
Hello! It's me, MotionlessMe or formerly known as El_Dorado :) How's everyone doing? I hope everyone is healthy and happy with their own family and friends!. It's been awhile since I posted a new blog. I was so busy with collage so I've got no time to update my blog or write a new story but now I do have some time to kill and I choose to write a new blog! So back to the main topic of our discussion for today, as you guys can see by the title of my post, I have a skin problem which is called eczema. Yes. I have been diagnosed by the doctor that I have eczema. Before this I have a lot of skin problem including fungus infection, allergic dermatitis, abscess and so on due to my blood because I have blood infection which is there is bacteria in my blood.  I visited the doctor last week to get my abscess removed again -yes, since 2015, I have a lot of abscess especially around my scalp, thigh and recently on my armpit *weekkkk, I hope you guys won't puke*- so when I showed my doctor my arm and armpit -the eczema is round my arm both on left and right side- she asked me what happen to my arm and I told her it is a fungus infection -because the last time I went to the clinic, another doctor told me it is a fungus infection- and then she was like nooooo!it's not fungus infection!it's eczema! I was like what? so after the consultation she gave me a cream which is an antibiotic cream to heal my skin. But apparently it is not working at all. So right now I am writing a blog because I really want to be healthy again, having a nice smooth skin again like I was before. It's feels really uncomfortable to have skin problem. I cannot sweat a lot because if I start to sweat, my skin will start itching. I feel upset, uncomfortable, disgust with my own skin. With a big patch of dry,red, scalpy and sometimes bleeding skin make me feel really uncomfortable. Even the medicine the doctor gave to me is not working at all :( . I just cannot deal with it anymore. So right now, I really need your help. I do really need your help. Can you tell me what medicine is good for this type of skin problem? what should I do in order to cleanse my body inside and outside? Just tell me anything that I need to know in the comment section below and I appreciate every single comment that you guys write. Till the next blog, thank you for reading and God bless you all.


-19th years old with the height of 159cm-


Have a good day.



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I have eczema tooooo....

1. Never touch / peel it with your nails .
2. Make sure your skin always expose to air so that your skin can breath .
3. Eat/drink vitamin c .
4. You can make some hot/warm tea and wipe you skin .Tea inflammatory .
5. If your skin is too dry you can put coconut oil / jojoba oil .
6. Control your stress level . More stress = more eczema will come out .

If you are from Malaysia I can suggest you some very good clinic for eczema .
I just searched and read a few reviews, if nothing is working anymore than you can try Ayurveda Medicine, it's a bit traditional and may seem weird to western world but give it a try, don't try anything without consulting Ayurvedic doctors though
I have no idea about your problems or it's solution but I would recommend you to look for solution under traditional "ayurveda" practices, they basically have herbs for these kind of problems, I've heard in this healthcare show.
Look I'll try to look into this, I'm not sure but maybe elders would know something.