Author // Reader tag (inspired by everyone and tagging everyone)

As a writer I...


1. When I built a character that suddenly takes their own reign. A character that knows what they want and knows who's in charge (them). When I create a character that doesn't have to be forced out into writing, but forces me to write about their story. 

2. When A CHEMISTRY BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS HIT THE SWEET SWEET SPOT. You may plan about character A and character B having the most bomb chemistry ever, but tbh you'll never know if it'll work until you write it. And you know you succeed in creating good character relationship when as you write their dialogue bit, it just flows out of your brain like the water in a clear river. And ofc when you inevitably end up shipping the life out of them even it was weirdest OTP pair ever.

3. When you have that URGE to write. That feeling?? That tells you you NEED to write RIGHT NOW. And when it hits you can just nyoom past and write idk 5k words in a sitting (which for me is a big deal lmao im a slow writer)

4. When people comment and appreciate my story. In any shape or form. Even just a string of unintelligible ajxikqbzjjencjs on my s or one line of 'this is good! Keep it up!' On my normal stories. Like, thankyou, thankyou very much. But you know I feel even more happier when someone put a bit more time to go into details on their comment, who doesn't lol. Esp when they compared your writing style to the directing style of pixar movies? (Cough Yoom cough). But thb i will feel the utmost happiness when a commenter says that my idea is unique or that it makes them 'feel' something. Mission accomplished lol.

5. RESEARCHING. Tbh. My type of procrastination when I need to do something important is wikipedia/wikia spelunking. Just going down down down that rabbit hole of links after links of learning silly unimportant stuff like concubine ranks in medieval Korea or the entire plot of Attack on Titan or history of WW1. The sky is the limit but yeah. 

6. World buildiiiiiing. Costume designing, pinterest boards, locations, culture, landshape, nations, clans, etcetcetc. Which is why I love to write fantasy stories lol i just love creating the world that comes with the characters. Even if it's a non-fantasy story, I will still love to just, world build. Ya know it's really fun i can't help it.

7. Well as a writer I love writing LOL



1. Writing paddings in between actions... i mean not that I hate it, but I just don't know how to keep it from pandering for too long. I dont want to bore my reader with long... winding... useless... padding chapters where nothing happens (because one of my weak point is not knowing when to cut it short in a story)

2. When a character just Doesn't Want To Cooperate. When a character doesn't work but you're in too deep and now you can't change anything without rewriting everything from scratch. 

3. As a writer I hate writing LOL you know when you have an idea you really want to read, but only you can write it because only you know the details of the story and why can't scientist make a machine where you can just... take ideas from your brain and just make it to reality??? I just want to read my idea, I'm too lazy to write it! 

4. Not able to convey a scene exactly like how you have it in your mind. Like, you know how it should look, you know what the character does, you know what will happen, but the words???? Are not there??? Like please???? Come back to me??? 


As a reader I...


1. A story that makes you feel like your heart was wrenched dry. Like someone took your heart and squeeze the feels out of it like it's a wet rag. A story that haunts you, that makes you think about the scenes and go *squee*. Tbh if I need to take a moment to breathe when I read the story, you know it's a good story for me.

2. A story where the characters have a very nice chemistry?? Like a believable, cute, matching chemistry. 

3. Stories where the characters are unique and very fleshed out. I loveeeee characters that are not stereotypes of who they are. (E.g., BTS' V is a 4D AB type, Etc) I even like it more if the story just... based the idols/character in the broadest sense but then they flesh them out to fit with the universe that their characters were written into.

4. As for genre, for fanfics I love to read... tbh i only read fanfics if it's about Sansa Stark or Susan Pevensie (or any characters that I like in a show/movie I watch). No preferable genre. As long as it features them and it has a good premise (and it's completed) I'll read it. For non-fanfic works, I only mainly read murder mystery, fantasy, or science fiction. Even then I often only go to books that I REALLY want to read? I never like, go and buy/borrow a random book off the shelf. 

5. I like stories with an ensemble cast. (A good ensemble cast) idk why, I think the more the merrier? 

6. I love cross overs and world mashups and genre jumping (as in, GoT characters in tHG universe or narnia characters in kingsman universe) it's fun to see how a character will react when they're in a different setting from what I'm used to see them in. 

7. I like a good LMAO



1. Reality defying occurrences in stories set in the reality as we know it. Tbh it's mostly if a story defy normal biological occurrences (because out of bio/chem/phys I'm most familair with bio lol i won't even notice if you mess up your chem/phys facts I really wont). Basically poorly researched story. Like. Don't. Write. Something. If. You. Know. It. Won't. Ever. Happen. IRL. PLEASE. I mean yes human bodies are weird and from a real source I know someone who was shot in the head was able to still communicate through blinking for quite some time after they were shot with a gun. A bullet. A real bullet coming from a real gun but guys. Please. Don't stretch it out too thin.

2. Cop out plot twist. A good plot twist (at least for me) should've make sense if you reread the story. But if it's like BAM THE KILLER IS THE CLOWN THAT WAS ONLY INTRODUCED ONE CHAPTER BEFORE THE REVEAL. No. no. Stop. Please. Don't. If your plot twist is more like the Happening than the Sixth Sense, you gotta stop. (Even then at least the Happening's plot twist mAKES SENSE)

3. This will be super broad but well I dislike reading badly written stories (aren't we all). IDK what it is, a childish writing style (i mean i know you gotta start from somewhere and nobody was born and immediately writes like Stephen King but..), or awful grammar (i'm okay with inconsistent tense or some blunders here or there because i do it myself. But if i read your story and I don't even understand what the hell you're trying to say? Sorry dear, not for me) 

4. Condescending story? Wait maybe not condescending, but like where everything is spelled out to the reader. I mean... we can think, guys? We can connect the dots you don't need to spell everything to us. 

5. Unbelievable character. Not in an OOC sense, but more of a, human sense. Like, characters that do such stupid decision, characters that act in such unbelievable way. I know as humans we are a weird, unusual bunch, but I only can suspend my disbelieve for so much. Sorry.

6. I hate miscommunication plot. You know those cheap attempt at creating drama that would've been easily solved if only the two characters shut up and listen to each other. I mean, IF both of the characters' personality suit the 'imma not gonna talk to u if im mad idc go kick urself on the bum' then ok. Ok. If it's nicely written and believable then ok. But if it's just in the slightest, tiniest bit silly and cliched and forced and lazily written then it's my number one most hated cliched trope ever.

7. Anatomically inaccurate . People. Please. It's so obvious that you don't know anything if you mistook the oris for the g spot. And humans only have two hands maximum unless you're a conjoined twins. 

8. While in the topic of (this is going to nitpicking area), but people who write 'first time' ual penetrative encounter to be the best thing ever. People (esp girls), no. Just. No.

9. Tbh I never understand mpreg and gender bend. I mean ok mpreg for dramatic purposes whatever (don't understand why you can't achieve the same thing through adoption tho like...) but gender bend? Just... write a same relationship it's exactly the same??? Dynamic??? And everything??




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