group. She doesnt know how she found them but she is glad she did. Girls Generation Gee was the first song of Kpop she ever heard and she needed more.
She started slightly obsessing over them, she wanted to be like them. She taught herself to sing and to speak Korean, that was the hard part. There wasnt anyone that she could share in her obsession with so she was alone on that. 
All through out high school Gabriella made plans to audition for SM Entertainment, just so that she could meet Girl Generation. She did audition once, but they flat out told her no. She didnt get discuraged though, she still was going to keep trying. 
After graduation her parents insisted that her and her twin sister go on a trip, see the world before going to college. They were going to pay for it so why not. Half the time Gabriella had to all but drag her sister around but it was fun. 
When they were in China, Gabriella saw a flier. SM Entertainment was going to be holding auditions in the city they were in two weeks. She started dragging her feet and finding more reasons to stay. She was running out of distractions and they still had a week to go. 
Luck was on her side though, her sister got sick. Not sick enough that they had to leave, but Gabriella stayed with her sister until she was able to move around. 
Even more luck, by the time of the auditions her sister was feeling better, enough to go out. Gabrialla convinced her sister that it would be a good thing to go, strech a little plus they both liked to sing, why not. 
When they got there her sister looked horribly pale but Gabriella was willing her to hold on, at least until their audition. 
After they both auditioned, they packed their things, cut their vaction short and went home. Her sister went to the hospital and Gabrialla checked the mail religiously waiting to hear back. She got her letter first. It was just a small envillope so she knew she dindt get in. A few days later her sister got a large envillope saying she was accepted. Gabriella convinced her to do it and she left. 
Gabriella auditioned three more times over the next few months before finally being accepted in. She was elated to start


face claim. Lime
backup face claim. Nari

appearance. Gabriella is 169 cm tall and weighs 47 kg. She she long, dark brown hair and her skin is darker than the others. She doesnt mind though. 
style. Gabriella doenst really like exposing herself and is quite uncomfortalbe with her stomach showing. She likes to be in strech pants and a large shirt the most


– likes
Cheese cake
– dislikes
Summer heat
Ghost stories
– hobbies
Playing the piano
– habits
When she cant sleep she will go crawl in her sister bed
When she is stressed the best thing to do is just be touching her
– trivia
She doesnt move at all in her sleep
She has very elegant, looping penmanship
She is a bad swimmer
She can hardly walk in heels
She cant cook
She likes to sketch
She likes when someone sleeps in the same bed as her
She has a super, ultra mega crush on Johnny
SNSD are her idols
She wants a Pomski
She wants to visit New Zealand
She doesnt like being on boats at all


– Dad :: Daniel Park ( 59 ) / Teacher / Very kind, understanding / 7/10

– Mom :: Marie Park ( 59 ) / Painter / Quiet, peace keeper / 9/10

– Older sister :: Anna Park ( 27 ) / Hair stylist / Bubbly, talkative / 6/10

– Twin sister :: Gabriella Park ( 23 ) / Trainee / Sassy, outgoing / 10/10

   extra section title

plotline. U7
backup plotline. U3

stage name. Gabby
persona. Hippy Musicion
talent twin. 

– vocal twin :: Yoonjo
– dance twin :: Alice

trainee years. 2 years, 10 months
trainee life. The second she landed in Incheon she took a deep breth and smiled. It smelled horible but she was still so happy. The training was hard on Gabriella, but she didnt mind. She loved singing, she was on her way to becoming a kpop star and she was in the same entertainment as Girls Generation. What else is there? 
It was over a year before she got to meet them. She was doing a late night practice when there was a knock on the door. She came face to face with Sunny, Yuri and Hyoyeon. She squeeled like a child and pleeded for a picture. She was sweaty and gross but didnt care. They all obliged and she left them to practice. 
In the begining of 2017 SM announced there was going to be a new girl group, NCT's sister group. Gabriella was stoked, she thought she was in a pretty good place as a trainee, she had a shot. 
As the names were announced, there was only two spots left and there were plenty of trainees better than she was. She decided two members ago that she wasnt going to be a member and she was devistated. This was her dream, she did nothing else for the past five years. She understood though, the others were younger, had more years to make the company money, yeah she could sing but there were... Her name was called twice before she realised it. She was going to be a member of ixt, she did it
predebut activites. here



please introduce yourself. Annyeonghaseyo, I am ixt's main vocalist, Gabby. 

what do you feel about debuting in a group with such a concept. I dont even care, I just want to be up on stage. If I could be on stage for one night and hold a banner...to see all the people and hear them cheering, to make people happy...thats all I want to do. 

how would you describe your relationship with the other ixt members. I really like Ziyun but I swear if she doesnt start keeping her part of the room clean I am going to put all of her things in the living room and lock the door. 
I really like that when I'm stressing out she can help me

briefly describe your relationship with the nct members. *blushes furiously* (Everyone can tell that Gabriella has a monster of a crush on Johnny, even he can tell. He thinks its cute.)

name one sm artist that you look up to. Sunny

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

  Seo Youngho  

back up. here

– Helpful, optimistic, outgoing, wild, very nit picky, snarky

love story. 

– The first time Gabriella saw Johnny was when he was when a group of SM Rookies were dancing in one of the studios. She shamelessly was standing there watching when a voice called out from behind her to just go in to watch. She squeeled, jumped and ran off before even looking to see who said it. 
A few days later a trainee approched her, he walked up to her very slowly with his arms spread wide, how you approched a scared animal. He apoligised for scaring her and asked if she wanted to watch them dance. Her face turned beet red and she didnt answer.
Over the next few weeks she activly avoided him. She found out his name and roughly when he would be where so she could be somewhere else. She thought he was just so dreamy and tall. 
Months went by before they had another interaction again. Cue the music and lights, Gabriella was running through the building, she was late for practice. As she was dodging through people she slammed into a body so hard the two of them went flying at the floor. She landed squarly on Johnny's chest and was inches away from his face. When he saw who it was he grinned and chuckled. She jumped to her feet and apologised as she ran away. When she got around the courner she stopped and wrapped her arms around her chest, she actually touched him!! 
Somehow, (probably her sister) he got her number and kakato name. He would randomly send her little messages like 'I'll be on the north side of the building today so you wont trip over me' or 'Were practicing in room 313 at nine if you want to watch.' She was always embarrised but she would walk past and catch a glimps of them dancing. 
After Johnny debut with NCT she didnt randomly see him anymore. He was much busier with his group. She didnt tell anyone, but she got tickets to one of their concerts just so she could watch him with out him being able to see her. She even cheered for him with the other fangirls. 

After ixt debut things changed again. Gabrialla was busy with her own group but she found herself running into him more and more. They were sibling groups after all. 
Fans somehow noticed something too. They started photoshopping them together, wrighting fan fiction about them, their ship name became Jabby. 
Johnny loved it but when anyone ever brought the two of them up, MC's media, fans, he would shift the conversation away from Gabriella. 
More than once when they were on stage together he would go stand by her. He told himself that it was just for the fans, but he knew he was lying to himself. 

status. Label mates
ending. Johnny took a step back from everything and looked at it all. He really did love her passion and how she could talk to other people and connect so easily. He realised that he liked when they were together. 
He doesnt know when it happened, but Johnny started to like Gabriella back too

   FlowerChild94: cas : 7/10

last words.  hello?

scenes requests.

– Gabriella is having a meltdown at the building. The stress built up and she doesnt know what to do anymore. She found a little courner and tucked her self in it so that she could cry and break down alone. 
Johnny was walking past when he heard sobbing and he stopped to make sure no one was hurt. When he saw it was Gabriella he paused. He stood there for longer than nessisary before squeezing in next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on him until she stopped then he offered to walk her home. 

password.  iFan


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